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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2009
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Ever had that epic dream that last a long time and you wake up with a great feeling?

Post it here.

Ever had that dream where it is very strange and you just want to share?

Post it here.

Had that horrible nightmare... Again?

Post it here.

I think you got it - this topic is about dreaming.

Even if you have beliefs about it?

I don't follow this - but I would love it to be a whole other world in your mind - that no body else sees. Somewhere to explore. Something to prove that humans will never know everything.

But I guess that is the last thing you'd expect to be true.

I had a strange dream last night -

Driving in a car by a night filled road with bushes surrounding the trio that was traveling to the epic journey to the supermarket.

A driver, a dream character and I. Then seeing the silhouette of a wolf transforming into a werewolf (Yes. Messed up) startled me, I turned to the dream character my age 'Did you see that?' 'Yeah!' 'See what?' 'The werewolf!' It turned into a giant conversation like that.

I sadly forgot the rest of my dream.

I have these adventurous dreams that leave me glowing for a long time.

Funny thing was - I NEVER used to remember my dreams - just an boring old sleep.

Then I came across the term lucid dreaming - which helped me dream again. Somehow.

Oh wow... I'm rambling. This felt good typing all this out. :p

In one part of one of my dreams, someone who liked exactly like Mosquito from Soul Eater was throwing plates at a girl.

Well last night I had a dream where I was with my class at a carnival. My best friend then came running up to me crying, so I asked her what's wrong. She said "I'm offended" so I was like "who said what to you?!" She then replied with "someone said your stockings are linty." Then I looked at her funny and that was the end.

No idea what most of my dreams are supposed to mean, they're all pretty weird.

Well, last night I had a dream that my whole class was at my beach house, and my best friend ended up drowning, then everyone blamed me 'cause it was my beach house.

All my dreams are weird like that.

Ohhh! I love talking about dreams. @_@

I've actually started a mini dream diary on my iPod, so when I wake up the first thing I do is type out my dream on it. There's only about 5 entries so far since I only write down dreams that I can remember perfectly.

But I love dreaming, and I can usually remember almost everything in it. Sometimes I'll forget it during the day, but something will remind me of it and I'll remember again. My dreams are pretty weird though, I have never had a nightmare before which is pretty weird, but it's like I have some sort of dream world. Every dream that I have somehow ties together with a different one. Say for example I have a dream about running down a street with an old house to a grocery store, another dream I'll have I'll be inside that house, then maybe running past the grocery store.

I have so many strange dreams that I'm not even going to try to explain any, they're so long and... well.. strange. xD

I know - I love listening to others dreams. It tells you a bit about them - because I know that most od my dreams have the same feel to them.

My favourite dream is a very detailed one (copying it off Lucidpedia because I'm not typing it again.)

I do not know why It;s my favourite - it was the first dream I remembered after a long time of never remembering? It seemed like one of those VERY long dreams that leave you with a glowing feeling after you wake up. I've actually dreamt alot about Zero Kiryu...

I was in my room, it was changed from a 'L' shape (In real life) to the normal square room. I was in there, chatting with my best-friend Tayla about how we loved these boys, then she just said to me "I'm a werewolf." "Really! Cool, can I be one?" I asked her.

So Tayla and I walked over to next doors backyard where they were having interviews to see who could join the pack. I sat down at a tree trunk with Tayla standing up and an old man with a small beard who just watched me and Tayla's conversation. "She is so hyper!" Tayla said, making the old man start to disbelieve in me. "She threw a ball at a child's head!" Tayla mentioned, though in my dream I thought this was a true fact.

"No, that ball next to the shed," I lied, I thought it was a lie. I called her loopy and did that action that you twirl your finger around your ear that represents that your calling someone loopy. I then called the old man loopy the stopped and said "Just kidding your awesome!" Just so I could get in. The old man asked the head werewolf "Do we need any more hyper kids?" the head wolf said "No, get rid of them," so the old man told us to shoo.

