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Shadow Paw

Aug 21, 2007
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Do you have a positive outlook on life?

Personally I think my opinion on this varies on how my day is going. When I'm having a bad day, I feel as if life isn't that important but when it chages I feel like I could do anything really.

Even though my day often changes half way through. I can be having a good day and feel worthless. It depends on how I start the day. I always tell myself It'll be a great day and ususally it does.

Well, sometimes I focus on the bad things. Today I was moved away from Luke (who used to site next to me in English and is also my crush) and put next to my friend. I was upset and angry with the teacher and I really wanted to go back there! But I suppose, when I think about it now, I am sitting next to my friend. But the bad thing is we regularly talk, and I am going to try to talk as much as possible to make the teacher move me back next to Luke! :D Sneaky!

I like to think I am an optimist but if you asked me what half a glass of water us I would say it was 'half empty' rather than 'half full'.

I'd like to think that I try and be positive. But if I am having a bad day depending on what has happened will make me either think negative or positive.

But I don't really have many bad days :D .

My biggest fear is of failing life, so I can't really say much for being an optimest. I don't really try to characterize my outlook into positive or negative, it's just there. :|

When confronted with the glass thing, I would probably drink all the water and say, "Well, it's empty NOW"

I like to pretend I have a positive look on life.

But it sucks because I'll be really enjoying something, and then my sadistic mind will be all "NOOO NOOO BAD."

i always focas on the positave :p i guess ive been through some bad times in life and( i wont go into details) but i geuss i feel glad that im alive so i make every day count and i make the best of it! if im haveing a bad day i just turn it around by doing somthing great! :D :p plus, as a wise man once said " if u cant go back to yesterday, make today mean somthing for tomarow" :D :eek:

~doglover10~ :)

Rmember: Kepp it cool! B)

Meh, sort of. It depends what's going on. If a friend is annoying me or a I'm in a fight, I'll probably have a bad outlook. But if I'm excited for something or have a crush on a boy, then I'll have a good outlook.

My outlook today is sort of good sort of bad.

Yes but it doesn't happen all the time. But most times I do and I'm grateful for the things that I have because most don't. I hope to get rid of being negative all together but I know that I will always have those times and I can't change that.

For me, it truly depends. When I look on the bright side of Life, I know that many good things will happen for me.

I want my life to actually mean something. Why be sad when you could be the happiest Person in the world? Think about it. You have a roof over your head, Friends who love you, and an amazing Family that cares for you more than anything. Why let the blues change that? Be the best that you can be!

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I don't know.

Life could be better right now.

I am having friend issues and all I do all day is play on the computer.

I am now seeing the difference in age between me and my friends.

I was playing a friends game DS game called Pony Friends or something and I was walking the hourse and she said I should make it run and I did. Then she said "STOP YOU"LL GIVE IT MENTAL PROBLEMS"

Then the rest of the days and weeks following she doesn't talk to me. And my friends are acting really immature and my only friend is a guy friend which everyone teases me and him about.

And so I sit and play one the computer all day, so right now no.

for all of u that say it depens.. .that means u feel that life is bad when one little bad thing happens :p thats not good! when some bad thing happens u have to stop feeling bad for urself, pick urself up and realize that u are alive and healthy and thats what realy matters :D also if u feel like you are unfotunate remember the people on earth that, as we speak, are praying for so much a one meal. :blink:

for all of u that say it depens.. .that means u feel that life is bad when one little bad thing happens :p thats not good! when some bad thing happens u have to stop feeling bad for urself, pick urself up and realize that u are alive and healthy and thats what realy matters :D also if u feel like you are unfotunate remember the people on earth that, as we speak, are praying for so much a one meal. :blink:
It isn't that easy. >>

You can't have something REAL bad happen to you and get over it right away.

I try to tell myself, despite my idiot mom who swares and never leaves me alone, that the future is bright, even though the present sucks. But I get in real bad moods sometimes and have a negative outlook.

for all of u that say it depens.. .that means u feel that life is bad when one little bad thing happens :p thats not good! when some bad thing happens u have to stop feeling bad for urself, pick urself up and realize that u are alive and healthy and thats what realy matters  :D also if u feel like you are unfotunate remember the people on earth that, as we speak, are praying for so much a one meal. :blink:
Good point. But sometimes we can't do anything to cheer ourselves up, and only time can heal us. At least that's how I feel sometimes.

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Do you have a positive outlook on life?
Personally I think my opinion on this varies on how my day is going. When I'm having a bad day, I feel as if life isn't that important but when it chages I feel like I could do anything really.

Even though my day often changes half way through. I can be having a good day and feel worthless. It depends on how I start the day. I always tell myself It'll be a great day and ususally it does.
[SIZE=8pt]with me, i wake up and decide to be happy. on a bad day though, I tend to be a realist. I see things the way they are. sooo:[/SIZE]

Good Day: optimist

Bad Day: Realist

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