Do you think the new Tama, TMGO was a failure?


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Jul 11, 2011
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I think its ok, but definitively not my fave version. Also all the Targets, Walmarts, Walgreens have stopped selling them. Once I saw the gotchi charectors in Walmart on a super sale for like 1.50, as if they're getting rid of they're last ones.

failure?? that's all perspective. but if you can only imagine how much money they used on the tamago, and the demand isn't as high, then i guess i'd say so..

In my opinion, yes. I think that if you have to buy additional parts for the device, then it gets more expensive. I think it was a step backwards on Bandai's part. However, I don't own one, just seeing what others have posted on here about them. I'm going to check my local Target, and see if they are as cheap here as others have been saying. Then I might buy one just to have it.

There are a lot of things going against the TamaGo for me. Having to buy extra parts for content that should have been on the device in the first place and the size are two things that kind of turned me off them. I still kind of want one though and if Wal Mart still has any I may buy one Monday when I go.

I don't think it was a fail. I think it wasn't the best, but not a fail. I mean, everyone says it's too boring without the figures, what about the V1/P1/P2/ect? Those had barely any features yet everyone loved them...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Plus, this is a board for love of tamagotchis. Not talking about how they are a failure. If that is you're opinion I respect it. But I feel thats not the kind of topics most tamatalkers wanna discuss.

Well... I feel differently!

Despite all the downsides about the TMGO, i actually quite enjoy it! It's actually one of my favourite versions! I do find it kind of disappointing that you have to pay extra money for a little figure, but other than that i really like it!! The size of it isn't actually that bad compared to some other tamas! Like the Tama Deka for instance, have you seen the size of that thing!!! So i really don't see anything wrong with the TMGO, but that's just my opinion!

I have all three of the Wave 2s and I plan on getting a Wave 1 just for the sake of it. I'm currently running a TMGO and I find them a lot of fun! I really don't see that many downsides to them, apart from the fact that you have to pay more for a figure and I do believe that Bandai has had a downfall there. Over here in New Zealand it costs $13:00 just for a figure and a faceplate!!!! I really don't like this because the figures don't contain that much, only a couple of games and a shop! So the whole buying figures seperately..... not a good idea, sorry Bandai o_O.

OK, that's my opinions, and i know you will all have different ones! But that's all from me laterz!!

Sakura-san123 :D

In terms of actual product quality, it definitely was a failure. It's nearly as bad as the Xbox 360. Paying for things that you shouldn't have to pay for. It's like a brick. It's so massive! However, Bandai, the con-artists they are, have made top dollar for it.

I honestly love my Tama-Go. I'm only on the 2nd Gen. but I like the size and the faceplates make it more personal. I like the separate pieces, gives me TONS to do and work for, trying out all of the games and trying to buy out all the stores. Plus, oh my god, the family on the Tama-Go is by far the cutest. The tamas live together for a bit before they have their baby and then they spend a couple of days raising the baby with you. They do everything (except play games) together. Have you seen them play with their toys as a family? SOOOOOO CUTE! x3

Honestly I think it's aimed towards a younger crowd than the others. I would not consider it a failure. It's just different from what tamagotchi fans are use to because of it's target age range.

I honestly love my Tama-Go. I'm only on the 2nd Gen. but I like the size and the faceplates make it more personal. I like the separate pieces, gives me TONS to do and work for, trying out all of the games and trying to buy out all the stores. Plus, oh my god, the family on the Tama-Go is by far the cutest. The tamas live together for a bit before they have their baby and then they spend a couple of days raising the baby with you. They do everything (except play games) together. Have you seen them play with their toys as a family? SOOOOOO CUTE! x3

Honestly I think it's aimed towards a younger crowd than the others. I would not consider it a failure. It's just different from what tamagotchi fans are use to because of it's target age range.

I don't have one,but it seems quite cute. I'm saving up for one and would like to see some around over here in the UK.

I do like the tama-go but market wise it was an epic fail! Every store is geting rid of them (including Amazon) and toys r us. I think the color tamas would make tamas a lot more popular.......

