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Mr Sanders

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2005
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Hi, I know this should be in the library but the moderators never let it through! I can't think why. Anyway here is the first chapter of the first episode.



The Doctor was sitting by the TARDIS console.

But it wasn’t the same Doctor. He had a repair man look to him. Green and brown eyes, straight but wavy hair, he was on his eleventh life, not his tenth.

He turned a page of his book, ‘Every living thing’.

‘Must visit old Siegfried soon.’ He said before turning another page.

He had redecorated the TARDIS once again.

The console was smaller now than it ever was before. It had a simple pale, semi-clear yellow time rotor, and the area surrounding it was covered in a rich red silk.

There were at lot less controls now.

In the center, directly under the time rotor, was what looked like a very small laptop. It was in fact, the main flight control.

To the left of it, was a distress call device.

To the right of it, was a dial with a rotating knob and several buttons fixed into it.

This all sat on a rather church-like platform, with marble steps leading up to it. down below, even more church-like, where the Doctor was sitting where several pews.

He stood up, placed his book down and walked up to the TARDIS console.

As he approached, the distress signal device began to beep.

‘What the-’

Gostei pressed the button again, re-sending the signal.


A light flickered into life.

‘It’s working! Madrid! Madrid! It’s working!’

He turned around to find Madrid sitting on a chair.

‘Madrid, I sent it! I sent the distress call!’

‘What’s the difference.’

‘Someone will come! Someone will help us!’

‘No they won’t. Even if they do receive the call, do you think they’ll really come? No, where as good as dead.’

‘You can’t say that Madrid! They’ll come! Someone will come! Someone’s got to come.’

‘No. Nobody is coming for us! Why couldn’t they listen to me? Why? Why?’

‘You know I tried to make them listen! You-’

‘Did I ever say you didn’t try? They wouldn’t listen! They never listen! WHY WON’T THEY LISTEN?’

‘Stop it Madrid! I know you’re upset. Do you think I don’t care that in four days our entire atmosphere will be gone? Do you think I don’t care?’

‘No. But I-’

‘I don’t care about the council! There’re dead! DEAD!’

‘The others will be back soon. You can tell them the ‘wonderful’ news. As far as I’m concerned, we’re dead.’


Chapter One

The noise continued a few more seconds before stopping.

‘Hm?’ said the Doctor staring at the small laptop like object.

‘Come on, translate it.’

Words suddenly appeared on the TARDIS screen.

Request emergency assistance.

Atmosphere being dragged away from planet.

Destination for our atmosphere below.

Come quickly please,

Our lives are in your hands.

Below the message was an advanced geometric drawing of a sphere. It’s surface was mainly blue, with an occasional green of brown piece of land.

‘Hang on,’ The Doctor said quizzically, ‘That’s Earth.’

The screen zoomed in further.


‘Upper Victoria, Echuca, 2011. Here we go.’

The TARDIS fell to one side.

The grinding noise of machinery filled the air. But Ben had become used to it during his time at the compacticide plant. Ben was the typical boy.

Brown hair.

Freckles covering his face.

The oh so typical You can trust me look.

He had worked at the plant for several years now and his eighteenth birthday was coming up soon.

Nothing much happened at the plant very often.

Solmes had recently died.

Poor chap.

The boss didn’t quite now what had killed him.

‘Electrocution?’ was all he had said.

Ben was fed up, not with the work. No, he loved it.

He’d grasp any chance to do some hard labor.

No, he was fed up with his surroundings.

The smoke.

The Domes.

The trees.

It was all just so... similar.

Ben let out a short sigh before continuing his work.

Jacob looked around.

This was to be his new home.

A compacticide plant.

Sure it was in the middle of nowhere, but the pay was good enough for him.

He walked over to his station.

He’d been notified where it was in the E-mail he’d been sent.

A bit of gas was spitting out from the side of the pipe.

‘What the-’

He lent over and touched it.

A lightning bolt shot from the sky and hit him.

Jacob was dead.

Behind him a 1960’s London Police Box slowly appeared, accompanied by a wheezing, groaning sound.

The Doctor stepped out and brushed his hair back.

He looked down and saw Jacob’s Body.

‘What on Earth?’

He lent down over the body and touched his face.

