Do your feelings get hurt easliy?


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Sort of, it really depends on what someone says.

Like, if someone says I have really big eyes (which apprently I do) and people say it, I got pretty offeneded, even if their not saying it to be mean xD.

But if someone says I'm a freak or something, I don't really care about that.

I just get a bit more sensitive when it comes to people talking about my looks- because well you know. Lol.


It takes a LOT to offend me.

In my eyes, people's opinions mean absolutely nothing. I really don't care what other people say or think. It's their opinion and if they don't like something about me, that's their problem. Not mine.

My feelings do get hurt easily. But if someone hurts my feelings [even unintentionaly] I don't let them see that I'm hurt I just try and reassure myself everythings ok.

I know I shouldn't let other peoples opinions bother me but I'm self-concious about myself. [i don't know why because I do get compliments]

My feelings aren't hurt easily. It takes a lot to make me cry, or even want to (aside from pain).

Recently, a girl I've never said a word to at all was critisizing me behind my back. She said I was short, weird, and that all my clothes were used because my family is poor. XD When it got around to me, at first I was REALLY angry at that last bit, because she doesn't even know me and my family at all, then I calmed down, and started cracking up because I got to thinking, and couldn't believe she couldn't do any better than that. (I take a lot of crap for being short, and get called weird all the time and now take it as a compliment to confuse people. XD)

It takes a lot to make me sad, but not a whole lot to make me angry.. :D

Hmm.. It doesn't take a lot to get me mad or upset. I don't know, really, I react differently to every situation.

I think that I'm a pretty nice person on the inside, (On the inside... XD) so I figure that's probably something to do with it.

Well not really. Anyone my age who has to say something bad about me, better say it to my face. I swear if a guy gets me really angry, I'll pretty much beat them up, and it has happened before.

A couple times I got a little upset, but it's hard to explain. Overall I'm not really sensitive, I just get really angry.

Well not really. Anyone my age who has to say something bad about me, better say it to my face. I swear if a guy gets me really angry, I'll pretty much beat them up, and it has happened before.
A couple times I got a little upset, but it's hard to explain. Overall I'm not really sensitive, I just get really angry.
u would beat someone up?? :angry: that's horrible :D

If someone I like, (like my family) says something(really really mean), or something that makes me extremely offended, or my friends are being mean, then, sometimes.

mametchi :angry:

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I would say I'm pretty insensitive to insults people throw at me but I haven't been seriously insulted for a while so I don't know how I would react at the moment. Usualy I find it quite funny and amusing.

Not really. I never show it if they do. I don't get offended at a lot of things most people would consider offensive, but I do get offended at things that a lot of people wouldn't consider offensive. (Like someone calling me skinny.)

I used to. I used to get really sad when someone said something bad about me. Now I just get angry. And if they would keep at it, I would punch them in the stomach. (did it once, I actually enjoyed it) But after that I'm usually emotionless.

Yes, very. If someone says I am a brat, I go home in tears. Everyone likes to pick on me, cause they know that I am sensitive. I can't help it. It's who I am..

WHAT?!? I'm a Brat!!! OMG! *sniffs, and begins to cry* That is what I would do. Ah, sensitive boys, are just kinda weird.

Yes. If my friends say something negative about me, I'll be like WHAT?! I'm very sensitive...

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