Does the Tamagotchi design depend on the family?


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
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England, UK
Me and my brother both got tamagotchi v5 at the same time.

mine is a pink see-through, with white star designs on it (only from the shop ARGOS) with a violetchi character on the chain...

and his is a white with building on it, red buttons and a mametchi character holding flowers on the chain (he just got his from a toy shop)

and when we started them, we both had the same family, BLENDED FAMILY

and i wondered... if that when you reset your tama v5 is the family chosen at random??

or is it the actual tamagotchi toy that decides what family you get?

that probrobly sounded confusing :(

but please can someone HELP me :furawatchi:

When you first start a new V5 you will always get a blended family.

If you take bad care of them you can get one of three bad care families.

If you take good care of them, and breed the right characters together, you can get some pure-bred families, beginning with your second generation.

For more information, read this topic: Family, how to get a non-mixed family?

You will always get a blended family at the first generation and u can't change it but u can by the second generation.

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