Don't put your personal info in profile!


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I only wrote down my intersest's and then wrote 'Australia' as location. I would never give , my full address.
same with me the only thing i woold ever give out is my first name.

The internet is a very dangerous place. It could be used for good and for evil. Good as in homework, getting info (on things NOT PEOPLE), ect. but it could be used for evil as mentioned above. I don't like putting addresses and ever since reading this, i've been very very cautious. that's y i don't like myspace. I'm very anti-myspace. people my age are lying about their age (ex: saying they're like 17 when they're really like 12) and putting their personal info even without telling their parents. It's really sad and i think websites should ALWAYS have a slot for parent's email to inform them that their child is registered to [insert website here] and if they want them to be registered or not. but even things like that can't stop them. I just hope no one get's hurt while using the wonderful invention called the internet.

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I agree with bamcr. If tama talk is for kids why does the Myspace even have a place for you to put your birthday and other personal stuff. It should not be there. I only gave my general location (city) because it is fun to see where ppl are from I think. But any more would be too much.

This is very true and I think everyone should not give away much info about there personal lives :huh:

Think of the t-bay section in tamatalk. This is a forum, and giving away you're address is involved in sending stuff. Paypal, my parents have it and I have NO clue whatsoever what it is, but it keeps you safer when selling things to other people involving mailing the thing you are selling.

Never even bother with putting a thing in you're profile. As long as it has absolutly nothing to do with you in it. Most people PM eachother asking for a freind. Try getting permission from an older family member, if you're not so sure about whoever's asking. Some members in forum websited know eachother in real life- so keep this in mind. You're freind is maybe a tamatalk member, (I mean you know him/her at school.)

So you know for a fact that this persion is safe to contact online with. Also: Never, EVER post pictures of you're self on the internet. (Like my brother :marumimitchi: ) I know that some forums are created for making freinds, wich is too duh to explain XP

Some members spam. Spamming maynot be considerd 'dangerus', but watch out for swearing and bad language. Some ppl are racest with their words-

Read some member's names.. Some can be inappropriate to bear with.

Tamatalk is a very safe forum site, despite the fact that we have guides who work hard to help the Admin own a safe place for kids and teenagers to post in. I am not warning you because of tamatalk; I am warning ppl thet you maybe caught in bad PMs and rude members.

thank you

:puroperatchi: ,


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Basically, the things you don't want to give out are:

Your parent's first and last names

Your telephone number(including cell phones)

and Your home street adress.

Giving away your name/gender/country wont get you kidnapped. People can't track kids down only by the child's name, as the child's name is not in the phone book. They can track you by your parent's names though. Never give out your phone number or street address. Not even a mailing address.

I say, if u wanna put your name on your siggie or whatever, don't put your last name. They could look that up and maybe find u. Anyway, I think most people are smart enough to figure what u can put on the internet, and what u can't. What I'm sying is... just be careful. The internet is a VERY dangerous place.

Yes you are right you know. People may send you some mail asking to be bestest friends. I have had this done to me before.

Don't risk it.

Yet again, someone on the broad Internet has given away their information... In the newspapers, someone had been abducted fir giving out her address i a chatroom-a nine year old... Isnt that a little young?

Not really Spiffy. Kids that age just don't know any better until they either learn the hard way or they get told... even then it doesn't always guarantee their safety. If the child believes that they have made a new friend they may still give out personal details believing that they are safe. They just don't understand that lengths that some perverted adults will go to in order to get close to them.

You can tell your first name, but definately don't put your last name or REAL location. Make up a location, or a last name. It works. xD

I have pinned this topic because I feel that it is an important one. I have seen a few instances where members have placed their home addresses either in their personal profiles or on posts on here. I cannot reiterate how dangerous this is. You DO NOT need to be a member of TamaTalk to view posts on here which means that if you post your details you are effectively posting for all the world to see. Should any Admin or any Guide see that you have posted personal details of your location, the post will be removed or edited to hide the details. This is for your own safety. If we discover that you have put your address in your personal profile then you will be asked to remove it of your own accord first before being referred to Admin who will fix it FOR YOU! :huh:
Seeing there are many members we can not watch everyone to make sure they are acting in the safest way which is why this thread has been pinned so you know for yourself. I encourage anyone who who sees another posting personal details to contact a Guide.

Again, please understand this is for your own safety. A lot of you are well and truley underage and to a degree we a responsibility to ensure your safety.
Happy to see you Tamaguides looking out for us members. :wacko:

I've heard of too many scary stories of stuff happening all because of someone posting personal information on the web, weather it be a address, phone number, your real first or last name, birthday or whatever.

My parents gave me and my sister a two hour talk before and after we got our computer not to post our names or any information that is personal. Infact we have a HUGE list put up near the computer of what we should not give out...and I'm eighteen and they do thing, I understand and all so not big deal.

Here are the things I think are right and wrong to do


1. first name

2.location i.e (America, Canada)

3.intrests (animals)


1.full name

2.street name, phone number e-mail

School name or mascot

BTW:plz post if you have add ons, or dis-agreements.

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