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I dreamt last night that me and some people from my school had to do this course on a playground then I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D then then we were in class and there were like 5 huge earthquakes then I woke up

It's annoying when you have a super awesome dream but when you wake up you can't remember it well, only a few details, the rest is blurred. That happened to me a few times. But not last night, I remember my dream, it was a bit weird. I was standing near the gate of my house inside the garage and the gate was opening then my 1 year old cousin ran out the gate and almost got run over by a car and she just ran around the city streets like crazy while my sister and I were chasing her, she was so fast. We couldn't catch up with her. We went back to the house. Later my other cousin showed up with her. They found her on the streets and brought her home. the end.

I ALWAYS write down my dreams. My most recent one isn't that appropriate for children though.. I'll just bleep out the words. Me and my best friend from kindergarten were murderers in this huge walmart and we went around killing people.. But it was valentines day and that meant his birthday ( not his real one ) and I got him those 'boys privates' lollipops from spencers and then I woke up. Another one of mine is I was in the driveway and under the bags in the recycle bin was a bag filled with tamas so I reached to get it but this other girl grabbed it at the same time and we fought over it. Noone won though.

scariest dream ever. There were a bunch of papers on the floor and they were faced down, each paper was supposed to say when someone would die but it didn't have anyone's name on it so you don't know who. I picked one up for some reason and I thought "Is this mine?" It said You will die in 2-3 or 3-4* months. I didn't die, that was like over a year ago. But still...creepy.

*I forgot which 2-3 or 3-4...oh well, it was one of those two.

I have dreams every night and write them down immediately as soon as I wake up. I used to be able to lucid dream really well but dropped it because of school and such nonsense. I am starting to be able to get the hang of it again. Advice for those who want to get lucid completely, write down any dream once you wake up. Keep a notebook right beside you. Keep the scenes in your head, like a story. You don't want to get yourself down and demotivate yourself. Now the first major step to lucid dreaming is knowing you are awake. During the daytime, pinch yourself or write the word "Awake" on your hand and constantly look at it. It may be annoying but once you start dreaming, you'll have the habit to doing it within the dream and you'll instantly know you are awake and have complete control over the dream. As for the dream itself, don't freak out and immediately think to start flying or something. It will wake you up. The excitement for it is rather large, you want to move about and learn your surroundings. Explore the world a bit, sit down and look around. Don't run or jump about, that will wake you up too. It'll skip scenes and make the dream just a big blur as well. Enjoy your dream.

Now that you get the idea of the dream world functions, study each scene within the dream. The crazy stuff, if there isn't much craziness, just try your best to remember each detail. Even if they don't seem normal, try and look closer. What is the color of the walls, does this place exist in real life? Once you start doing that, you'll begin to think critically in your dreams. It will get you to begin having "natural" lucid dreams rather than the fast, skipped, in your face ones. Lastly, don't expect a lucid dream every time and especially don't expect them in the evening, especially as a beginner. It won't happen. Lucid dreams happen great when you wake up early and go back to sleep. It skips all previous parts of sleep, which you usually don't remember or dreams don't occur. It puts you straight into REM sleep ( Rapid Eye Movement sleep; fifth of the five stages of sleep most people go through each night ) which is the best for dreaming. Now this advice may, or may not help you. These are techniques I've gotten from websites and made up myself and personal experience. As for lucid dreams myself? I've had bizarre ones, some I don't bother to share because I have no idea what was going through my
head lol. But, I've lucid dreamed about being a merchant, of being an elf, I've even dreamed about being in a zombie apocalypse and saving many people. I'll have to dig up my dream journal and share a few but typically though, the dreams I usually have I convert into art or stories. Some dreams I've even made into role plays right here on TamaTalk.
I'm always afraid to lucid dream though....my dreams are often scary and extremely realistic.

Once I had a dream where I was trying to frantically run up the staircase to get upstairs in my house, but I kept falling so I had to literally drag myself up by crawling. Every random amount of seconds a nose and mouth, paired up, they would appear in dozens and all at the same time whistle the "casual I'm doing nothing" whistle. Then they would disappear. Also like in Super Mario 64 DS in Boo's castle, there was music kind of like that....you could hear the silence, almost like you could hear things moving that weren't moving. Like the house itself was breathing. And then at the top I looked into the hallway and wound up in my uncle's mansion-like house. It was so scary and I ended up crawling into my cousin's room, sitting in the corner and crying while a thunderstorm started. I love thunder storms so much, but they're so immensely terrifying (they cause so much damage)....my dreams are either absolutely wonderful, involving my long-time celebrity crush Julian Casablancas, or they're extremely scary like that one.

And you're right, in my lucid dreams I always up and start flying....ahahahah I get SO excited!!

Oh, and I just remembered one other mildly lucid dream I had--

Well, at the stable where I keep my horse, there are around 29 other horses and ponies. I went outside onto the back deck one night, and I was looking around the backyard. Several horses and ponies had escaped from the stable (it's about 2 miles from my house) and were in the yard. It was so scary, because I could see every detail on the horses....even the Paints, who have intricate patterns. One pony, Pony Boy, was closest to me along with a blind horse named Junior. Then another horse Annie was nearby, and I reached out to Junior and he started to turn away. I thought "This is a dream, I can make him come over to me" and he turned and put his muzzle in my hand.

I wound up in one of the pastures (Idk how though) except there were no trees, and it was right next to the road, and there was also no fence. A bunch of horses were standing around. They seemed so blank, no life in them. It was like there was nothing in them. Nothing whatsoever. They were empty. Almost like puppets, figments of my imagination. It was so bizarre.....they were staring around.

Anyway, I'll start pinching myself and reminding myself that I'm awake.

I'm afraid of lucid dreaming though.....it's just so bizarre.

You see, once I get a bad thought in my head, I try to stop it from becoming something scary, but because I try to stop it, it turns into some horrible terrifying thought.

And there's no way I can't think about it in the first place xD

I just had ANOTHER weird dream last night. I was online dating some person and I went over to my friends house, and it was the dog that I was dating, and then he started talking to me! I broke up with him ( XD ) and then my friend started liking me. O_O so he was trying to get me in his room but I told him I needed to poop XD and the dog was in there. I kept thinking that dogs can't talk, and then I realized I was in a dream.. I was starting to ask him why my cat won't talk but I woke up. ; _ ;

I had a dream once, it was snowing in Manila (which is impossible because it NEVER snows in the Philippines unless of course another ice age comes) and then I went to a beach made out of snow and then I got lost and then I tried to find my relatives who live in Manila. I went to some random place and I saw a giant porygon 2 statue and a hot tub full of bubbles and all of my aunts were in it but then I went ahead to look for my other relatives and then I found my uncle and he looked like my (changes his name to protect his identity, dunno why but I just feel like I need to) gumballdarwin but everyone kept calling him uncle darwingumball like they got confused with him and my other uncle. THE END.

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