Do you think a girl's relationship with her father


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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I've heard that a girl's relationship with a father can effect her relationship with boys/men.

I think so because if the father does not show his daughter love and respect, she may try to find it elsewhere by trying to fillt he void with guys and sex. Or if he abuses his daughter she may also feel the need to satisfy with sex or go the opposite and be fearful of men.

I know a girl who is not in good relations with her dad and I can tell all she really wants is attention from him but the best she feels she can get is with guys. She likes the attention those guys give her but many just want the sex. So they give her what she wants, she gives herself to them and then they turn out to be real jerks. It's heartbreaking. :D

What do you think? What is your relationship with your father and what is in turn your relationship with guys/men?

I do think relationships with family in general really have an effect on anybody, as far as other relationships go as well.

Most of the time, I would think if a girl is abused by her father, she'll be fearful, but obedient to men. It's sad, and I find it scary... And just a thought I have, that's not always the case.

And you're right, otherwise, many girls will look for the attention in other men, and it usually won't end well that way.

I have a strong relationship with my dad, thankfully. The only way he affects my relationships will be his being protective over me. :D

They actually did some study and it showed that girls who had a good relationship with their father tended to be more attracted to boys who looked like their father. If they had a bad relationship with him, then they didn't like boys who looked like their father. I'm pretty sure that's what the study was; I might be remembering incorrectly, though.

I love my father very much and I know he loves me. My family, however, isn't as 'vocal' about loving someone as other families. I can't remember the last time I hugged my dad or said "I love you" to him (or vice versa). I actually used to be terrified of my dad. :D He was very loud and would sometimes get angry, which scared me. I wasn't very close to him either, because I never saw him very often. Once my parents got divorced I saw my dad a lot more and realized his true character.

I love my dad very much, though, and I feel that he is one of the best people in the world. From first impressions of his behavior, someone might not think he would be a good or appropriate father. He is extremely kind, though, and really is much better at parenting than my mom. He doesn't let us get away with stuff, and has instilled a good set of morals in me.

With boys, I really just get along well with them. I don't go around wanting to have a boyfriend all the time or obsess over guys, but I do have 'crushes' sometimes. :)

I feel that a persons relationship with their family will probably effect the way they act towards other people, including the way a girl acts towards a boy. However, I don't believe that if someone had a bad relationship with their father/was abused by him they will necessarily get into bad relationships with boys. Some people who get along fantastically with their fathers get into bad relationships and will have sex with anyone they meet, while some people who were abused by their fathers will be more careful with who they go out with/sleep with.

Well, I am rather distant from my Dad. He's kind of annoying. xP

But, it hasn't been heartbreaking for me. No, not at all.

I think it all depends on the girl. Especially with circles like your friend seems to be getting into.

Fathers don't have to always be in life for a person to be successful. Its not that that makes you screwed up, usually. Its something else. Unless you had a strong bond with them and then it shattered. When you never really had that bond, well, you aren't affected by it.

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[SIZE=7pt]I don't think so really. It may effect my one friend. She had a strong bond with her father but he doesn't want her to have a boyfriend, so when she gets one, she said he is going to murder him. Depressing?[/SIZE]
My father's relationship with me is cool, he doesn't embarrass me in front of friends, but when I use his computer, I save some pictures (i.e. avatars, or pictures) and I find disturbing pictures. It's heartbreaking to me, to see my dad hypnotized by women. It's been bothering me since I was 12. Many men are after the looks, not the personality. I hardly ever talk to guys, and the guys just talk to me. I'm not into guys these days, I don't really have time because my family's getting poor with bills (my uncle was hospitalized last week, and he had a loan from the bank). Everything's crazy here.

Definitely. My father and I are extremely dysfunctional, we can't even speak to each other without fighting. I don't have much respect for him because of his...less than desirable lifestyle and the way he treats certain family members including myself.

I used to be a very open person with my romantic feelings and very positive about things. As a result of years of bad fighting between me and my father, I have become very guarded with my feelings and very defensive towards a boyfriend if I feel he is starting to treat me badly. I think I'm too quick to become defensive about a lot oof things, and this leads to a lot of fighting in my romantic relationships as well. It affects my feelings about relationships, and in relationships, in ways that I really don't like. 'm trying to work on being aware of the effects and trying to lessen or change them, but it really is hard.

Yes, they way you interact with other males in your family definitely affects the way you communicate with your male peers.

For example, my father is a strict man. He likes bashing me for what I do wrong, and never praises for my rights. So whenever a guy praises me, my heart feels so I deserved it.

I read in TIME magazine that girls are naturally sexually attracted to their fathers, and guys with their mothers. I don't think that's true though...because I know I don't feel anything like that towards my father.

But, nevertheless, I am quite the social butterfly and most of my friends are's weird. I know that my father was born and raised in Bangladesh. It was a very different place than America is now. He's used to harshness. HIS father was also a harsh man, so I guess he was groomed to be rude. :(

So I guess it matters where you are, who you're dealing with, and how you react.


My dad used to beat me. Along with other problems I've had, most guys terrify me.

I think a girl's relationship with her dad means a lot when it comes to relationships with other men.

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