As we were walking out I heard someone call "Kale!". So I looked back to see this crowded line of people to be bitten and saw Kale and another girl, Gemma. "There's Kale," I whispered to Tayla, pointing at him. Tayla was pi**ed off and told me "They ripped me from the pack." So she started knick knocking the pack alphas. After many times it grew dark and we were yelled at and we both ran for our lives.

Gemma randomly appeared with Tayla, hiding behind a fence. I ran through the gate but a huge green hand grabbed my arm and revealed the incredible hulk (from the result of watching the movie the day before) was a pack alpha.

But even though he was the alpha of a werewolf pack he tried to suck my blood, as how strong hulk was I couldn't get out of his grip. Tayla said "I'm going" and tried to pull me out of the grip of hulk, but ended up in the grip of hulk's other hand. When he tried to suck my blood Tayla pulled me out the way with all her might by her free arm and I did the same for her. After a while hulk just said "I'm BEGGING you to stop looking through my window!" but, he wasn't begging really.

(Lucid Dream bit)

I had my second Lucid Dream on Grade 5 camp. I was so happy I had it. Then I forgot it after camp. But I somehow managed to write it down on an online dream journal. I notice a pattern in my lucid - I just keep getting better and better slowly.

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I love this topic, before i share my dream, here's a little philosophy on dreams and what we call "reality":

The entire world as we know it is just an illusion that's actually in our heads. There is no "outside". It may seem like it because you have all these objects around you (ex: trees, couches, parents, desks, etc..) BUT lets take the tree for example. When you see the tree, your eyes pick up the image, the light of the image goes through your eye, and then it becomes an electrical signal that passes through optic nerve into your brain. We all understand this right?? Well this applies to the the empirical method as a whole (meaning all 5 senses, not just sight)

The thing is that EVERYTHING we perceive is nothing more than an electrical interpretation that's INSIDE our brain, and THAT is what we are seeing. There's no way we can see what's truly there. So the world as we know it is in our brain as interpretations.

Now, when you go to sleep at night, we have dreams. These dreams are nothing more than ELECTRICAL SIGNALS in our brains. Ever notice how when you're dreaming, you can feel, taste, hear, see, and smell things?? with all 5 senses??

Weird..then what's the difference then between "reality" and "dreams"?? LOL only that "reality" has some sort of permanence. Who knows why though.

What i find interesting is that through Quantum Physics, scientists are beginning to realize this is all just a dream (a bad one at that). This entire world is an illusion that we've manipulated and called "real". If you study ANY indigenous civilizations, they new this was all an illusion before "science" ever came around. Take the Mayans for example. Everything we see is called "maya". ANYWAYS, this belief in the "physical world" is what lead to materialism, and that's why everything is going down into a hell-hole.

Moving on, because we all have our own brains that create their own interpretations, you'd guess that we all live in different "realities"? this is correct, technically we all have our own universes. We do see everything the same (maybe slightly different), but what really differs is our opinions. That's why we all have different senses of humor, right??

Moving onto my Epic dream, i had a dream that i was walking down a street at night time, and the perfectly round asteroids (that were GIANT)started hitting the earth, one of them came down and crashed onto me. When it hit me, it was actually a hollow shell of an asteroid, and i broke through it, only to see a beautiful windy grassland and a cloudy sky that i began to float towards. Once i went through the clouds i ended up in a swamp/marsh with pond. In the middle of the pond was a beautiful water fountain, and around the island there was a neon orange fish swimming around. The end.

and that's the dream that got me into lucid dreaming/spirituality/ and philosophy.

And last, well if this is an illusion that's fake, then what's up with psychedelics then?? people go these "trips" where they're sent into a world that they've never seen before, but how do we know that they're not just seeing what's truly there??

