Do you think Bandai should make rodentgotchis?


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Which type of rodentgotchi do you think they should make?

  • Hamstergotchi of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mousegotchi of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gerbilgotchi of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ratgotchi of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guineapigotchi of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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!*! Hinotamatchi ! Lover !*!

Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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This is a poll to see what rodent you like best, because all rodents are cute! And also, if we get enough votes for one, like hamster or mouse, we could make up a hamstergotchi, mousegotchi, ratgotchi, guineagotchi, gerbilgotchi and more and send a letter to Bandai about making one! Then they could go into stock instead of Tamagotchis! I have a hamster at home, and my friend has been wanting to get one, but her parents keep saying "NO!" I made this because if we made a rodentgotchi, out of a tamagotchi, maybe it will be a rodent it's whole life! So, should we?

It's, er, a good idea. I was thinking about making tiny, tiny, tiny tamagotchis for rodents, but it would be hard an unlikely to finish B)

I voted Hamstergotchi. Hamsters rock the universal plains!

Universal plains? Whoa, no more sugar rushes for me.

I vote Hamsterotchi! Hamsters shall take over the planet one day.


To everybody ignorant about rabbits:

Just for the record, rabbits aren't rodents. They're lagomorphs, as their teeth do not grow endlessly.

i agree with the above hamsters most likely will rule the planet some day, besides they r just cute! actually i want to be able to buy my tamagotchi a pet hamster from the shop....i love hamsters..the end!

A rat would be great! Rats make wonderful, intellegent, gentle pets. They also do not bite as often as ANY other rodent pet, and that is nice, too! :furawatchi: I have had rats for about 10-11 years(I am 19), and have been seriously bitten once, absolutely my fault. I love them, and a virtual rat would be SO cute!!


I think a hamstergotchi. Guini pigs just stink, and gerbils, and rats poop too much, and mice are too frantic and.. and.

But Hamsters are cute and cuddly, and they don't stink (If you take good care of them, if not, WHEW!) and they let you hold them. Mostly I just think they're cute.

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This is a poll to see what rodent you like best, because all rodents are cute! And also, if we get enough votes for one, like hamster or mouse, we could make up a hamstergotchi, mousegotchi, ratgotchi, guineagotchi, gerbilgotchi and more and send a letter to Bandai about making one! Then they could go into stock instead of Tamagotchis! I have a hamster at home, and my friend has been wanting to get one, but her parents keep saying "NO!" I made this because if we made a rodentgotchi, out of a tamagotchi, maybe it will be a rodent it's whole life! So, should we?

Hamstergotchis of course! HAMSTERS ARE THE BEST!! I also love the hamster tamagotchi! ;)

Bye for now!

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