Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?


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I didn't play after I was like 12 or so because the fad in Hawaii had largely faded. It continued to get more elaborate and in those days it was just too much for me. I went to college and had a kid and got real pets, a job, etc.

Then a month ago a girl I work with came in with her tamagotchi p's and I was like "must. Have!" So now I rock a p's with aikatsu, royal, and ciao (on the way). I will be twenty-seven this year and I'm a teacher ^.^

I'm in the process of getting a tamagotchi V3 and look forward to avidly playing on it :p

The last time i used one was about the age of 9 or 10

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I'm not 16, but I'm 14. I still play with my Tamagotchis and bring them to school (secretly). But I hide them in class so I'm not caught dead playing with one and everyone in my school either doesn't know about them, or thinks that they are childish. I've loved Tamas since I was 6! ^_^

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Yep! I'm 23 and got the app on my phone yesterday. I tried the Angelgotchi app last week but that stupid thing kept getting sick at the drop of a hat. I'm actually trying NOT to kill my tamas here! Hahaha. My first gen tamagotchi just arrived in the mail today, and I've got a v4 connection on the way. I might get a tama go when I get paid next but we'll see, since I don't want to blow my money on frivolities before I have to pay rent!

@haileymametchi Oh man, that takes me back. Tamagotchis first came out when I was about 7, along with Giga Pets and Nano Pets. We would bring them to school sometimes, but after awhile students weren't allowed to because the virtual pets were a distraction and would get lost or stolen easily (the same happened with Pokémon cards). Me and my friends would "babysit" each others virtual pets. One time, a friend gave me her koala giga pet to "babysit". It was just chilling in my desk and I walked away for just a second. When I came back it was gone! She was so mad at me, and I felt awful. I'm pretty sure it was stolen, since the teacher would have said something if she had taken it away from us. Anyway, be careful! And don't worry what others think of you. Tamagotchis are fun and cute :)

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I'm 18 and I recently got back into Tamagotchi's after finding my bruised and battered v4's...

My v2's are nowhere in sight, so I decided to re-start my small collection,

Got a v2 (same design as my first tama), v3 and v5 coming in the post, and just the other day bought a 'Friends' which I'm finding it hard to enjoy.

Old is the new new, for me.

I'm 35 and i still love them! (my fav are P1, V2, V3, V4, Music Star, Chibi, +C and ID-L)

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I remember when I was 13, and bringing my tamagotchis to school to play with them, I had a conversation with one of my "friends" (who was really more of a bully than a friend -_- ).

Her: Are you still going to be playing with those things next year too? :rolleyes:

Me: I don't know. Probably.

Her: Until you're sixteen?

Me: Uh, I don't know. Maybe.

Her: You're so weird.

Now I did stop playing with tamagotchis the next year after that conversation. But look at me now, 20 years old and getting back into collecting them again. :D And I'm happy, so who cares!

So I'm 27 and only just bought my first ever Tamagotchi - a Melodyland P's set. I bought it on a whim and thought it would probably be childish but man was I wrong! Its so fun and cute to learn how these work, and I'm lucky at my job that I can check on it occasionally.

I didn't realise how much I'd like Tamagotchis, but I've since purchased another two p's plus a bunch of pierces for them all. A bit stupid, I know, since they're likely going to announce a new version!

Tamagotchis don't have to be a old time hobby - they can be new as well!

I'm 24 and have been raising Tamagotchis on and off since the original release on 1996. I never really got into hardcore collecting however, I'm more into a kind of 'less is more'm mentality when it comes to the little ones. With the exception of my original Tama that got accidentaly broken and my TMGC+C that's gone MIA for a pair of years now I only really have two in my collection, planning to add a 4U next.

I've been playing since I was 6 years old and honestly? I believe Tamagotchis can be enjoyed by people of all ages, really.

I'm currently 18 and I still use and collect Tamagotchis. I'm running a P1 at the moment, and excited to purchase the new version when I visit Japan later this year. My partner, as well as my family and friends, think nothing of it. Everyone is into something, and when you're older all you have to do is make sure you're balancing the other aspects of your life with your chosen interest. There's certainly nothing wrong or childish about enjoying a virtual pet.

im 17 and i still do :0 its often a spur of the moment thing though, as i forget about them a lot after a few months...!

There's several member's of TamaTalk that are over 16, myself included. There's also a Facebook group for older Tamagotchi fans. Surprising there are still many users who are over 16. They appear to be the loyal fans who've followed Tamagotchi from the beginning.

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I'm 16. Probably gonna stop soon because more things to do and jobs to find

not really interested in the newer models, so I'm sure I'll eventually either quit and sell or just collect

Glad to see I am not the only one, I'm 26 and have played them on and off since my first one in 1997! Thinking of starting a little collection. Also currently waiting for my tamagotchi P's to arrive!

Well, I'm 28 and still like tamagotchi. I've grown in the tech era, with PCs, consoles, game and watch, etcetera, so it is usual for me.

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