Does having your period hurt?


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Sep 8, 2007
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Does having your period hurt? I was wondering because my friends and I haven't had it yet and this one girl is convinced that it hurts! What do I tell her?? ;)

Hello *KerraKiki*! Welcome to TT

There is already a topic like this, (heres the link)

Hope this helps :eek:
That is true but if it's posted here it must be ok [a mod has to give their OK].

I think it's a bit different because she's only asking about the pain involved, not the general topic.

I'm a really late bloomer [xP] and so I haven't had my yet. I have heard, though, that some girls get cramps more or less and it depends on the individual. The actualy blood loss does not hurt [unless you have some sort of infection] by itself.

Well, it just depends. Some people get cramps, but I tend to get this numb feeling around my area the first couple of days. It may not be painful physically, but it is mentally for me. :\

It doesnt hurt physicially. Mentally looking at the waste scares me... How do I kno? I got teh first one yesterday...creepy...
You'll get used to seeing it. I didn't like seeing it at first, either, but it can't be helped.

I don't think I cramped my first time (not much anyway) either... Once you become more regular you'll realize if you have bad cramps or next to none.

You'll get used to seeing it. I didn't like seeing it at first, either, but it can't be helped.
I don't think I cramped my first time (not much anyway) either... Once you become more regular you'll realize if you have bad cramps or next to none.
I was creeped out because it was dark... its not like that now... I have nothing else though...

It doesnt hurt physicially. Mentally looking at the waste scares me... How do I kno? I got teh first one yesterday...creepy...
Agreed. The first day isn't too bad, but the second and third come down really hard. I had a leak in my brand new jeans on the first day of school 2 weeks ago. Horrible. D:

True true.

You get used to it.


Facts of life.

I hate the way guys don't have to deal with stuff like this.

Fixing their hair, periods, bras.



But I don't have any cramps at all during mine.

My lower back hurts a lot,

but that's it.

My mom says I'm lucky.


Agreed. The first day isn't too bad, but the second and third come down really hard. I had a leak in my brand new jeans on the first day of school 2 weeks ago. Horrible. D:
I spotted like 2 days ago, and yesterday it all poured out... I went through my fave kitty Pj pants (there wasnt much on it, so I was able to have them washed with no stains now, I can use them again!)

I suggest using Spandex underwear to keep your pad in place, DONT use COTTON underwear!!! It gets kinda messy and the pad moves all over the place. I kno from what happend yesterday...

I spotted like 2 days ago, and yesterday it all poured out... I went through my fave kitty Pj pants (there wasnt much on it, so I was able to have them washed with no stains now, I can use them again!)
I suggest using Spandex underwear to keep your pad in place, DONT use COTTON underwear!!! It gets kinda messy and the pad moves all over the place. I kno from what happend yesterday...
I agree on more stretchy/clingy underwear. It does indeed help. I have a pair that or sort of a swimsuit material and they seem to work nicely, although that's only one pair and I have 5 days to deal with. :)

Pads are a pain, sadly.

I agree on more stretchy/clingy underwear. It does indeed help. I have a pair that or sort of a swimsuit material and they seem to work nicely, although that's only one pair and I have 5 days to deal with. :lol:
Pads are a pain, sadly.
I havent had any problems yet, other then the cotton underwear thing at first. I also suggest if its heavy, lie down on your back... its helps...

Yeah, the underwear thing still gets to me at night sometimes, as I am sleeping and don't realize it's moving around, but someone suggested tampons at night, so I might try that (we'll see).

Lying on your back would help it from being so heavy, but when you stand up, it'll still flow again... And it can leak easier (in my experience) if you're on your back, thanks to gravity.

Periods suck. =/

Yeah, the underwear thing still gets to me at night sometimes, as I am sleeping and don't realize it's moving around, but someone suggested tampons at night, so I might try that (we'll see).
Lying on your back would help it from being so heavy, but when you stand up, it'll still flow again... And it can leak easier (in my experience) if you're on your back, thanks to gravity.

Periods suck. =/
I dont use tampons yet, and Im not planning on it... Id rather have the pad so I can tell how much got on it. & I wouldnt do the tampon at night thing because of TSS.

Lying on my back for 2, 4 hour periods of time helped it become a lot less heavy actually for me... I went to the bathrrom right afterword and not alot was on it. It still flows, but not as bad as it was... I noticed that...

And I agree. Periods SUCK! Why do WE HAVE to go through this?

Does having your period hurt? I was wondering because my friends and I haven't had it yet and this one girl is convinced that it hurts! What do I tell her?? :p
[SIZE=7pt]You don't feel a thing.[/SIZE]

The only thing that hurts are the cramps.

They've had me in tears. So much pain.

I rarely get cramps. When I do, though, it's usually just a twinge of pain that lasts for maybe 10 seconds tops. I usually get minor pains in my lower back though.

But what I hate most about my periods is when I'm sitting in a certain position, the blood will leak down and drip onto my underwear, pants, and bed. I hate that so much. Or like today, when I noticed I had been sitting in that position for at least 30 minutes, I had to run to the bathroom to see if I leaked on my pants. Thank goodness I didn't.

The first time I started really caught me by surprise though. I was going to the bathroom when I noticed my underwear were soaked in blood. I thought I was dying until the next day I came to my sense when my friend said it looked like I had blood on my pants. I was still panicky and told myself I wouldn't believe it was my period unless it came again next month. Thankfully it did and now I don't freak out when it happens xP

It depends on the person.

For me, yes it hurts from time to time. Sometimes, it even hurts so much I can't even move... :)

My doctor told me to drink more water if that happens, which I do. Don't worry: once it's done it's usually gone and you don't have to worry about it for another month. :D

Periods in the sense of bleeding, there's no pain.

Periods in the sense of cramps, little to a lot of pain.

Some girls are 'lucky' and get cramps. They can be very little to a LOT of pain. When I had my period there was a ton of cramp pain. But some girls don't get any cramps or feel any pain at all. It just depends on the person.

Well sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't, if it hurts either a bath or parasetemel will work (lousy spelling) if it hurts while your at school, you might have to go home, but it doesn't usually hurt.

B) hope I helped :D

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Well sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't, if it hurts either a bath or parasetemel will work (lousy spelling) if it hurts while your at school, you might have to go home, but it doesn't usually hurt.
B) hope I helped :D
Uh... if you took a bath wouldnt all the waste just go in the water and youll just be sitting in it? Thats kinda gross...

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