Doraemontchi log!


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purple pyonkotchi

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2012
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(idk how to put the tag, but comments are ok!) Hi! I've decided I'm gonna make a log of my doraemontchi, since it's a tama I've had a lot of fun running so far. Unfortunately I've already ran it for about a week so it's not an entirely fresh start, but seeing how difficult it's been to run, I know I'm gonna be running it for a while.

The doraemontchi is interesting compared to other vintage tamas, first of all because it's a crossover tama made well before any of the nanos! It's based off the anime doraemon, a show about a robot cat from the future going back in time and helping a kid named nobita succeed in life. It's a silly anime with a bunch of funny episodes, I binge watched it a LOT last year. The tama itself is packed with all sorts of references to the show which is really nice to see. Various features have been replaced with stuff from in the show itself, even little things like the on/off light switch being a closet door icon, since doraemon sleeps in the closet in the show.

In the anime, doraemon has a pocket that's full of various gadgets from the future, and usually they're the cause of whatever plot is happening that episode. In the tamagotchi, there's a little item system where you can collect various gadgets while running the tama. Most of them just change the appearence of doraemon for a while, there is no evolution or growth of any kind in this tama so this is the closest there is. My goal is to try to run this until I collect all the gadgets in the tama itself! So far I only have 3 out of the 10 total.

Right now, I've ran it for about a week and have already had to start over once, oops. Doraemon doesn't die in this, he just leaves back to the future and you gotta start over. I forgot how needy vintage tamas are, the stats all drop within an hour or two... its quite a challenge to keep up with since I've got a busy schedule with work and school :( Right now, doraemon is 2, and honestly I think I'm gonna have to just set the time to make him sleep when I'm away for more than an hour at a time LMAO. Going to see how well this works out

I'll update more later when interesting things happen! Also, I took a picture of the tama the other day when I got it in the mail, the quality is really good! I also scanned in the box art for anyone who wants to see that. I love the little artwork of the characters in the vintage art style



(hoping this works, uploading images has always been a pain for me OOF.)
This looks like it will be a lot of fun :) I look forward to seeing what the different gadgets do. I have never seen Doraemon anime but I played a little bit of Doraemon Story of Seasons :)

And yeah I think with the new software the forum is running the Comments OK and No Comments tags stopped working...? They all seem to have disappeared.
Thanks so much! Little bit of an update, I just got another one of the gadgets unlocked. Randomly throughout the day one of the character's faces will pop up on the screen and beep, and clicking the pocket icon makes Doraemon help them. Doing that gets you points on the DMP meter, but failing to do so makes the points go down, basically this tamagotchis version of a training meter. I keep missing these so my points are really low right now LMAO

But anyways, sometimes after doing that, you can unlock a gadget. You can also do it sometimes by playing the game, but either way it seems like the chances of getting something unlocked is completely random. So far, I just got the takecopter (which just changes the sprite to have doraemon have the takecopter on his head), the anywhere door (which just plays a little cutscene of doraemon visiting another random character), the small light (which just changes the sprite to be really big/really tiny which i find hilarious), and just now I unlocked the speed clock (which just seems to make them move faster for a short time?)

Here's a few pics of some sprites, I'll try to get some better quality ones later lmao:

Also shoutout to the sprite of tiny doraemon eating because it just looks hilarious
That's amazing that you managed to get one of these! : D How much did it cost if I could ask? IDK how common this particular handheld is.

Would be amazing to see another crossover between the two franchises again.

Unfortunate that it seems pretty difficult to take care of doraemon, but considering this was released during the classic/vintage era, that's probably not too
That's amazing that you managed to get one of these! : D How much did it cost if I could ask? IDK how common this particular handheld is.
I got it for $60, though I got it as a gift. Been looking at a dorami one that's about $40, but I'm unsure on buying it right now

Also a bit of an update, doraemon left again LMAO. I woke up to it beeping up a storm, and when I checked on it all I saw was the little cutscene of him leaving due to neglect. I swear he went to bed with full hearts in everything, so I'm not sure what I missed while I was asleep. For real though, this thing is unforgiving

The good news is that pressing A and C can reset it like any other tamagotchi, and resetting it like that allows you to keep all of your items. So as of now, no progress is lost! Though now instead of just collecting gadgets, I think my main goal is going to be trying to keep Doraemon alive for more than 3 days. If you have any sort of schedule at all, I don't recommend this tama lmao

Here's a pic I got of it with a doraemon plush I own haha


Also, something I forgot to mention is how sometimes a mouse will show up and freak doraemon out. In the anime, he's canonically terrified of mice due to them being the reason he has no ears, so that's included in this tama in a way. It kind of acts like the polar bear in the ocean tama? You gotta click the pocket icon and then doraemon will shoot it away with the air canon gadget. That's honestly kind of tame lmao, I remember one episode that ended with him threatening to blow up the whole earth because of mice. he's a pretty chaotic character LMAO

Funny thing is that the dorami version also has this feature (but its cockroaches instead of mice, since she canonically hates those), but instead of the air canon she just uses... this??? The wiki says it's the lucky gun gadget (which is mostly harmless in the anime, it just gives you good or bad luck) but honestly this sprite being in an officially licensed tamagotchi is so wild to me LMAO (not my image)
The fact that they went and drew the gadget like a gun with that kind of design is..pretty bizarre that such detail even got left in. XD I know japan isn't really as strict when it comes to allowing mature content in series meant for all ages, but it's still crazy to see it like that. XD