I love this topic, before i share my dream, here's a little philosophy on dreams and what we call "reality":

The entire world as we know it is just an illusion that's actually in our heads. There is no "outside". It may seem like it because you have all these objects around you (ex: trees, couches, parents, desks, etc..) BUT lets take the tree for example. When you see the tree, your eyes pick up the image, the light of the image goes through your eye, and then it becomes an electrical signal that passes through optic nerve into your brain. We all understand this right?? Well this applies to the the empirical method as a whole (meaning all 5 senses, not just sight)

The thing is that EVERYTHING we perceive is nothing more than an electrical interpretation that's INSIDE our brain, and THAT is what we are seeing. There's no way we can see what's truly there. So the world as we know it is in our brain as interpretations.

Now, when you go to sleep at night, we have dreams. These dreams are nothing more than ELECTRICAL SIGNALS in our brains. Ever notice how when you're dreaming, you can feel, taste, hear, see, and smell things?? with all 5 senses??

Weird..then what's the difference then between "reality" and "dreams"?? LOL only that "reality" has some sort of permanence. Who knows why though.

What i find interesting is that through Quantum Physics, scientists are beginning to realize this is all just a dream (a bad one at that). This entire world is an illusion that we've manipulated and called "real". If you study ANY indigenous civilizations, they new this was all an illusion before "science" ever came around. Take the Mayans for example. Everything we see is called "maya". ANYWAYS, this belief in the "physical world" is what lead to materialism, and that's why everything is going down into a hell-hole.
Headache... :p

I had an hour nap yesterday only for the sake of putting something new in my dream journal (yes, I'm so fascinated about dreaming) and I couldn't remember it - I hate napping. Once I nap - I have no way of knowing whether I fell asleep or not. It doesn't do the same thing as a nights sleep. In a nights sleep, I fall asleep at night - wake up in the light. A nap : Fall asleep in day - wake up in day.

I had the nap to try and make up for the fact that I didn't remember my dream on the night before. I only wasted an hour to sleep though.

Moving on, my dream last night -

I had written a small novel by computer - and I was located in a huge... I mean HUGE library. My novel was titled 'Mutant Blood' with blood drops coming off the title. The cover had a picture of a preteen girl with short hair looking up at the moon - while she stood up in an amazed position on a grassy field.


Something told me I had been writing it for a couple days - It seemed so large due to the fact the book inside was written in a large bold font. The book seemed too paperlike. And didn't seem very professional.


Another girl had been writing a book like mine - we were both partnered up to write a novel at the same time. She had longish black hair and seemed only a year or two younger than me - her being short. Her novel cover had a rainbow, majestic looking fern pattern on it.


An adult man (whom appeared to be my teacher in 'writing class') Told us to get the novel published. I thought he meant looking up publishers online - so I headed off home to get to a computer - but he stopped me, telling me to hand it in to the lady at the desk.


The girl placed her on the desk - the librarian 'okayed' it and placed it on a shelf. Then it was my turn.



"Could I get this published?" I asked.


As soon as she started scanning - I woke up.

Holy crap TamaGuyJayy, that just, seriously, wow, made me think. xD


Anyway, in everyones dreams they seem to talk a lot, or as questions or whatever. But the weird thing is is that I find in my dreams I never talk. At least I don\t remember if I do. Whats up with that? o_O

oh thanks booboo1 :) it's always nice to help out others by adding a little brain stimulant to my posts. Being a philosopher is very tedious though, all i do is think about my existence. Ohh and thanks for adding me :) do i see interesting conversations coming in the nearby future?? lol

ohh and as for jadeie, think harderrrrr lol haha, it's very mind-boggling.

