Dropped tamas.


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I don't drop mine very much, but I absolutely HATE it when I do! Luckly I have no cracks in ANY screen. Only minor hard-to-see scratches....although my pink V3 had many scratches on it....and it wasn't used when I bought it....

Wow you lot are careful, I suppose I am clumsy and I drop mine quite often. :(

Although suprisingly I don't have many scratches on my actual tamagotchi only a few unnoticable one's on the screen. :ichigotchi:

At least 2014194 times.. They never broke, only once when the Keychain on my v3 broke off.


.. and then there was that time where my little sister smashed my new v3 on the bathroom floor and the screen cracked. It's all black and inky now. >_>

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