Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?


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27 & married here!!! My husband and I are kids at heart. He still goes on expeditions to find the newest version Tamas when they come out each year because he knows how much I love them. I have been a fan ever since the 90's when I was little...I don't run them constantly like I used to as I am much busier adulting...maybe a couple of weeks here and there. I did go through a long stage of being made fun of by family and friends joking at me, but I didn't care. I want to say somewhere from 19-23 with it peaking at 2007. My mom freaked out at me one day in or around the time I was 22 and told me I needed to grow up as I was married, working a career and still "playing with toys"... Everyone has their thing...mine is knitting/crochet/sewing and Tamagotchi. She understands now, and mostly everyone around me just gives a quiet chuckle because I let them know my opinion of their thoughts a very long time ago HAHA. (Disclaimer, we all do get along and love each other...that was a weird happening!)

I'm 25 and after an 18 year hiatus I bought my first ID L so I could get back into Tamagotchis!

I'm 19, and while I sometimes feel like I shouldn't be playing with them, I still love them enough to collect them.

Yes! I'm way over 16 but I'm still playing them. In fact, I see them keeping me company in my old age when I'm retired & enjoying life. If Bandai still chooses to produce them. LOL!

I'm 21 and I'll always love my Tamas like they're my children. They pretty much ARE my children. I regret that I haven't had a lot of time to have them running lately, but I'm trying to at least keep one with me. You could never convince me to get rid of them!

I used to love virtual pets when I was little; as a young girl (at primary school) I had so many! None were actual Tamas, but I had dogs, cats, babies, 9-in-1s, all sorts. My favourite was Poochie Puppy (a dog virtual pet that was also a wrist watch). I don't think I ever took particularly good care of them, and I sort of 'grew out' of them for a bit... Then the Tamagotchi Connexion came out and they were a huge craze at my school, so, naturally, I got one (at the tender age of fourteen). The fad died out, we all 'grew up' and I sort of forgot about them, despite having an almost guilty love of virtual life.

Third year of uni rolls around and I forget how but I decided to look up Tamagotchi and see where they were at now a days. I think i wanted a pet, but due to being in rented accomodation, it was a no go. This is where I found out that Tamagotchi Friends were about to be released but, even more shockingly, they had developed colour Tamas!! **cue shocked face** I did a tonne of research, fell back in love and decided to get one (I couldn't afford one at the time, but had told my boyfriend I wanted one).

Anyway, I recieved my Tamagotchi iD L E as a Graduation present! So, yep! Defintely over sixteen! I was twenty one years of age, fresh faced out of university and I had my second actual Tamagotchi and my first 'serious' virtual pet. Now, a year on, I'm looking at expanding my collection to include a P and a 4U/+ at some point (again, money!). I also have lots of university friends who would play with Tamas if not for the price tag associated with the current (colour) ones.

I'm 19 and I still play with them, I started at age 8 then went off them until I was around 15-16 when I played with them for a good few months then went off them again. Now here I am at age 19 and I'm very much back into them.

I'm 16 but 17 in two months ^-^ I take a few tamas to college and whenever people see them they're shocked that someone still has them but then they get really happy and want to look at it or play with it. I found it's oddly a really good conversation starter xD and everyone starts talking about their childhood with them and asks me loads of questions about my collection and the majority of people then talk about finding theirs or buying a new one.

24 and hope to soon a new Tama to replace my pink and gold Tama connection my younger sister washed in '09. I have 2 kids and got married since then but when I saw a dream town friends in the mall's hot topic while out x-mas shopping for our families, my husband and I have been talking about them ever since. I am probably going to start one and have my 5 yr old son join me as I think it will be good for him. I also now wish I could read and understand Japanese as those 4U(+)s look awesome.

I'm 18 and in college and I have three! I had a 4.5 in elementary school and a Tama Go when I was around 14/15, so I've basically grown up with them. The people around me usually think they're pretty neat/are familiar or have had them before, so it's nice. :)

I'm 25 and had one as a child. Over the years I lost interest and misplaced them somehow. This Christmas my husband got me the 4u (I'd been watching them on ebay on and off for awhile now) and I love it! I even ordered a vintage one for my four year old. :)

Wow, I think I'm the oldest in the the oldest to post it anyway. Im 47! Back in the 90's I babysat my daughter's tamagotchi a few times but didn't really get into them. This Christmas I got my granddaughter a 4U and babysat while she went on vacation with her parents. Maybe its the color screen or just reading about them to get a little familiar with it, but now I'm addicted! It's amazing to me how in debth these are! I'm still trying to get a grasp on their whole tama-world and how to di and accomplish things. I'm starting to think that these are a little too involved and comprehensive for kids very young; there's alot to learn and alot to do!

I am over 16 and I have a small but growing collection of tamas, including my very first vintage, an Angelgotchi.

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I'm a 96'liner and I started playing Tamas when I was 11 and then had a 5 year break and now I own 9 tamas (including 3 color screens) and I'm determined to keep them all until I die. Even if I become too poor to buy batteries for them I will never sell them.

Yes I do. I always loved tamagotchi and I always will. They make me happy. I enjoy them. I just bought two.

Turning 16 in 2 months or so, and I am currently playing with my v6.

You're never too old for Tamagotchi!

I'm 25 and I still play with them. My apartment won't let me have my dog with me (that's her in my icon), so I play with Tamas when I can't be with my pup.

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