Don't pause.


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I have a v5 which I bought recently, and at first I was distressed because you can't pause them!!! And i've always paused my v3 and v2 tamas for school, so i've worked out this routine where I hardly ever pause it, but i take it to school with me and check on it now and then at break times (making sure it's hungry & happy hearts are full, and that it's not sick or anything) and then i'm fine!!!
hope this helps xxx
Actually you can sort of pause a v5, though I never do, unless its a total emergency. The max I ever pause for is

5 minutes. But anyways! To pause your v5, you need to go to the T.V. icon on the bottom row, and select

the travel show. Then press go when the option comes up and you see a cute little animation of your tamas leaving the house and getting into a bus. The travelling will go on forever until you stop it by pressing the © button I think...

My Tama Status !!

Tamagotchi design "Sing a Song"

Abbigail (Abby for short) - SakuraMotchi

Sean - Mattaritchi

Mini - Belltchi

Hungry - *****

Happy- *****

Working towards being a cheerful family !!

Sincerely, The Song Family!

Tamagotchi design "Red Dots"

Katherine - SakuraMotchi

Jason- Mattaritchi

Glaze - Belltchi

Hungry - *****

Happy - *****

Working towards being a smart family !!

Sincerly, The Dott Family!

:eek: Future Plans :huh:

The Song Family's oldest daughter, Abby...Plans to be married to the Dott family's son, Jason.

Now, the two families will both train to be cheerfull, and again their kids will marry. Ta-Dum!

Hopefully, this will produce not a blended family, but a cheerful one !!

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plus if you get into the habit of pausing your tama before school, one day you might just forget.when i played with v2's like 3 years ago, i would always forget to pause my tamas and then one day it died

[SIZE=14pt]My opinion-[/SIZE]

Yes. It DOES slow the growth process. But WHY NOT PAUSE?!?! your tamagotchi has a TON of risk dying. And a lot of tama fans will NOT stop playing with THEIR tama if they unpause it. Say that you go on a long trip, and don't want to bring your tama (No Offence, but you're telling a lot of people, DON'T PAUSE!!)? You will HAVE to puase it unless you want it to die and you show it on the Tamagotchi Memorial. Or you don't want to take it to school that day (Again, no offence, but if some teachers find it, your tama is DOOMED!!)?

-Just to let you know-


I've tried pausing it before for a whole day! My tama took almost two weeks to grow! I learned not to pause it but i was really busy so I gave my tamagotchi to my freind to take care of. It died a few weeks later after I got it back. Oops. And my freind kept unsrewing the back of my tamagotchi for some reason so the screw kept getting lost and she lost the back but found it and I never let her take care of my tamagotchi again. :)

Pausing does slow down it's growth. It drives me crazy sometimes when it won't grow up when it's supposed to. >.>

hmm, i may sound a little noobish, but can't you just pause it by pressing the b button (showing the time screen)? I always do that, and its like a little pause for me. :D

hmm, i may sound a little noobish, but can't you just pause it by pressing the b button (showing the time screen)? I always do that, and its like a little pause for me :D

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Well I never Paused mine, When I go to school I leave it then when I come home I first run to my Tamagotchi and then take care of it. I hear the max you can leave it alone is 10 hours??

Its not a bad habit to pause.Some people pause, and no need to tell them not to.Its their tamagotchi not yours.Anyway, it only slows down the growth if you paused it for 24 hours.My Ura Yattatchi was paused for about 3 hours, and it still grows quickly.Although, please correct me if Im wrong.

I pause when I'm at school but at night if it is an adult I turn the sound off and leave it to go to bed

hmm, i may sound a little noobish, but can't you just pause it by pressing the b button (showing the time screen)? I always do that, and its like a little pause for me. :mellow:
That doesn't pause it, the tama is still active but you can't see it.

I have a v5 which I bought recently, and at first I was distressed because you can't pause them!!! And i've always paused my v3 and v2 tamas for school, so i've worked out this routine where I hardly ever pause it, but i take it to school with me and check on it now and then at break times (making sure it's hungry & happy hearts are full, and that it's not sick or anything) and then i'm fine!!!
hope this helps xxx
thats bad what if some1 steals it

Whenever you pause, you get into the habit, soon enough, you won't play with it any more!!!! Also, if you have to because of school, then just simply reset the time to midnight and it will be asleep the whole time, the only thing that will happen is that it will just grow (as in age). Also, the only time you should pause is when...
A: Can't take care of baby because you gtg.

B: Whenever you wanna keep it from growing.

Hope this helps...
EXACTLY!I got into the habit of pausing and now I never play with my tamas but I will try to play with them now!
