Don't ask, don't tell


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 15, 2007
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Tufftown, West Virginia
So, Obama is planning to end 'Don't ask, don't tell', and I want to hear your opinions on it.

I really don't know much about it, but I do understand that you shouldn't tell people while servicing, to avoid harassment by their fellow servicemen,

I think it should be up to said person.If they want to come out and say it,then they should be able to.But if they don't for fear of what others will think,that's their choice.So yes I think "Don't Ask,Don't Tell" should be gotten rid of.

Well, it should be up to the person. If they want to tell, good for them. If they dont, still, good for them.

I agree with what others have said in that it should be a person's own choice to come out and say something or not. I don't believe the option to be who you are should ever be banned. I'm for him throwing out the don't ask don't tell policy.

America is all about having choices. So I don't see the point in banning our choice to be out or not. I understand that not everyone is for being open in the military, but that's just the thing. They don't have to come out. While giving them the choice to come out, they're also giving them the choice not to. I think so long as they have that choice, it's fair.


I don't think it matters what sexuality you are or what you believe in, but about the actual performance you can put on in the military.

If you aren't fit to fight in a war, then you have no business fighting in a war.

This policy seems very strange; I didn't even know it existed. I'm going to have to do some research on this and then get back to you.

Well, it causes a lot of problems having gays in the military. It's like having guys and girls in the same bunk, in a way. It causes a lot of distractions and I guess no one wants to deal with the 'what ifs' so that's why this is a law. I understand how they might be a good fighter but can't fight in the military. I have to agree with the law though because it's too many distractions. The people in the bunks shower together, sleep together, and it's really controversial to allow gays in with them. So I disagree that the law should go away, it will cause a lot of problems if it is taken away.

Don't ask, don't tell is the common term for the policy regarding gays and lesbians serving openly in the U.S. military mandated by federal law.
Thanks, I honestly didn't know what it was either.

So was it illegal to be bisexual or homosexual and be in the U.S. military? Isn't that discrimination / unconstitutional? (Wait, just looked at the Wikipedia article here, so basically it was a if you're homosexual and in the military, it's a don't-say-anything-about-it-or-we'll-kick-you-out type of thing?)

Either way, your sexual preference shouldn't affect anything more than that - your sexual preference. Your sexuality, whether straight or gay or bi or pan or whatever you are, shouldn't cloud your judgment and your commitment your you country.

So basically is Obama making it legal to have a sexual orientation other straight and be in the military?

Well, it causes a lot of problems having gays in the military. It's like having guys and girls in the same bunk, in a way. It causes a lot of distractions and I guess no one wants to deal with the 'what ifs' so that's why this is a law. I understand how they might be a good fighter but can't fight in the military. I have to agree with the law though because it's too many distractions. The people in the bunks shower together, sleep together, and it's really controversial to allow gays in with them. So I disagree that the law should go away, it will cause a lot of problems if it is taken away.
Unrelated to the quote-- I'm glad someone cleared this up for me, I didn't have a clue as to what this policy was.

That's fair enough to say and have your opinion and I'm sure a lot of people believe that, but in the modern era's outlook on this sort of subject-- anything involving the singling out of someone who is homosexual-- can't really be accepted as fair anymore. The majority of the population striving to be equal and that means tnat this sort of law really can't be put in place anymore, despite what problems it could cause.

People would see it as discrimination and that would lead to all sorts of problems..

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