do you think your cute + do others fell the same


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Active member
Oct 21, 2008
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kingsley Michigan
I think that im pretty but not the hottest person in my school. im populare to but im a nice lots of friends populare. and a few boys do have HUGE crushes :mametchi: :mametchi: on me.

I don't think so, but some people say other things. I'm not part of the "popular" people, but I do have a lot of friends that are the coolest people I know. =D

As for guys liking me, I doubt anyone would.

I think that im pretty but not the hottest person in my school. im populare to but im a nice lots of friends populare. and a few boys do have HUGE crushes :p :D on me.
I'm sorry, but just to get this off my shoulders, it's popular.

P - O - P - U - L - A - R.

Not trying to be rude, sorry if it comes off that way. Just thought you should know.

I really vary between ugly and not pretty.

No, I'm not pretty, but my friends say I am anyway, basically so I don't feel bad about myself.

I think they know that I know they're only saying it to make me feel good, but they still say it anyway. Probably because they'd feel bad about being honest about it.

No way, I aint pretty or cute or anything.

But the guys seem to like me...

Ahahaha. Cute, me? Not a chance. Pretty, me? Yeah right. I'm just an ugly nerd.

My friends tell me I'm not ugly, but they're my friends. Why would they confirm my uglyness?

People I don't really associate with have called me ugly before. They're right.

Guys don't like me unless they're my friends - that way they don't care what I look like.

Maybe I'll look nicer when I get older. I've barely started puberty yet.

So who knows what change is in store for me? I hope it's a nice one.

Apparently I'm really cute, because at one time 4 guys like me, and that's minimum.

It's akward, because people I don't like, (in a more than friend way ...) say I am adorable, and cute, and love me.

The one guy who doesn't seems to be the one I like D:<

Everyone seems to think I'm cute. I have no clue why.

My friend's parents say my face is cute and when I was 11, everyone treated me like I was 4-5. O:<

They don't do it now, but they still think I'm cute and adorable. I don't mind it. I like being cute and adorable but I absolutely hated being treated like a baby AT SCHOOL. I'm SO glad it's stopped when I was around 12. It just got annoying.


Well i am not like real ugly but im no were near pretty in any what so ever way but one person i know like me and like 3 2 and 3 year olds like me <.< one of them are related to me <.<

I think that im pretty but not the hottest person in my school. im populare to but im a nice lots of friends populare. and a few boys do have HUGE crushes :D :huh: on me.
Ppl veiw me as cute, or 'wish they could hav hair like that,' or really nice, (but sometimes 2 nice). Wat i mean is, im cute, but not steamin' hot. However, as soon as i get my teeth fixed up, i'll proubably be more cuter........ :lol: :) :D

Err..I think I'm just on a cliff.

I can be pretty if I want to be and when I'm being lazy I know I'm ugly.

A lot of people think I'm younger than my real age, everybody thinks I'm cute, as in 'bunny' cute.

It's probably because I'm short =.='

Ahahaha. Cute, me? Not a chance. Pretty, me? Yeah right. I'm just an ugly nerd.My friends tell me I'm not ugly, but they're my friends. Why would they confirm my uglyness?

People I don't really associate with have called me ugly before. They're right.

Guys don't like me unless they're my friends - that way they don't care what I look like.

Maybe I'll look nicer when I get older. I've barely started puberty yet.

So who knows what change is in store for me? I hope it's a nice one.
Don't talk like that to yourself! Everybody's pretty in their own way. Me? I've been told that I have pretty eyes. Lots of people tell me I have beautiful hair. (I'm a golden blondie...) You said that you have curly hair and that you hate it, well I've wanted curly hair my whole life. ^_^

I'm average. I like most of my features, though. ^_^

Not all boys like you for your appearance, you know!

A few boys like me, and my boyfriend says I'm beautiful. (Well, he would, wouldn't he..)

I am really happy with the way I look at the moment because the one thing I've always hated about my looks is the fact that I'm pale. But now I fake tan with this lotion stuff and I feel happy, and confident. =3

I think im pretty.I don't really care about other peoples opinion.I really shouldn't anyway.What matters is that we are happy with the way we are.It doesn't matter about other peoples opinion.

It depends on who you are some boys really like me and others don't. Everytime I go to camp though someone there really likes me but only one time have I really liked him back. The others ones were ok I just didn't like them. Two guys from school like me one I trying to get to leave me alone(he wants to ask me back out)and the other is actually really cute and all the girls at our school pretty much like him too(and he likes me hehe!)

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