‘Warm. Hot actually.’ He lifted his finger up and sucked it.

‘Ow...’ He muttered.

Ben stood up straight.

He’d heard a noise.

And seen a lightning bolt.

What the hell was going on?

He ran over to where he had heard the noise.

He was going to find out what happened.

No matter what.

The Doctor finished putting the last bit of earth back over the body.

‘I’m sorry old chap. I need to take your place and your dead body won’t help me much. Besides I’m sure you’ll like it here, after all not many people have the bodies toured around in space and time by a British Police Box that’s bigger on the inside now, do they?’

‘He placed his hands on the soil for a moment before walking away.

Ben couldn’t believe his eyes.

A big blue box thing.

This couldn’t possibly get weirder.

The door opened and a man stepped out.

Okay. Maybe it could.

‘Hello.’ The Doctor said cheerfully. ‘And you are’

‘Oh, Hi. My name’s Ben.’

You just gave your name to a guy from the blue box thing!

‘Hello. I’m the Doctor.’

‘Doctor who?’

‘Just the Doctor.’

‘Okay, Sorry if I’m sounding rude, but why are you here? And why did you just step out of a blue box?’

‘Oh, I’m the new one. Replying to the E-mail.’

‘Oh! I see. And the box?’

‘My TAR- It’s an old antique. Couldn’t not bring it with me.’

‘Oh right. Okay. Let me show you to the living quarters.’


‘Coming you fool!’

Nima knew Ben wasn’t a fool. She even sorta liked him.

But she knew he didn’t like her.

‘Sorry. Here are the scones and tea.’

She handed the tray to Ben.

The Doctor picked up a teaspoon.

‘Useful things these. Go well with an open mind.’

Both Nima and Ben stared at him for a moment before moving on.

‘Sorry the other guys aren’t here to meet you. They should be back soon, the sun’s starting to set.’

‘Oh it’s Okay.’ The Doctor said, starting to tap the teaspoon on his knee.

Ben got up and walked over to a wall before adjusting a painting.

Nima watched him, thinking.

‘He does like you. No matter what you think.’ The Doctor said to her.

She looked at him suddenly, but he just kept tapping the spoon on his leg.

See Ben, Ben thought to himself,

He’s just the replacement for Holmes. Nothing’s wrong here.

He couldn’t even begin to imagine just how much he was wrong.

‘So you’re called the Doctor.’ said Phil, the PC controller.

‘Yep. Simplicity still seams best.’

‘Yeah, but what’s your full name?’

‘Well, I prefer ‘Doctor’ but if you must you can call me John Smith.’

Phil began to chuckle to himself.

‘So are you the computer wiz? You know flash drives and all.’ asked the Doctor.

‘Yeah. Why do you ask?’

‘Well, I’m pretty good with computers myself and I just wanted to check a couple of things with the compacticide levels and what-have-you.’

‘Okay, why not?’ said Phil in response.

‘Good. Well, I’ll just finish my breakfast and I’ll be with you.’


‘Can I come to?’ asked Ben. ‘I’d like to increase my PC skills.’

‘Okay.’ said the Doctor.

What did he mean by ‘if you must’ you can call me John Smith? Ben wondered.

‘Strange.’ The Doctor muttered.

‘What is?’ asked Ben.

‘This.’ He replied.

‘I don’t see anything unusual.’

‘That’s the point. Neither do I.’

‘Isn’t that a good thing.’

‘Not if your trying to find the problem.’

‘What problem?’ asked Phil.

‘The reason Jupiters- Oh, never mind.’

‘Jupiter?’ Asked Ben quizzically

Phil merely shrugged.


Nima looked hard at the book.


Plenty of John Smiths, but none matching to this one’s description.

‘Who is he?!’ Nima yelled, slamming the identification book down on the floor.

Is slid over to a filing cabinet with the logo of U.N.I.T stamped on it.

‘U.N.I.T! Of course! U.N.I.T has logs on everyone on earth! They’ll know who he is.’

She picked up the phone and dialed a number.

‘Now Doctor we’ll find out who you really are.’

Please Review. Tell me what you think. And please dont post things like,

'This should be in The Library'

Merry Christmas and best wishes from Mr. Sanders

Call me the Professor. :furawatchi:

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