Does anyone else's hair do this?


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Okay, so first of all, my hair is naturally wavy. Most people of my culture have straight hair. (that's not the problem!!) So a few weeks ago, I got a haircut. Before my haircut my hair was a little wavy and almost straight. But after I cut it, the ends started to curl in (some even curled out!!). And I mean CURL. The hairdresser gave me layers and now even after I brush it it looks super messy because the ends of the shorter parts are curling all over the place!!! :p Is this normal?

It does actually. It could be because you got a haircut, the hair isn't as heavy and curls easier. I noticed this yesterday after I washed my hair. The longer part of my hair was straight but the shorter parts that are in the front were beginning to curl.

Okay, so first of all, my hair is naturally wavy. Most people of my culture have straight hair. (that's not the problem!!) So a few weeks ago, I got a haircut. Before my haircut my hair was a little wavy and almost straight. But after I cut it, the ends started to curl in (some even curled out!!). And I mean CURL. The hairdresser gave me layers and now even after I brush it it looks super messy because the ends of the shorter parts are curling all over the place!!! :eek: Is this normal?
Im not really sure, it also depends on your hairtype I guess (whether it was dyed,normal,dry,flakey,oily, Im not saying you have any of these either) maybe getting layers for wavey hair is only temporary and would wear out but if it was getting curly then maybe something is wrong. You should ask your hairdresser why it did that, she'll probably know.

Yeah, that happens to me all the time. Every time I get a haircut, it changes texture.

Try straightening it.
that would probably be the best thing to do, but straightners can also burn and damage hair so you might need a protecting hairspray.

Okay, so first of all, my hair is naturally wavy. Most people of my culture have straight hair. (that's not the problem!!) So a few weeks ago, I got a haircut. Before my haircut my hair was a little wavy and almost straight. But after I cut it, the ends started to curl in (some even curled out!!). And I mean CURL. The hairdresser gave me layers and now even after I brush it it looks super messy because the ends of the shorter parts are curling all over the place!!! :eek: Is this normal?
This is because your hair is much healthier after you cut it. Before your hair was cut it acted different because it had unhealthy ends. After you cut them off, your hair is healthier and tends to act differently. It should be back to normal after a few showers.

My hair does that.

I got my hair cut yesterday, and it's like really thick Dx

My advice is just to straighten it, but remember to use heat protector

Wow. I never use heat protector... and as far as I know my hair's still nice. xD

It's okay. Mine's like that too.. My hair used to be wavy and then when I get it cut for 7th it gets all curly. I hate it...

Now I have to spend two hours everyday to make sure I don't go to school looking like a poodle. :/

Yes, it is probably super messy when you brush it because your hair is so curly and you can't brush curls. I have really curly hair, I straighten it though. But if you need to brush it, do it when it's wet and it dries good and not messy. ;]

Yeah, this always happens. It's because the bottoms become lighter, I think. I'm actually not sure... Yeah, so just brush it and straighten it.

That's how my hair is when short. Unless I have it buzz-cut-short at the ends in the back, I have ringlets that I don't have when it's long.

I just straighten it.

Yeah it happened to me. When I was 5 I had curly hair that was quite thick. I found a pair of scissors and I cut my hair. My mum shaved it all off because all the hair I cut it looked wierd. When it grew back it was wavy and thicker.

Okay, so first of all, my hair is naturally wavy. Most people of my culture have straight hair. (that's not the problem!!) So a few weeks ago, I got a haircut. Before my haircut my hair was a little wavy and almost straight. But after I cut it, the ends started to curl in (some even curled out!!). And I mean CURL. The hairdresser gave me layers and now even after I brush it it looks super messy because the ends of the shorter parts are curling all over the place!!! :gozarutchi: Is this normal?
yup. my hair's like that after i got it cut short.

i dont really like it. ^_^

Yeah I cut mine just above my shoulders and it flips out and is really annoying.

I tried to straighten it but.. yeah. It didn't work.

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