I think the Tama-Go definitely was a failure. To get a Perfect Care character, you have to

A) Keep hearts full all the time

B ) Catch a lot of poops

C) Not feed snacks so the Friendship stays high

It's just too needy! Too difficult! I'm the mid-connections type of person, I love the V3, V4 and V4.5 the most. The Tama-Go is too boring and there's no skill points, no nothing. I prefer it being more like a dog than a guinea pig. A dog can be a long-haired one that needs grooming every day with a lot of Beauty points, or it can be a well-trained laborador with Intelligence skill points, or a friendly dog that plays with you all the time with a lot of Kindness points depending on how you raise it and whether you train it or not. Whereas a guinea pig is just a pet that doesn't really do much apart from needing care. I'd personally prefer a real dog to a real guinea pig, so I prefer a virtual dog to a virtual guinea pig. And the mid-connections are the virtual dog and the Tama-Go the virtual guinea pig. Of course I know a few people with guinea pigs who could still afford a dog so some people have different opinions to me.

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Lol, how is the xbox 360 a failure? XD I mean you don't have to pay for anything else but games and the system. There is nothing to pay for that you don't have to pay for o_O

Anyways, that was off topic. I don't think it was a failure.

The needyness is the fun. If it was easy to get a perfect care character it wouldn't be any fun.

Seems like some people don't like challenges, but it wasn't a failure. No tamagotchi could be a failure in my opinion.

The needyness is the fun. If it was easy to get a perfect care character it wouldn't be any fun.
Grr. People tell me to stop bashing certain Tamas on here and stop complaining about my mom, but I really can't help it! It's my mom that makes the neediness not fun, with her saying I should only check it every 2 hours except if it's a baby. I can't really try to catch the first poop, watching the screen for hours and waiting. Nor can I play the long-lasting games. Or buy the figures with her new rule of me not getting any new Tama stuff unless I desperately need it. I give up on BanDai. It's like they're trying to annoy me by making the new versions not pass my mom's neediness and addictiveness tests :(

Your mom is...weird, Dazz

On topic:

The tama-go is one of my favourite verions, I love how you can customise it with the figures and faceplates, there's a whole load of games on the figures, cool stuff and fun if you have a lot of time of your hands.

It's really boring if you don't have any figures, and the figures dropped from $8, to $4 to $2 to 98 cents and now they are a whopping 50 cents! I bet the're going to be free in a couple of weeks (kidding)

As for the size....... you get used to it if you're not sneaking it to school/work.

And like Sakura said, at least it's not as big as SOME versions

Your mom is...weird, Dazz

On topic:

The tama-go is one of my favourite verions, I love how you can customise it with the figures and faceplates, there's a whole load of games on the figures, cool stuff and fun if you have a lot of time of your hands.

It's really boring if you don't have any figures, and the figures dropped from $8, to $4 to $2 to 98 cents and now they are a whopping 50 cents! I bet the're going to be free in a couple of weeks (kidding)

As for the size....... you get used to it if you're not sneaking it to school/work.

And like Sakura said, at least it's not as big as SOME versions
Thanks Space Unicorn for backing me up!!!! It really doesn't matter all that much about the stupid size.... I have gotten use to it, in fact i think it's actually quite good because that way you will never lose the thing!

Again with the figures, yes it is a pain and yes they are a rip off. But lately in NZ at toyworld they are letting us get a TMGO for the oringinal price of a figure [$13:00] and then you get a figure free!!!! I think they are trying to get rid of them.... So yess i completely disagree about the size!!!!

Sakura-san123 :D :lol:

The fact that they're trying to get rid of them isn't really a good thing. It means they're not selling. If TamaGos aren't profitable Bandai may discontinue Tamagotchi. Getting Tama stuff cheap is cool but I'd rather pay full price and keep the line going than get it on clearance and watch the line die.


They just kinda messed up on the simple things that made tamagotchi's so great!

For example:

you are unable to buy items (well if you have a figure than yeah, but when you take it off then your item is gone)

ITS HUGE! I likes how tamagotchis used to be cute little keychains. The id is an ok size for me, but the tama-go. no. just no. WAY too fat.

And for the love of crap, change your profile picture >.<

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