Double log!


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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2006
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Well, yesterday my sis and I got a TamaTown and Cookie Dough tama V5. I started my Tamatown almost an hour before she started her Cookie Dough. We had the same characters in different spots. Now we both have Sakuramotchi, I have a Belltchi and Mattaratchi. She has a Tororotchi and Ahirukutchi. I'm the Delta family and she's the Jebby family. They woke up as I was typing this post. I got 10% bondage!

Hey! I'm going to try to get my sis to sign up so it really will be a double log.

Anyway, I'm on Tamatown V5. They are Mattaritchi, (left) Belltchi (center) and Sakuramotchi (right)

My sister has Tororotchi (center), Ahirukutchi (left), and Sakuramotchi (right).

I got Bondage between 20% and 30%, and her less than 10%. Poor her lol. She's about to go on Tamatown.

Neither has evolved yet. PM me if the growth is different on V5.

Anyway, 100% bondage with kids! W00t! It is so cute, the animation! My sis has 40% and I enjoy getting 70% in about 3 hours. Nothing special really.

Growth chart so far





Cookie Dough




Why do only my tamas have -> ? It's because my sis' tama isn't evolving till tomorrow, but mine should evolve in about ten minutes.

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Cookie Dough





This is their teen forms.

Sorry I only posted that. My dad was rushing me to get to school. Anyway, I'm going to try out tamatown with my new Chamametchi!!!

I wonder why my sis' Sakuramotchi turned into a Chamametchi but mine turned into a Shelltchi? Also could someone PM me if Shelltchi is Mame, Meme, Kuchi, or Flower family? I'm not calling it Violet family because I still enjoy calling the character design (all three are the same character, just different color) Furawatchi. Don't yell at me saying "IT'S CALLED VIOLETCHI, OKAY? YOU MADE UP FURAWATCHI! IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN CALLED VIOLETCHI AND ALWAYS WILL!" or something like that with Leaftchi. I did not make them up. Violetchi originated in Tama Corner Shop and is the currently best known. Furawatchi originated in V2 and was the previous best known, and Leaftchi originated in V3 and is the least known and least liked. Thank you for your time in my lecture.


I got a Chamametchi! W00t! W00t! Congratulations me! (Throws self a party without any guests)


And after about 5 minutes it FINALLY loads. Now I'm getting on.

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No real updates now, but I'm going to connect them a few times. I want one of mine to mate with one of hers. I think she has 50% bondage now. I'll check. Nope, 60%! She's also missing two hearts for both of her stats. I'll fix that...

Done! I used the computer, a donut, and two pizzas. Done. Checking mine... perfect.


She won.

Now she has 70% bondage. I hope they'll evolve soon, for obvious reasons. I want adults. I also want generation 2.

All six evolved this morning at about 7:00. I have:

Main: Memetchi

Left: Sukatchi

Right: Hotteatchi

I didn't like my boy before, but now he's my favorite!


She has:

Main: Onputchi

Left: Mumutchi

Right: Yonepatchi

Tomorrow I'll mate Memetchi with Mumutchi ("Max") and she's raising her family to 100% bonding to mate her Yonepatchi with a Kutchipatchi to hopefully get a Kutchi familly.

Still has no changes-hoping that tomorrow will allow Dating Channel and connection mates. I want to get little babies and Meme family.

Still 100% for both tamas, and both are getting dinner from the fridge.

OK, I now have identical twin girl Omututchi! My sis messed up big time on her tama, having accidentally said no on her third try at the dating channel. I'm actually going to name my tamas this time. Yay!

Only two! Unfortunately, I got two girls instead of boy and girl like I wanted. If the middle had been a boy, and side been a girl, it would have been Jack and Jill.

Space: Middle

Species: Omututchi->?

Name: Lilly

Space: Side (No more left and rights this generation!)

Species: Omututchi->?

Name: ?

Will take PM suggestions for names for side tama. I will announce the winner here.

I haven't gone to Tamatown yet, because I got the new tamas at just the wrong time. Ironically, I ended up using Travel Show. Why is that ironic? Read my siggy. That explains it. Unfortunately, I had no other choice. I'm not risking taking tamas, especially baby tamas, to middle school. Elementary school was worth it, especially with a debugged baby.

