Dreams about the opposite sex you are attracted to


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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Dreams about the opposite/same sex you are attracted to =)

I only started this because I had the GREATEST dream about my BF (Troy <33) last night! Well, it was a weird dream. In fact, thats the 2nd dream I've had about him, this week alone.

The first dream, we weren't bf/gf. I met him at the Library and he was talking about dates he's gone on this year. He said "I went out on January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, and March 5th." Obviously, in real life, that didn't happen >.> But in the dream, we made out a little, and got married. That was an awesome dresm! I was sad when I woke up and found it wasn't real! That would be nice if we got married. I mean, my parents met at the same age we were (my mom was 1 year younger than me, 14, and my dad was 16) and he and I are both 15. But he's a grade younger than me and was born a few months after me. That would be amazing. He's nice, good looking, very sweet, and likes to joke around, like me. He's perfect! But he's only a freshman and I'm only a sophomore. =O

Anyways, now back on topic! Last nights dream was, well, I met him at his house. We went for a walk, where, in the dream, we kissed for the first time. It was in a quezibo (sp?) and it was surrounded by beautiful roses, a fountain, and a wonderfully pretty garden. What's werid was, I woke up not knowing where I was. When I woke up, I forgot I was at my grany's house so I was thinking, "where am I?" then I saw my room at her house and knew. Then I went back to sleep and dreamed that again. But then, again, we got married and had 4 kids....

*Please keep it appropriate- TWP*

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Yeah. The same thing happened to me. Sometimes you really wish it happened for real.

I don't think I should post about it though. It's kind of personal.

If you don't wish to post about it, thats cool. =) I'm not going to pester you about it until you do. It's your choice =)

If you don't wish to post about it, thats cool. =) I'm not going to pester you about it until you do. It's your choice =)
I have so many dreams about my crushes....Some aren't even romantic. O___O Some of my are so uber romantic...I has flashbacks. o___o

Some are nasty. Go figure. ;___;


I once had a dream that Drew got eaten by a dinosaur. ._________.

He was just sitting and so was I and them a Dino came and eat him.


And I have dreams of me and Scott getting married, and Amanda was there...And she was the usher. o___o Then, after the wedding, she tormented my poor defenseless hubby. ;___; [Thanks Mr.Hanna. -____- Yes, he called me and Scott "Mr. and Mrs. Speedy"... xDDD]


I had a dream that Andrew beat me up. O_O


I had a dream that my dad said I couldn't marry Michelangelo because he's chubby. o_o

That would be nice if we[Me and Scott] were married. He's only 13[i THOUGHT HE WAS 11! O___o]. Now I may ask myself, WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO 13 YEAR OLDS?!

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Yeah. Believe it or not i've had a few dreams about my crush. Mostly just us going to dinner, or going on a date, or going to an amusment park, stuff like that :D

I had a dream that Nick committed suicide, and after his funeral, so did I.

I've had TONS of dreams about crushes,none of them romantic why me?

I had a dream last night that I was at the school dance and my crush asked me out and he kissed me! But when I woke up, I was sad when I realized it was just a dream! >.<

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I had a dream that Tom hugged me, telling me it was okay. <3 I forgot what was happening. o_o

And I had a dream. About Tom again... And we *removed*..cough. It was KIND OF romantic... Except finding out I was preggo and Tom was pi**ed. xDDD

It was HORRIBLE, because in my dream, me and Tom were just FRIENDS, and BAM! We have a child together. O____O No dates nor marriage whatsoever.

*edited content of post. Please keep posts appropriate :furawatchi:

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I dreamed that Luke held me for 5 whole minutes around the waist, and we were just talking. Then he gave me a few huggles ^.^

I had a dream that Tom hugged me, telling me it was okay. <3 I forgot what was happening. o_o
And I had a dream. About Tom again... And we had..Err..coughsexcough. It was KIND OF romantic... Except finding out I was preggo and Tom was pi**ed. xDDD

It was HORRIBLE, because in my dream, me and Tom were just FRIENDS, and BAM! We have a child together. O____O No dates nor marriage whatsoever.
Woah! :rolleyes:

I've had a few dreams about my crush. x3 He did 'the move' on me whilst we were watching a movie in class (in my dream, of course). I really loved that dream, and I was so bummed when I woke up to reality!


I had a dream last night.

I was at the park with my crush, and I asked to talk to him.

I was trying to tell him I like him, and he said, "Is this a strange way of asking me out?"

And I said yeah, then he leant forward and kissed me, I was soo happy. C:

Then we held hands and walked down beside the lake.

It was so romantic. <3

I just wish it was real. :c

Well I have been crushing on a guy, and he is SO cute!!! He's my friend tho, and he thinks i'm kind of weird. his locker is near mine. <3 I've had so many dreams about him in the past 2 and a half months. U can go on his website, his name is Gary, he's under this message

Woah! :D

I've had a few dreams about my crush. x3 He did 'the move' on me whilst we were watching a movie in class (in my dream, of course). I really loved that dream, and I was so bummed when I woke up to reality!

I know right?!

OH YEAH!! I remember why Tom was hugging me...I think. I think it was because I had a dream he wanted to like...kill me in my dream. xDD

I just hate it when the dream is so good, and it turns out it's not real. =C

I have since last night. His name is Gunnar. I had a dream that I whispered that I liked him and then I kissed him on his cheek.

I had a ton of dreams about my ex boyfriend when I crushed on him and when we were going out.

I had dreams about my various crushes after me and my ex broke up.

Now I realize that almost all the guys are jerks at my school and I don't like them, so I dream about Luke Benward, who pwns.

I dreamt about him last night.... and in my dream I knew he liked me.... and we were friends and we were gonna do a Metamorphoses play (thats the one I'm in) and we were backstage and we were talking and he was smiling....

I've had a dream about my and my BF Carter in high school. We were graduating and then we kissed <3 After that we skater boarded to his house and his brother(Luke) and his girlfriend(Kaylee) were hanging out with us. Then we went to a party and then I woke up and started crying because I wished it was real.

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