Do your eyes


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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I keep posting things about eyes. Meh

This sometimes happens to me, when I've slept for to long, or I've watched to much


They feel all watery, and you don't want to close them. You close them, then open your eyes, and you've gon cross eyed.

It's really annoying. Does this ever happen to you?

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When I've been on the computer for at least 3 hours my eyes ache a bit


Yes! I do! :/

I tear up a little when Im facing something bright.

Yes, They do that alot.

I also have a habit of Blinking alot...

I keep posting things about eyes. Meh
This sometimes happens to me, when I've slept for to long, or I've watched to much


They feel all watery, and you don't want to close them. You close them, then open your eyes, and you've gon cross eyed.

It's really annoying. Does this ever happen to you?
Yep, i can also make them spin around in circles in less then a sec., so then they look all white! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, sometimes when I'm on the computer too long, or watch TV for a while, my eyes get watery, and I want to close them. I don't go cross-eyed though.

Also, when I'm tired, or when I'm moving fast, it's as if I have little dots coming down, almost like snow. It's very strange :ichigotchi:

Sometimes when I've been on the computer for a while or been watching TV, than my eyes would start seeing black & white patterns for a few seconds and then stop. It hurts and its really freaky!

And yes, when I look at something bright, my eyes get all teary.

Yeah... D:< It's annoying when that happens....

Temari Nara


I can do stereo vision. It means that I can look at a double picture, like to dots side by side, and look through them, they turn to 3 dots, and the third dot is 3d

My eyes get watery when I laugh a lot for some reason. Usually at this point I challenge my friends to a staring contest, because it's almost impossible to loose without tears pouring down my cheeks.

I don't think that's ever happened to me. :|

Though after playing Guitar Hero or Rockband for a while, everything starts to move like the game does, to a vanishing point.

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