Does your tama lye on floor wen dying


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Yes, I believe so. But after it dies, a ghost of it may float around the screen.

But after it dies, a ghost of it may float around the screen.
Or an angel. Your Tama will look sick and unhappy when it's dying and you can't do anything about it.

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Actually it does not lie on the floor when dying. It simply stays in the middle of the screen looking rather ill and then after a while he goes of the screen and up comes an angel. he only way to prevnt your tama from dying in by taking extra good care of it. If it's in the middle of dying (It's in the middle of the screen and looks like he has a headache) ou can't cure him. You won't be able to go to the doctor or aven feed him. It's quite depressing when you see them die but you know what they say, sometimes they don't even feel a thing. :huh:

Actually it does not lie on the floor when dying. It simply stays in the middle of the screen looking rather ill and then after a while he goes of the screen and up comes an angel. he only way to prevnt your tama from dying in by taking extra good care of it. If it's in the middle of dying (It's in the middle of the screen and looks like he has a headache) ou can't cure him. You won't be able to go to the doctor or aven feed him. It's quite depressing when you see them die but you know what they say, sometimes they don't even feel a thing. :eek:
I've watched a Connexion die and they seem to lie on their stomachs with a skull flashing overhead. Then the Tamagotchi stands up (not straight up though, sort of like when a parent is leaving a child) and floats up to the top of the screen. Then the screen gradually goes black, starting from the top. After that you see the angel at the bottom of the screen and a few seconds later the angel appears at the middle of the screen (this is what you would usually see if your Tamagotchi is dead).

your tama will sit face flat on the floor. It will also have a skull in the corner.

Well, maybe not 'float' but it will be on its side and have a skull icon over its head and you can't do anything about it. I hope this clears it up.

yes it does i know cos i have seen it happen before it has happened loads of times!! ;) :)

Well, this will indicate your tamagotchi is dying:

Music plays, like, dun dun..dun dun..and then you can't control your tamagotchi. It lies on the floor for a second, skull over its head, and then the screen will go black. It will go white again, but it will show your tamagotchi's ghost/angel.

When mine dies it doesn't do what any of you have said. It keeps standing up and falling down with a skull in the corner. It never lets you press anything.

yes u can before it dies press the restart on the back and then hit download and it is back to normal

the skull flashes and he lies on the floor with death music playing.The angel on V4 only is in the middle and V3,2 ,1 have an angel on the floor the it pops up to the middle and gently floats up and down.

I Wachted My Tamagotchi Die There Was A Flashing Skull And It Went Up On The Screen And The Screen Went Black And Then It Showd An Angel On My 4.5

That's what mine did. Well, first I heard a scary/creepy noice. I grabbed my tamagotchi and noticed it on the floor, looking sick. I don't know what, but something gave me the impression that I shouldve been doing something. I pushed every button I could and begged and pleaded that it'd be ok, but then the screen went black and a ghost appeared, and I knew it had died. Kinda sad....

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