Does Race Matter?


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My school is:

- 50% White/Caucasian

- 20% African-American

- 20% Hispanic

- 10% Asian

I got it off this sheet thing from our school o.o'

I'm Asian. If I had to pick I'd go out with a white guy.

I'm just not that attracted to my own race.

I don't have a problem with Hispanics or black guys..

I'm just less attracted to them than other races.

I believe the only real race that matters is the human race which is all of us.
Though, I will say that I am not attracted to all different types of people "equally", like Cinder said. For instance, I may prefer the looks wise a blondie than a dark haired guy or a red head versus someone with dyed purple hair - it's just the way I'm physically attracted to someone and there's nothing wrong with that.

Of course, it isn't all physical but physically it does play a role, if that makes sense.
Well put. I'm into English/American guys, I guess. It's just I can identify with them a little more in terms of looks, and feel closer to them as a result. But at the end of the day, it's the personality that really matters.


No, I don't think it matters. I'm white and I used to really like this black guy.


But when it comes to getting married and all that, not being racist, but I would rather marry someone white. I would just want my kids to be the same race as me. :eek:

I come from the middle of the country where there isn't much friction in race relations. Ok, that's my background. Umm, the few black people I grew up with were super rich, well educated and lovely people.

Now you get my point of view.

So yeah, I just don't care. I have learned that jerks come in all colors. :huh:

It is the quality/character that matters to me.

I don't judge people on race.

At my school, I get joked for being a "goody-two-shoes white girl". Where I live many people are Asian, African American, Hispanic, and Caucasion. So, we're all a mixture of different races (I think their are generally more Asians at school areound where I live, though). At my school people joke others based on race, I generally ignore it until it gets out of hand.

I lean towards people of all races. Race isn't something that comes to mind when I meet a genuine person.

Well, there are more white/Caucasian people at my school,it's kind of about:

70% White/Caucasian

20% Black

5% Asian

5% Hispanic

But, I have a friend from India and one from Pakistan, who are my best friends. I love them dearly, just, not in that way. I have white best friends who I love dearly but not in that way either. I have only went out with white people, but they're the only ones who've asked me out.

Looks matter in a relationship. NO relationship can be 100% based on personality. I don't care what anyone says, it's true. It's the first thing you notice. What do you first notice when you're a child? The looks of something, that bright red apple, that vibrant yellow lemon. Before you do anything in life, you look first. it's human nature. I would go out with a person of any race, unless their personality is horrible. My friend, Ashar's personality is fabulous, but I'd turn him down, just as I would, my other friend James. I wouldn't base any relationship solely on looks, but not solely on personality either.

My school has

85% White/Caucasian

15% Black

Even though it dosen't look like it, I am a matter of fact, black.

I'm attracted to black girls. Fyi. :D

My school has a good 60% Black population, 30% white, and 10% like Asian/Hispanis.

I don't think race should matter, but like SK I would perfer my own race...

Race doesn't matter, but honestly I have said my few racist remarks around my friends.

I am black/african american, but race does not matter to me, and I think mixed (bi-racial) people are the most beautiful people ever.

My school is like 97% white, 2% Oriental Asian, 0.5% Black, 0.5% Indian.

It's not that mixed. -___-

But I prefer guys with fair skin. It's attractive to me.

I am mixed-race myself though. My dad is Indian and my mum is white. =]

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I went out with 2 mixed people. But I kinda prefer white I'v had crushes on white people and one Turkish boy but whos to say I wont change my mind the the future? Cos' I might.

Race doesn't matter.

Race doesn't change anything, you can be African American, and be nice or mean, you can be anything any color.

I think bi-racial people are pretty. And I like one[ He American and Chinese].

Even though I do have friends who are African American, but I personally would never want to marry or go out with them, not being rude or anything,I'm not saying ALL are bad people. I;ve seen some succeeded in life [Like Obama] Just personal pref. but I can't say that when I like a few bi-racial kids. :D But I mostly like kids who are white or fair skinned [Like tan].

My school's like...

50% White

21 % African American

10% Asian

4% Hispanic

?% Other

Race only matters in the short term. Looks as well. Being with a race that is the same as your own is a comforting feeling. Someone who looks like you almost feels like family already.

I'm not a racicst. I find that all people have good qualities no matter what race they are. If the internet has taught us anything its that personality can penetrate all visual barriers, thus a person of any race has the ability to befriend anyone else, with a mind open to friendship.

Growing up in the San Francisco area of California, and going through the public school, system I've been exposed to many different kinds of people and am used to them. I've had excellent teachers named Habibi and Friends that go to see their family in China. One hears Mexican Spanish being spoken more than English in certain parts of town... It's just a part of life. I find middle-aged white people being dumber than old South Americans. White teen-agers being more trustworthy than black teen-agers. The real problem arises though, when you get people who act stereotypically and don't care. Stereotypes are never for good qualities either...

:/ Long story short, I'd date a guy, being the ghost-white blonde that I am, who was black or something if he had a good personality. If he had a great imagination and was near genius level on the SAT but too true to his heart to be a lawyer. I'd dang near marry him, if I wasn't already *ahem* 'with' somebody.

I'm mostly attracted to white and asian girls, admittedly. It's not that I hate blacks or anything, and it's not like I won't socialize with them, they just don't flip a turn on switch for me. -shrugs-

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My friends say Asian people are yellow. Thanks guys xp

For physical attractiveness, I only like like white guys. Other guys are just... unattractive.

Ugh. I'm mix white and west indian so i hav it ruff. all the blacks go out people, latinos with latinos, whites with whites, jews with jews. No offense, but it sickens me. Go out side the box! date sum1 unusual! like me!!!

there are liik 2 mixed boys in my school and i h8 them.

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