EDIT: Using Binary's passwords to get new meals. I am getting all the anti-bad family items/foods (milk, mirror, magnifying glass, steamed bun, whistle, balance biscuit). I can't believe I remembered all of that. Also getting a textbook for good measure.

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Glitch alert!

My tamas evolved, and they skipped the child stage. The center one is a Memetchi, and the side one is Imotchi. Could someone explain, by PM or my topic in "Help for new Tamagotchi Owners" how this is and if it's a glitch or not?

My sis got three babies-

Space: Middle

Gender: Boy

Species: Omututchi

Space: Left

Gender: Girl

Species: Omututchi

Space: Right

Gender: Boy

Species: Futabatchi

And I still have a Memetchi and Imotchi.

Sorry it's been so long. My sis is on second generation with adults, and I (due to my pure family) am on third generation with teens. I have the same tamas as my first generation, but the right tama is Ichigotchi instead of Shelltchi.

My sis can FINALLY use dating channel- but won't. I convinced her to use a girl's dresser to change her Watatchi into a Makiko, but all it did was keep her second generation longer. It had also been a petite family.

Anyways, Delta evolved. I'll make a list. The middle character will represent a blended family (Say we have a Kutchipatchi in the center but it's a blended family, it would be Kuchipatchi family)

Delta: (Yesterday) Chamametchi family-> Chantotchi family

Jebby: (Yesterday) Ohyotchi family->(today) Petite family->Ohyotchi family-> Ohyotchi family (with Makiko)

She has a Ohyotchi, Mukugetchi (on the right), and Makiko.

I have a Chantotchi, Mametchi (on the left), and Hotteatchi. That's a pretty common family. I'm going to go for a Mame family next generation with Mametchi (Max?) Not much else to update.

Petite family DOES look a lot like babies. If I hadn't looked at the stats I would have thought they WERE babies.

Jebby evolved this morning!

They have a Mousetchi, Ahirukutchi, and something else that I don't remember. I'm too lazy to go find my sister. I do know that Mousetchi is in the middle.

I'm trying to get Dating Channel open every few minutes-I'm trying to mate Mametchi with a Chantotchi. I'm going to try to name them this time.

Come on! They still won't go to Dating Channel!

EDIT: I got them.

Main: Mousetchi

Left: Sakuramotchi

Right: Ahirukutchi

If your wondering what my sis was doing, she was watching Nick in our parent's room.

REDIT: Couldn't find a Chantotchi, so a Hotteatchi had to do. He still mated with a tama that looked like his sister.

Noooooooooooo! Triplets again! I want a duo! Wah!

Anyways, the eggs are dancing.

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And to quickly announce my characters,

Main: Futabatchi (girl)

Left: Futabatchi (boy)

Right: Mimifuwatchi (girl)

I always get either two girls, one boy, or two girls period. I want a boy main character :unsure:

They are cute though

Just realized that I have 2nd page!


Main: Gel: Tororotchi

Left: Tom: Mattaritchi

Right: Lilly: Sakuramotchi

Clever name for Sakuramotchi, eh? lol

Still want a boy for a main character.

Also, getting a puppy on March 29th. The breeder is really nice and is letting us meet the puppies on Saturday! I've seen three pictures of the two females, and there are also three males (that I have not seen yet). They are so cute! Our puppy (which hasn't been decided) is named Daisy.

I'm gonna go on TamaTown now. Don't know what to do.

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days (again.)

I have the same characters from Gen1 teens: Chamametchi, Mamekatchi, Shelltchi. Hints on getting new characters much obliged.

My sis however gets new characters every time :furawatchi: ;) This time Mukugetchi, Potetchi, and Hatugatchi. :D I'm upset because I always get the exact same thing.

My sis' tama is old enough to mate, and she's upstairs sleeping! Yay!

Also, I got a new cousing yesterday! I don't know what he looks like, but he sure was heavy.

And my Uhyotchi had triplets-again. This time, the exact same babies, though this time the Mimifuwatchi is an Omututchi. I'm getting ready to reset this if I don't have a boy main character next generation.

Also, the Jebby are still on third generation
