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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2006
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I want every one to put their best drawings here!!!!

*Edited: Next time, please don't lie. You'll get caught. >.o*

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These are all old xP I haven't drawn anything in a long while.


I have this one hanging on my wall. I don't know how to describe it o.o' Tiger type faerie? lol.


Supposed to be me in furry. I used to carry around a stuffed dog.


My Gaia character xP

yer kakashi i drew pretty recently like about a month ago. adn the other two i drew lika a really long time ago and yer i no that they are sailor moon angels i was in a hurry coz my vicious little dog got out of the yard and i had to go catch him so i quickly wrote angels instead.

i love to draw anime its my faviroute pass time and i made a small series called the born-to-die series where i just had to charries and i made a whole heap of pics of them but the main girl is a neko girl called Kyoushi and she is a bunny neko and the other girl is a neko cat called Zero
Born-to-die (drink drink) my second pic

Lazy girl (born to die kyoushi) my 3rd pic

My first eva pic for the born to die series (Zero and Kyoushi)

tell me wat you think

You didn't draw these.

If you did, obviously, you would know that the bunny's name is Ari and the cat's name is Chicle. Not "Zero and Kyoushi."

That's not the name of the series, that's his SIGNATURE.

https://b0rn-t0-die.deviantart.com/art/T-N-T-POSTER-66093569 This picture is NOT the first picture of these two in the gallery, and yet you say it is. Hmm.

Also, there's lesbian porn in "your artwork." did you draw that too?

I don't know who you're trying to lie to, but it won't get by me.

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https://b0rn-t0-die.deviantart.com/gallery/You didn't draw these.

If you did, obviously, you would know that the bunny's name is Ari and the cat's name is Chicle. Not "Zero and Kyoushi."

That's not the name of the series, that's his SIGNATURE.

https://b0rn-t0-die.deviantart.com/art/T-N-T-POSTER-66093569 This picture is NOT the first picture of these two in the gallery, and yet you say it is. Hmm.

Also, there's lesbian porn in "your artwork." did you draw that too?

I don't know who you're trying to lie to, but it won't get by me.
Aww ;.; you found it before I did.

Diva, what's your deviantart account?

Actually I have my proof.

Diva, you didn't draw Kakashi.

Icyookami did.


Your birthdate is set to 1992. Icy is 18.

The other Naruto picture was drawn by Emuerarudo, who's 19.


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yer hes my brother i thought it would be ok to post his pics im really sorry :eek: i guess i neva paid real good attention to him but i do draw and some of my pics are in 'Stuff we read' in the post 'im gonna make a comic'

Aww ;.; you found it before I did.

Diva, what's your deviantart account?
That one was easy. :eek: Sorry. But the other one seems like a good challenge, no?

Also, elmo, don't even think about it. Your credibility is about.. zero. Why should I believe you now?

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That one was easy. :eek: Sorry. But the other one seems like a good challenge, no?
Also, elmo, don't even think about it. Your credibility is about.. zero. Why should I believe you now?
Help me find the sailor moon one xP I can't find it.


TechnoPoptart drew the sailor moon picture. She's 22.


Why do people get off on stealing other's art? :/

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Lol, you're in pretty deep, kiddo. The whole "My brother did it!" Doesn't work.

Sweetie, just tell the truth now and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

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My most recent Drawing is the random swirly design thing.


^ Random Swirly Design thing. Its Like, This DeviantArt thing


^My first attempt of drawing Kenny from Southpark


^First attempt of Drawing Gir from Invader Zim


^First attempt of Sasuke


My RP character, Calina.

Feh, Thats Pretty much all the Hand Drawin Stuff(like, on paper) I have thats on Deviant Art, The other Stuff, is like, MS paint or Corel Paint Shop Pro X stuff, Or Pictues of my cat.

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Haha, you guys couldn't trick me for a second.

It's pretty much obvious you guys didn't draw those pictures (except for Acid~Rain and Sweet Kandi of course).

Elmo, dont be going on about ''It's my brother''

Pyonchit/Sweet Kandi, why dont one of the two of you ask this DeviantArt(sp?) member if they have a sister.....

One who goes on Tamatalk. And goes by the name ''Elmo''.

If this is your brother, than I apoligize. But I can see through your thin story.

Besides, did you really think you'd get people to believe you drew those pictures when they contain porn..?

Exactly. Try again. :angry:

ok i will do as Terra_Inferno said and come clean. I din't draw those pictures. will you forgive me?

You do know that plagiarism [{ Putting your name on another persons work - in this case, art }] is a criminal offence??

I don't have a scanner so I can't upload pictures that I have drawn onto the computer and post them here. Sorry.

ok i will do as Terra_Inferno said and come clean. I din't draw those pictures. will you forgive me?
AND YOUR FORGETTING SOMETHING. The person is not your brother.

Admit it.


Browse my gallery.

I don't believe in 'my best drawings'

I try my best on everything, there for everything is 'my best'.

ok i will do as Terra_Inferno said and come clean. I din't draw those pictures. will you forgive me?
I hope you request to close all the topics that you've created that contain art theft in them, and the topics in which you've been planning to steal art in.

A clean start doesn't have lying woven into it, and I hope you realize that.

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