Does your dog......?


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2007
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Just like the title says, Does your dog have any weird fears or eating habbits or nicknames? My dog has all three! He's afraid of the brush, the hoover and my cat!

He like to eat ice! (Ithink he like it because he's teething and the ice helps cool his gums down or something?)

And he's nicknamed Luther (I'm not sure if that's how to spell it but it's said in Killinaskully (sp?) all the time!

Does anyone else's dog have or do anything like that?

My dog eats bees/ flies... it can't be good for her...

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My dogs eat popcorn,cheese, bread, and grass....

I call Buster "Busser Boy" and Abby "Abba Labba"

Buster is afraid of the Vacuum, Abby is afraid of...What is Abby afraid of??

Hmmm,let's see...

My puppy is extremely afraid of thunderstorms.Every time there's a thunderstorm in Las Vegas,or where ever else I'm traveling,he always tries to find me.Where ever I'm at,he'll jump right next to me and will want a little attention.

My puppy has very bad eating habits.Everything he finds,he eats.My puppy's VERY picky also.I don't tolerate it though. :]

My dog's name is Twinky,and yes,I do give it nicknames.I call him Twinks or Twinkies. :] He loves it.

My dog is petrified of my budgie [My budgie was bigger than him when I first got him] and ever since, when I get my budgie out - he puts his tail down and hides and looks sheepish.

My dog isn't huge he's a small dog anyway [lhasa apso].

Like most dogs, both of my dogs are terrified of our vaccum and DustBuster, the flyswatter, and strangers. But that's typical. :marumimitchi:

Skippy (the male miniature dachshund I have) is terrified of other dogs and cats. He's small, so you can imagine. Maddie (the female miniature dachshund) is scared of large storms, thunderstorms to be exact. Whenever it's storming outside, night or day, we have to have a blanket for her to snuggle under and sleep the day away.

Both of them, though, are scared of cameras. Video cameras, camera's with the flash on... They hate having their pictures taken! Skippy has always barked at the video camera. LOL

We have a whole bunch of nicknames for them both! And when I say that, I mean it.

Skippy - Kippy, Skip, Tippy, Kipper, Skippy boy

Maddie - Madison, M&M, Mades, Miss Moo(Moo), Mad-Cow, Moo-Cow, Mooess, Madderz

Heh. I know, weird nicknames. We call Maddie Moo-Cow, Mad-Cow, etc, because she's.... chubby. -_- Skippy is a good, healthy weight.

Both love: ice-cream, cheerios, Cheweez (brand of chew-bones), and lots of other stuff. We don't give them a lot of 'people food', because it can really hurt miniature dachshunds' weight and otherwise health. :angry:

My Dog, Jessie is afraid of roses. and balloons.

Roses because I was once blowing bubbles for her to catch and she was going to catch one and the ran into the rose bush.

Balloons because at my birthday my Mum was blowing up balloons and throwing them off the veranda down to us in the backyard and Jessie bit one and it popped in her mouth.

I think my dog has very bad luck.

i hav a dog (kimble) and he's afraid of my Ginny pig's


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My puppy wont eat dog food, only human food

She is scared of the vacume and the broom

we call her Cocolicious (her name is Coco)

My dog is terrified of the broom and mop, but she doesn't have a problem with our vacuum. She eats flys and spiders, and almost anything else. When she was a puppy she would eat our keys, paper towels, and light bulbs. She had to go the vet quite a few times for x-rays.

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