Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?


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I'm a year and four months old, which would be around fourteen in dog years... I'm planning to keep playing if I reach twenty. If I don't, well (probably not), two months later I'll be around sixteen in human years. So, probably. I will when I reach 1.5 years.

I'm 42 hahaha , and take my 4U to work with me everyday , I just received a ID but don't think I could have both at work lol

Will be turning 17 in a few months (Ew, I'm old.) and I still play with my Tamagotchis, Currently, I'm not running any not because of my age, but because I haven't gotten myself new batteries and my summer break just started. Will be making sure to run one (or two, or seven.) some time soon!

Almost 20 here and been a Tamagotchi fan since primary school (4th year of it) and sadly my interest in them faded a bit when I lost my second Tama ever, the only working tama I had at that time, then in 1st year of middle school I found a V4 in a store in my town, that got me many wonderful moments but it got lost, then in 3rd year of high school I found my V4 instructions with personal notes and got so nostalgic I had to get a tama even if it was the last thing I ever get, I ended up with a Tama Friends. I wasn't exactly satisfied with it, so I bought a V4 over the net from another person and then a Familitchi and finally my first color screen, my yellow P's. Later that year, in October, I got a tama that is an exact replica of my first tama ever- white v3 with pink flowers. I still have almost all of the tamas I bought during that period, I sold one. Never willing to give up tamas ever again, no matter what I happen to do in the future. Running my first P's and my only v3. In the meantime, during the tam boom period in my life, I started to listen to rock and metal music but despite trying to make my P's look more metal and a silverish case for my V3, I didn't modify my tamas much in order to make them fit my style.

TL;DR 20 and still going strong

i still love them and i'm 18 but i cant remember which one i loved more i didn't like going online and i enjoyed connecting them do you know which one would be good for me to try again

yes!! why not?? fun knows no ages and limits :D

am reaching 30 and married and still plays tamagotchis (and the other nintendo 3DS games xD), watches animes and reads mangas xD

20, still got tamagotchi's. Been in love with them since I was only a little tyke.

Currently at work, with my v2 on my lap. Playing with it at every given chance :p

I am currently 20 and I just recently got back into playing with my tamagotchi! I found it one day and a huge wave of nostalgia just gushed over me. I believe I got my very first one in 2004 when I was 9 years old? It was a version 1 Tamagotchi Connection.

I'm 19 and I just started again! It seems tamas are not really seen as a child's toy - they didnt start that was in Japan originally. They can be seen as a cute way of passing the time - I mean, adults play silly games on their iPhones all the time! So do you guys feel comfortable being seen in public playing with and caring for tamagotchis? why/why not?

I'm trying to figure out whether I'm brave enough to do this, so I can stop feeding my tamagotchi with my hand hidden in my purse.

I turned 18 earlier this month and I still love Tamagotchis and other v-pets. :) I'm not embarrassed to say that I'm a part of this fandom, I've met really nice people through virtual pets and learned some obscure facts about Japanese pop culture (the only reason why I know who Tamao Nakamura is was through her own Tama, the TamaOtch). I also think its another form of being a gamer. Despite how crude the graphics or game play can be for some v-pets, all of them are different in their own way and a lot of fun. :wub:

I turned 16 a few days ago, in fact, I just started playing it again a short period of time after I turned 16.

But this time I am putting more thought, research and care into my babies, in order to get the Mametchi I was aming for since I was 5.

I'm 19 and I just started again! It seems tamas are not really seen as a child's toy - they didnt start that was in Japan originally. They can be seen as a cute way of passing the time - I mean, adults play silly games on their iPhones all the time! So do you guys feel comfortable being seen in public playing with and caring for tamagotchis? why/why not?
I'm trying to figure out whether I'm brave enough to do this, so I can stop feeding my tamagotchi with my hand hidden in my purse.
Haha, I do the hand hidden in purse thing too. XD

Not gonna say my exact age but I'm definitely well above this board's average age. I do lots of childish stuff and fully enjoy the things I like... I think once you've got enough confidence, you don't worry so much about what you're supposed to like or dislike, and you can just decide to be true to your own happiness. Worrying a lot about being mature seems to me like kind of an immature behaviour, ironically.

I'm about to turn 23 next week and I have been in love with Tamagotchis for many years! :)

My first Tamagotchi was an European V3, with the cow shell design. I think I got it when I was about 7 or 8 years old.

Currently I'm running a 4U and an Akai :)

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