Haha, yeahh. xD I was hoping you wouldn't mind me adding you. xP

Last night I had an amazing lucid dream. I've had many lucid dreams before, without even knowing what they were, but haven't really had many in a while. But anyway, last night I dreamt that my family and a friend were in my backyard, and it was sort of late at night.(Dark xD) Then all of a sudden we all hear a loud crash and it turns out a giant dinosaur had fallen into the field behind our house. Apparently these dinosaurs fell everywhere all around the world in random places, and this one happened to fall in our field. So everyone obviously starts running, and it turns out our gate is blocked off so my friend and I started to climb up our shed, up onto the house. We jumped down into the front yard,(All of us) and continued running to the other side of the neighbourhood, hoping we were safe. But just as we turned the corner, yet another dinosaur was standing there and started to chase us too. At that point I realized it was a dream, so I closed my eyes and wished that we could all fly. And thank god it worked! xD Everyone started flying through our field, but for some reason I wasn't going fast enough, so I wished for a spaceship so I could go even faster. xD

We ended up making it to the city, passing by destroyed neighbourhoods that were mostly deserted, only for a couple of people walking around, and there were many cars and people all in a panic. We stopped in a big area which for some reason had a movie theatre, and there was a huge line of people waiting to see a movie. After getting a quick drink we asked a worker why so many people were going to see a movie at this time.(I mean seriously? xD) He said that it was an early release for a movie about dinosaurs that gave people information on them, so everyone wanted to see it to figure out how to stop them. Then I guess a whole bunch of people far away started to shoot off fireworks in the sky that the wind would blow toward us so the dinosaurs would be lured to us instead of over there. I'm not really sure how that works, but thats what they were trying to do anyway. xD

After that I woke up because things were starting to get blurry, but I remember that we were trying to get to the center of North America, because apparently there weren't dinosaurs there, but we also had to stay as far away from water as possible, because apparently there were pirates that were going to kill us? xD I guess when the dinosaurs came pirates did too. xD The whole time during the dream when we were flying I was just in awe that I actually realized it was a dream and managed to stay sleeping. xD Even with the dinosaurs there, I didn't want to wake up!

But yeah, that was about it, I wrote it down in my little dream diary thing, but it was really an interesting dream to have! I also remember me thinking inside the dream that I've had one like it before already, but I don't really remember having dreams about dinosaurs.

Oh yeah, the sound that the dinosaur made when it was falling from the sky was the same as the "Water Wraith" falling to the ground on Pikmin 2. I thought that was pretty funny. xD

Had a dream last night that I got lost at the mall and There was a store with floating pants...

most dreams i cannot remember, but lots of my dreams is like living my life, but all in a minecraft style

also i have dreams that are a little dirty, so there is some undesirable, uncontrollable things that happen while i'm asleep,then i wake up later to find out -_- **ashamed**

So my mom, brother and I were walking then me and my mom got kidnapped then the guy had servants and I fell in love with one of them because he didn't poison me and he had the most amazing eyes then he tried to give us boiled eggs but we escaped.

i was in my friend's house and no-one was there

so i went up to her room

and in her bed there was a giant, obese cream puff

and it kept moaning "toooouuuch me, toooouuuch me"

then i ran out the house screaming or something like that.

I had a dream that I was Harry Potter and I was sitting in a spa with Lord Voldemort. And we were drinking wine... A bit odd if you ask me...

i have had some really messed up dreams

this one is the worst

i was at school one day eating my lunch then the dinner lady came along and nicked everybodys lunch and then gave us all a bowl of purple porriage (i did like porriage before this) and then the porriage turnt into evil slime and started eating everyone i was just sat there looking around in pure horror then link (the dude in my profile pic) and pit the angel(theres a link to a picture of him at the bottom)came in though the window link on his horse and pit via his wings and told me theres only one way to kill the slime .................................. so we went around and sneezed all over it and the slime melted into a sticky pile of snotty porriage.THE END.


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I have some stupid dreams o.o

I was in a haunted house and then a my little pony kidnapped me and then an old man came in and fell over into a pit of mustard which scared the crap out of the pony and then the pony started singing 'lalalaaaalaalalala' and I woke up O.O

So, last night, me and my cousins went to go watch Final Destination 5, really late at night.

We go home, and we all go to sleep. Then suddenly in the middle of the night, she starts screaming, "(her sister's name), SOMEONES GONNA KILL ME." and everyone tells her to shut up.

No idea what she was dreaming about xD

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