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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
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Do you?

I do sometimes, like if the signature indicates that it links to their homepage. I know they'll appreciate a visit :D If it's like a Zooreka photo or something, probably not ;)

I rollover them and see what the link says.

If it's something that doesn't sound like it's exiting then I don't click it.

For example that Zooreka.

=/ Sigh, those where the days.


Every now and then.

I never click on the Zooreka pets, they're just a waste of time.

Not usually. I scroll over the link, and if it's not something that interests me I just don't click on it.

As everyone else has said, never Zooreka.


Sometimes I do. I only do it to people that have their youtube pages on them or their myspaces :D

It depends.

If it says something like "ZZOMGG!!!!!!!! CLICK HERE NAOOOOOOO!!!!!111", or, "CLICK HERE OR MY DOG BOB WILL BITE YOUR HEAD OFF.", I'll likely not click on it :p

But if it says something like "Please Click Here", I might click it. I'll usually roll over to see what it is first. If it's a Crunchyroll/Youtube page, the chances of me clicking on it are larger. Not if it's a Zooreka pet, or a Gaia though. I just don't really appreciate those :(

If it is a MySpace or YouTube, yeah, you might grab my attention.

I don't click on things people say "DO NOT CLICK HEREEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111" If it says not to, I'm not going to.

I don't give in to people begging you to click on the links. It doesn't work on me, and never will.

Sometimes...but when Im too lazy to move my hand i wont!XD

It depends on what the link is for.

If it's for Gaia, YouTube, or MySpace then I'll most likely click on it.

If it's Zoorkea then I won't click on it

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it depends. zooreka just annoys me but I click it anyways.

hopefully people are clicking on mine. help animals!


zooreka sux and sometimes i click peoples links


clik da 2nd link in mai siggy plz n thnx

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No I don't. I'm just not that bored xD. I don't like advertisement much and i'm not exactly interested in someone's neopet or something. Plus sometimes when I click links the site keeps popping up repeatedly and I have to restart my computer :) so I avoid that.

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