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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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So I bring this up because it seems as if everyone is driving but me. Permits, licenses.


1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive?

2. Do you want to drive?

3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving.

Well basically. I'm fourteen and in tenth grade. I'll turn 15 in May. So that's when I can get my permit. My license--not till the end of junior year--though I figure I'll wait until summer gets along so I don't have to balance my tests and crap with my finals.

Hell. Yes. I can't wait to drive. A few years ago I was like "I don't want to drive. I'll crash and die."

But now---I just need to.


I'm 12 at the moment, but my birthday is a bit more than 2 weeks away. Squee!

Anyway, that means I'll have approximately 3 years and 2 weeks before I can drive, because where I live, you can get your license at the age of 16.

No, I have absolutely no desire to drive whatsoever. I get motion sickness easily, and driving is a huge responsibility. I'd probably be too paranoid of throwing up behind the wheel or causing a huge crash or something.

To answer your first question, you've got to be 16 to obtain a driver's license where I live, so another 2 more years? It seems so close now...although if I ever choose to drive, I'll do it when I'm 20+. I wouldn't want to do it before I'm sure I've matured enough, driving is a big thing, at least to me and I would never want to run someone over with it (the very thought sends shivers down my spine). I think my parents would agree with me driving when I'm 20+ as well. To answer your second question, who knows? I don't feel like I'm ready yet, and I'm still young. I've got years ahead of me to decide on whether I do want to drive, although its not anywhere near now. And if its any bits of information you want, I've got none. Just make sure you don't drink before you're behind the wheel (that's a given, of course) and pay attention so that you don't accidentally invest someone going to visit their grandmother. If I do choose to drive, the first thing I'll want is a Dodge Viper SRT-10. XD

I have to be 16 to get a junior license. A junior license(in NY) is a drivers license with restrictions. For example, you cant drive on most of the parkways in westchester, which sux, because thats where I live. Also, you cant drive on any roads in Cental Park. And you have to have a licensed driver 21 or older in the car with you. To get a regular license, you have to be 21. Me, I can't wait to drive. I neeeed to driiiiiveeee. Twooooooo annnd aaa haaalf moooreeee yeeearrrs. Eeeeeeeeeeeee!! -shot-

1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive? Five more years- I'm eleven.

2. Do you want to drive? Kind of. It's scary though during traffic jams and at night.

3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving. Mercedes, Volvo, Ferrari, and Corvette for the win. xD

I'm also in tenth grade, and a bit on the young side, too. My friends are all, "I GOT MY PERMIT! 8D" and I'm all, "D:"

1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive?

I'm fifteen, so I have about eleven more months to go.

2. Do you want to drive?

YES. I can't wait.

3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving.

It bothers me a lot how some of my friends are driving but I'm not, and I think you Diva are one of the people on this earth who can sympathize with me most.

My friend Dustin is so funny. He has his permit, and at lunch he's all, "Hey Katie. Look at my key ring. Here's my Frosty discount card, here's my house key, and would you look at that - a car key." *jingles keys* I just stare at him, and then Kristen usually tells him to shut up. XD

And... I dunno. It just really upsets me when my friends are talking about drivers tests and permits and I still have nearly a year to wait. 3: I know there's no rush, but I'm not going to lie, I get fairly jealous.

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^ IT'S SO UNFAIR. Three of my close friends--Haley, Katelyn, and Sofie have their licenses. And yesterday Katelyn was like "LOOK. IT'S MY LICENSE."

It's awful. Because everyone's like "HA. Two more years for you."

I think I'll make some of friends take me to lunch next year.

1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive?

I can drive in 3 and a half years. o.0 *dies*

2. Do you want to drive?

Kind of. Although I'm afraid I'll get in a car crash. I have instincts where I'll do that. Guaranteed.

3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving.

2 and a half years until I get a learners license. o.0 That scares me.

1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive?

3.5 years.

2. Do you want to drive?

Not really. Im lazy xP

3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving.

My brother got his L [learner's permit] in august. He failed the written test the first time. He's gonna get mad at me if I dont fail xDD

Where I live, you have to be 16 to be eligible for a license, so I am able to get my license. But I don't even have my permit yet, lol. When I start driving depends on my parents and when they're ready for me to start driving.

I do want my license cause I think that it will help with getting me to school and other things, but heck, I don't mind being lugged everywhere either, he he. :p

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^ IT'S SO UNFAIR. Three of my close friends--Haley, Katelyn, and Sofie have their licenses. And yesterday Katelyn was like "LOOK. IT'S MY LICENSE."It's awful. Because everyone's like "HA. Two more years for you."

I think I'll make some of friends take me to lunch next year.
Yeah, some of my friends are like, "I'M GETTING MY PERMIT IN ONE WEEK ZOMGG."

And I'm like, "I still have nearly a year, HOORAY FOR ME." D:

It helps that my best friend in the world (we've been best friends since the first grade, so cliche haha) is in the same situation as me, but you know, it still kind of really sucks. D:

lol, it seems like all of my friends are driving and even have their own cars. ^.^ It's like driving is a right of passage to get a permit/license when a kid turns a certain age these days. Almost all of my friends that drive, which is almost all of them, lol, went to go get their permit exactly on their 15th birthday, and their license exactly on their 16th. :p

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Well. I can go get my learners now.

I'm actually going for it in the next 2 weeks.

15 is the age here, but next year it's going up to 16 so I best get it before then.

I'll learn to drive in my mums car, a manual.

I've read my road code several times.

1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive? 5 years ago. I started at 15, got my license at 16.

2. Do you want to drive? I like driving myself xP It's nice being able to want to go somewhere, and actually be able to without asking someone for a ride. Not a big fan of driving other people though.

3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving. Being the only person in your group of friends who knows how to drive sucks. For the longest time I was the only one with a license and car, which meant I was always the ride-giver. Take a wild guess how many people offered to pay me back in gas and never did >:|

Extra: I drive a black 2007 Hyundai Elantra. My first car was a silver 1998 Dodge Neon.

I'll be able to get my Learners next year.

I am not looking forward to it.

Its not that I think I'm going to be a horrible driver, its just that I have the worst possible sense of direction. I'll get lost really easily. :[

1. How many years till you can drive? When can you drive? 2 more years! I just turned 14 and where I live, 16 is when you get your liscence.


2. Do you want to drive?Yes, more freedom. :] I'm very excited.


3. Other nonsensical bits of information about driving. If you're a senior at my school, you can drive out during lunch and go to a restaurant or something. So that's somehting to look forward to.

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