Do you use internet slang?


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You are not above everyone else just because you type out your sentences, first off. Stop acting like you are. It's annoying and I frown in your general direction.

Second, slang has a negative connotation, however that shouldn't influence your oppinion on it. Slang is informal language, and I doubt that ANY of you go around speaking formally all the time. It's not more mature to speak "formally," if anything it's more annoying. Internet slang is no different. XD is a form of informal language, because would you use a smily face on your college application? No, you would not.

By the way, nobody does the whole "Typ3 l13k d15" unless they're trying to be sarcastic or sound haXX0r, which they don't do normally, so it's not a very accurate example to be using.

Third, yes, I use slang, because I am a normal person, and I don't try to convince myself that I'm a step ahead of the game because I type properly. I use kk and brb on yahoo, because you know what? YOU CAN DO THAT. IT IS OKAY. Nobody doesn't know what those mean anymore.

I use LOL and OMG and smilie faces, like =D and =) but I can't think of much else I use. I use capital letters, full stops, commas and apostrophes when they are needed and I try to use correct spelling.

I have chosen not to use this kind of slang because I feel it is destroying the English language. I graduated from high school last year and I can tell you that there were students that handed in assignments using this kind of slang. I think it is ridiculous. That having been said, using 'lol', 'brb' and those cute smilies is no problem at all. Not everything has to be entirely formal, that gets to be too lengthy when you are already taking longer to type out your words rather than speak them.

All I care about is that internet slang stays on the internet.

Depends what it is and id I'm on the phone. If I'm typing while on the phone, then you can expect alot of "u" and such. I'm just trying to save time while typing with one hand.

Now, if I'm just typing and nothing else, I usually just use some things, like lol or brb or g2g, etc. Heck, some I usually use in real life (though it's usually for the lulz.) Me and my friends have our jokes, and things like that are included. Because our jokes are sort of stupid to begin with. xD;

Smilies aren't slang, btw. They're... smilies. o_o

Sometimes, depends on how tired i am,what mood i am in,whether i'm mocking somebody or being myself and so on..

I mostly use,








And a range of others.

I don't use it too much, too much is just incredibly annoying. :/

Everynow and then i use slang.

On forums I use stuff like 'xD' and 'lol'

On MSN, pretty much the same thing, but I use alot of emoticons and i don't use capitals or commas xD

I do "txt tlk" with my phone coz it's with one hand and it takes ages and all.

What does "Brb" "Meh" "ZOMGZ" mean any way? I use meh in real life sometimes as Nix666 would know

Brb is be right back, meh is me and zomgz is a messed up version of omg.

I do "txt tlk" with my phone coz it's with one hand and it takes ages and all.
What does "Brb" "Meh" "ZOMGZ" mean any way? I use meh in real life sometimes as Nix666 would know
Meh can mean 'me', as someone mentioned, but it's sometimes used as an indifferent toned word.

I use "lol XD XP" alot sometimes by accident I type srry instead of sorry but mostly by accident.

I find nothing wrong with internet slang. Though, no one really 'tlks lyyke ths' anymore. Next to no-one, it ain't common nd you people act like it is, like Pyonchit said.

Well, I use:






Kthxbai (in a joke or being saurcastic)






And probably alot more, just all those tiny words.

I 'dislike' txt tlk or Internet slang (Hate is a strong word...)

Yea so what if I say


nu way






*Insert smile here*

And such

Blah blah blah, I will leave now before a flame war starts about me and my 'spell check' button ^.^

[SIZE=7pt]I actually find it hilarious and I end up cracking up whenever I find a really funny sentence using chatspeak.[/SIZE]
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