Dr Who : David Tennant


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I only found out about it 'cus my parents were watching the National Television awards xD

& then he won an award... and announced it when he was doing his speech thing :)

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I love 10Doctor. I really love 10Doctor. He was my first Doctor, the best Doctor. He solves all my woes, almost as well as the Season 1 finale. My life just isn't worth living without 10Doctor. He is a good Doctor, he will always be. He will always be on my wall, on an outdated calandar or old poster. Forever.


I love David Tennant. <3

But I haven't actually watched Dr Who over here in America. It was kind of like my England thing. I have been put off it by this girl in my form who is totally and completely obsessed.

She has a Dr Who lunchbox, and cuts her sandwiches into Dalek shapes. xDD

I want dalek shaped sandwiches :D

I'm very sad. I loved David. But I was pretty sceptical when he started, just because I loved Chris too!

I swaer some of my favourite quotes have come from David

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