Do you think that it's annoying or whatever


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Well-known member
May 30, 2006
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Do you think it's annoying when you're looking at topics, and there's like eight topics with the most recent poster being the same person over and over again?

I'm just curious since I've been doing that lately, haha. ^^;

I personally don't think it's annoying at all.

No, it just means that person is having a read through and answering. also means that no one else is actually posting at the same time as them. Afterwards someone else will come and post in the topics that interest them too and so on. :)

Yea sometimes especially when it's about Miley darn that woman! ( Sorry spaz attack ) LOL!

I actually kind of like when the same person posts multiple topics because I think it's interesting to see what's on their mind and up for discussion. ;)

I don't think it's annoying...

I hate boyfriend topics and Miley ones.

I remember I joined Tamatalk because it was a nice organized forum with no stupid topics like the ones listed above....I guess TT has changed...

For the most part, no.

When it's someone posting over and over in replies to a different person in each reply, it bugs me. Or when they reply to someone but don't quote them.

For me it depends on what the topic's about.Example:

If it's a Miley topic then i get annoyed.

If it's a Aniem topic then I'm happy. ;D
Yeah. Same here. I get annoyed if it's a Miley topic. It's like my little sisters asking the same quetion over and over again. -_-

-Temari Nara

Only if it's some one I greatly dislike. Otherwise no.

I don't really see how it can be annoying.

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