Dang judging by what I'm reading from your reply though, this thing really is brutal. D: I've never messed with any of the classic/vintage tamagotchi handhelds so IDK how difficult they are to take care of your tamas, I just know it's harder compared to the more recent handhelds. But dang..seems like the heart drains fast. XD

As for the dorami version, that's not a bad price! Hoping these aren't too difficult to find. D: $40 probably sounds like the best deal for it.
I finally restarted it for the third time last night, hoping THIS time will go better. Though considering how the stats once again dropped completely while I was gone for less than 2 hours, it's not very promising lmao

I started it again last night but I had to go somewhere (halloween festivities lol), so I tried to set it to go to bed. It goes to bed at 9, but when I set it to that time, he just wouldn't fall asleep? I tried several other things too, like setting it to 8:59 and waiting a minute, and also setting it to way late in the night like 2am, but he wouldn't sleep. In the end I just left it on the set time screen so he wouldn't leave again while I was gone... wasn't sure what was up with that, but it was something lol

One thing I can say I really appreciate about this tama is it's minigame. The game is just a little matching game, it has two faces that scroll around and you gotta click the B button and hope they match. I think it kinda has to do with both timing and luck, sometimes I can get into a rhythm and match a bunch in a row but I have no idea if that's just a coincidence or not. Though I definitely appreciate this game since it lets me fill up the happiness meter within like 10 seconds, a huge relief compared to the tedious minigames of other tamagotchis. Now I don't have to rely on feeding him an unhealthy amount of dorayaki for happiness LMAO

Heavily considering getting the doramitchi now though actually. I know it'll be a pain running two of these things when I can barely take care of one, but I feel like it'd be more interesting at the very least haha. Plus, I had to buy a big pack of LR44 batteries to run the doraemontchi, so now I have a ton of extras and nothing to use them on. Gonna see if I can buy it sometime soon!

EDIT: Ahhhh went to go check but now the doramitchi is sold out :( maybe one will pop up on ebay for a decent price soon
I've been managing to keep it alive for now by using the set time pause trick, though I'm not sure if that's affecting me getting gadgets at all. Not sure if the gadget obtaining is based around the clock at all, since at the moment it just seems kind of random. I haven't gotten any new ones since doing this which sucks, but I'm trying to keep this guy around longer.

I timed it, it takes a little under an hour for all the stats to fully deplete. Are all vintages this demanding?? The only other vintage I've ran was the angelgotchi, but that one didn't seem THAT needy... I might be misremembering though. I know older tamas are much more needy than modern ones, but having the stats drop in like an hour is kind of crazy to me. I think I'm still too used to running the mix/on, I could leave those alone for a full day and they'll still be hanging on lol
No, the other vintage ones are not nearly as rough as that. It usually is more like 1 heart per hour or so. Definitely not all 4 in an hour. I'm running the Pix right now and you can basically leave it alone all day and it will just be kinda hungry when you get back to it XD
Ahh ok, so I'm NOT just really bad at this one lol. That's something I'm really glad about with modern color tamas, they're so forgiving. It actually takes EFFORT to kill them lmao
Well uhhh. it happened again LMAO
I guess it's stats weren't maxed out when it went to bed last night, so today I woke up again to the "death" screen. I didn't even sleep in that late today!


The desk of death.
I did manage to get a pic of the sprite of him popping out of the desk, it only shows up for a fraction of a second when booting it up


I haven't managed to unlock any new gadgets in the meantime either, so no luck with that unfortunately. In other news though, I just purchased the doramitchi, not sure when it'll be arriving but soon I'll be running that one alongside this one! I don't think it'll be anymore forgiving though LMAO
Good news today, I had a lot of extra time today so I was able to take care of this guy properly. I was able to catch a lot of the little events where characters ask for help and click the pocket icon in time. That got the DMP meter up to 10 points today, something I haven't been able to actually do before! This is the highest I've gotten it.

Also because of all the attention I was giving it, I was able to unlock 2 new gadgets! One of them is the invisibility cloak, which just changes Doraemon's sprite to being just a solid outline, which is kind of funny.

The other one I unlocked was the translation gummy, which actually turns the whole tamagotchi to english! It's so interesting how it basically has a built in english patch in it. Doesn't affect much besides the stats and food screens since those are the only parts with text, but still cool nonetheless
The other one I unlocked was the translation gummy, which actually turns the whole tamagotchi to english! It's so interesting how it basically has a built in english patch in it.
This is possibly also a reference to the bilingual editions of the original Doraemon manga, which are printed in both Japanese and English - they're a popular language-learning tool. :smile2:
I managed to get the time machine gadget today! I saw it like 5 times in the minigame and missed it before I was able to actually get it lmao.

It plays a little cutscene of doraemon time travelling away, and then changes his sprite to how he looked before he lost his ears. Canonically, doraemon used to be yellow and have cat ears, but his ears got eaten off by mice (which is why he hates them so much). There's many adaptations of this story throughout the anime's run, my favorite is the 90's special 2112: The Birth of Doraemon. It's on youtube with eng subs if you want to check it out!
Some of his sprites change slightly from his normal ones, aside from getting ears. Also, the age counter just says "future" now

kind of want to keep him like this bc I think it's cute lmao

EDIT: I should've waited to post because immediately after this I used the anywhere door gadget and managed to take pics of doraemon visiting his sister dorami
Soon I'll own the actual doramitchi so this is close enough lmao. Also I finally got to see the sprite my icon is of in person haha
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