Do you take your tama everywhere?


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
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I do. Just wanted to know because since I'm a guy, people give me strange looks when I'm playing it in public. :) I take mine everywhere because I hate pausing it. We even went to Hawaii together! :furawatchi:

When I still had mine active I used to take my tama's EVERYWHERE!

They had been on so many hoildays with me, xD.

I usually got pictures of them if I went somewhere, like to Brisbane, camping, etc xD.

Once when I was in Brisbane in Toys R Us I had my tama around my neck and another girl with a tama and she asked to connect!

Hehe. =]


Yeah.. One guy I know doesn't like to play them out in the open (but begs me to buy him a new tama battery.) My one active tam I do take around with me, but it's been a while.

I haven't had an unpaused active tama in a couple of weeks so no, I don't take it everywhere.

I used to when I had my first v2 tama running- even held it up to 'see' a movie at a theatre- but now one most active one is out of batteries and the other is still on pause.

xD I take Juan just about everywhere. On my vacation time he went to a waterpark and in the water :D Of course in a waterproof container.(You know one of those things you put your money in so it stays dry) Also he went with me to my first time in a Casino. I must have looked strange playing the slot machines with a Tamagotchi by my side.

I take mine everywhaere,but I don't really play with like at the mall or something rather.

I don't care getting seen in public playing with em.I still take very good care of em though :D I am very proud taking them everywhere with me.Also they help me when i get bored at a boring place.


I use to take it everywhere. O__0 I use to sneak it at school at times.

For Three Reasons:

1) People at my school pick at you for having tamagotchi's

2) Some People beg you to play with your tamagotchi.

3) Teachers take them away. T_T

And at stores most people look at you strangely if you have one, where I live. X__X

[SIZE=7pt]Because they think it's wrong for boys to have tamagotchi's.[/SIZE]

Now-a-days, I just keep it in hanging in my paused in my room, it's been their for over a month! > :D Most people at school bring their tama's with them at school, hung on their ID tags, and sit there and let them die. xD

No, but it's quite funny, actually... I have 8 Tamagotchis, but none of them have working batteries! :D I have batteries to replace them, but most the time I forget to.. I'm actually waiting for the V4.5! I live in Kansas, but have no idea if they're out yet. I think I'll check now.. Heh. But when I get my V4.5, I'll probably end up taking it everywhere with me, of course. (Except school.. People will also think I'm a dork for having a Tamagotchi, which is of course untrue in my opinion. And it will probably get taken away, and die. A kid at my old school took his, and it ended up on the teacher's desk. Unpaused. So I had to pause it for him, because I took care of it the previous night, and didn't want my hard work to go to waste! Because I got him a Mametchi..)

And at stores most people look at you strangely if you have one, where I live. X__X

[SIZE=7pt]Because they think it's wrong for boys to have tamagotchi's.[/SIZE]
There nothing wrong with a boy liking Tamagotchi. If thats what you like don't let those people get you down.

I know the look your talking about except they do it to me because of my age. I guess they are under the belief that 21 year old women shouldn't play with a childrens toy. :D I guess Tamagotchi just has some kind of happy childhood memory for me.

I am, also, a person who carries their tamas around [almost] everywhere.

once, when I had only a v3, and I never heard of a v4 before, I went to mexico with it. It went through the item scanner at the airport [i was scared half to death], went on a airplaine ride all the way there, and when we got there, I played with it during the whole tour bus ride to our hotel. my dad made me not play with it for the rest of the vacation, or he would throw it away. I paused it and turned the screen upwards so i could see the screen without touching it. =)

now, I have 1 v3 and 2 v4s that I carry around school connected to a kuchipatchi neck chain around my neck. I'm going into 8th grade, so yeah people look at me as if I was rip van winkle. X_x

so, that's just me! 0_o

@complete tama fanatic@

haha yeah i get bored in public unless im acting stupid :)

but yeah he went to FLorida with me..well actually she right now XP

I bring any Tamagotchi or Digimon currently running, as well as my cell phone with Tamagotchi Angel installed on it, everywhere. I'm very open about being a virtual pet raising maniac. So open that I talk to the waitresses at my local restaurant about them. They absolutely love my Tamas and Digimon there.

I use to take it everywhere. O__0 I use to sneak it at school at times.For Three Reasons:

1) People at my school pick at you for having tamagotchi's

2) Some People beg you to play with your tamagotchi.

3) Teachers take them away. T_T

And at stores most people look at you strangely if you have one, where I live. X__X

[SIZE=7pt]Because they think it's wrong for boys to have tamagotchi's.[/SIZE]

Now-a-days, I just keep it in hanging in my paused in my room, it's been their for over a month! > :lol: Most people at school bring their tama's with them at school, hung on their ID tags, and sit there and let them die. xD
I am in exactly the same situation as you... i'm a guy and i love tamas. :wacko:

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