Do you write stories?


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2007
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Somewhere in the computer...
Do you write stories in your spare time? If you do please tell me what they are about. My most recent one is about Danny Phantom. It's about this storm that is caused by the blizzard ghost. Then Amity Park is almost buried under snow. It's kinda weird but it's gotten some hits.

(off-topic) ISATs are starting tomorrow. I'm not really worried though.

Sometimes, but not daily. I didn't enjoy writing when I was a kid, because my teacher had to proofread over my writing, and I got the shivers.."Oh GREAT, I'm done. Now I have to suffer getting checked by my teacher.." I always thought..I at least write 4 stories a year :mametchi:


I write stories a lot... In fact, I'm working on a novel right now. My English teacher thinks I'm a really good writer. It seems that she favors me over the rest of the class when it comes to writing stories ;]


Everytime, and I always get praised for it, not to boast but I won a writing contest...I enjoy it so much that I think I wanna be a writer when I grow up.

Yeah, but I prefer to make comics, in the 4th grade when we had a subsitute (sp?) for like 3 days, I wasted all my lead and paper on making comics. It was called STICKMAN, he was a sitck fiqure with the Captain Underpants cape (I loved that book a lot :mametchi: ).


Yeah, but I prefer to make comics, in the 4th grade when we had a subsitute (sp?) for like 3 days, I wasted all my lead and paper on making comics. It was called STICKMAN, he was a sitck fiqure with the Captain Underpants cape (I loved that book a lot :) ).
I did a comic too. Though it's using stick people (they are soooo cool!)It was me and my teacher (let's call him S) So I come up casually and I say hi. He says hi too, then I pull out a knife. He asks "what's that knife for?" and I say "Nothing". Then I come closer and he is supposed to be screaming "get away!" Then the lights go off and when they come back on S is dead. (our class doesn't like him) Then some random dude asks "Is he dead yet?" and I say "Yeah." and then there is a party! I am very random at sometimes and that was one of those times. It took about...30min to think the plot and to draw the stick people. But it was funny.

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