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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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A lot of people in my School do drugs. Even though I'm going into 8th grade, I know a lot of people my age doing drugs. I sometimes get teased because I'm "The drug free girl that tries in school." For example, If I see a smiley face on IM that looks weird, I say "Ha, it looks High." People always respond "How would you know. :angry: "

Anyway, How does your school handle drugs? Were you teased at all? *removed*

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Our school is very strict about drugs. Somewhat, anyway.

A girl got expelled due to sharing drugs in an alley. I'm not going to lie - it was kind of scary.

I know many people that do drugs and pills at my school. Our staff won't do anything about it unless they bring the drugs to school or smoke in a nearby area or something and get caught by a teacher.

I don't do drugs, and I never will. That's a promise I made to myself, and my grandfather before he died, and I plan on keeping it.

No, I've never been teased. I know I probably will be one day, but I want to continue living, and that will be my reason for not doing drugs. :pochitchi:

People are stupid for teasing others for wanting a sucessful future, and a long and happy life. Maybe they should look at it that way. :pochitchi:

Well, I'm still in elementary, so no, no one does drugs. Not that I know of, anyways... But in highschools, there's a lot of people who do drugs. But they have their own little drugy areas.

Oh goodness, don't get me started.

This will explain it all:


Now, maybe this is an exaggeration. But Butler does have a drug problem. I would know - Well, I live there, and my mom is an public prosecutor here. She sees drug cases everyday. Butler as a town is doing better than it was a couple of decades ago (My mom said if she was raising me in the 60's and 70's, she would have sent me to a private school instead of starting me at the public junior high school, but they've made some improvments.)

I don't know so much about Heroine anymore, though I know it's still avid in the city because my mom is always ranting about the heroine addicts she deals with and how it's highly addictive and how I can never start on heroine, because it destroys lives, et cetra.

Marijuana though... "pot", I know a lot of potheads in school. My friends who smoke it tell me that it's completely unaddictive, but I dunno. I've never been one to try it. One of my close friends grows weed in his bedroom. XD So I totally know where to get some if I ever wanted to, but for now, I'm uninterested.

The police come to our school once a month with their trained drug dogs to sniff out the school. O: That's where we're at with it - The county has a ton of anti-drug programs up (i.e. Stand Tall, D.A.R.E, etc) and you can tell they're really trying to make the city clean, and it's helped to a point, but you really can't change a city with this much of a history.

As for being specifically targeted because I DO NOT do drugs, I never have been. I've really never been pressured to do drugs or bullied because I'm clean. Maybe it's just because the majority of my friends ARE clean (though I do have conections, let me tell you), but I've never been a target.

Nope. Well, not yet anyway.

I don't and never will. I won't smoke, drink, OR drugs. Except the medicinal drugs like tylenol and asprin.

A few kids in my class might take it up, though. *coughdavidcough* *coughjayceecough* *coughtaylorcough*

The main reasons I won't do drugs, is mostly my dad, and the DARE officer. My dad drinks coors lite beer, and believe me. He's no angel.

My school will call your parents if they find out you're taking drugs in or out of school.

And if they have to, they'll call the police D:

xD I don't think ANYONE in year 9 gets teased about drugs and stuff. Except if we're joking.

"-Laughing- What're you on and where can i get some?"

Stuff like that ^^

And I don't take drugs and I never will. They're gross and I like being slightly sane thanks :)

I've never done any official drugs, and constantly brag about it. xD

Most of my friends have done it, and I smell pot all the time, especially for the last couple months of school, we had an issue with this. I know dealers and everything, but I never do them. I'm pretty freaking proud xDD

I went through my drug phase from around 12 to 16. The older I got, the harsher drugs I did. I was never really addicted, as I quit cold turkey(what happens when you run out of money). I built a huge tolerance though. That's the only thing I regret about doing it. My drug tolerance to even over the counter meds is so high I have to double or triple some doses to have them work properly.

I don't really see it as a bad thing as I learned from it. I'm actually glad I got through it early in life, lol.

At least half the kids in my school do drugs. I don't though, I just know I'd regret it later.

I go to a Catholic school so no drugs, smoking, alcohol on the school premesis - including teachers. You're not even allowed a Panadol from the sick-bay unless you have your own personal pack given to the school by your parents.

A few people in my grade smoke and a few do drugs.

Quite a few people drink at the weekends.

People in our grade look down on the smokers and drug-people but the drinking, not so much.

I don't take drugs, drink or smoke.

I like being alive!

My school is crazy bad for drugs. I know so many people that have tried it, so many people that do it on a regular basis, and quite a few people that actually sell the stuff. It's quite scary to be honest - I never want to get into that type of thing, but it seems like everyone I know is just on drugs now. It seems like I'm going to end up up being the only person on the planet that is drug free, and I would have never guessed that a couple of months ago.

It's sad because when we went to highschool, I just knew kids that got into the wrong crowd, and now their grades are dropping. I just.. don't want to be a part of that.

Maybe I'm a goody or a loser, but it's just not in my personality.

I have never taken drugs, and I don't plan on it.

I will never take drugs, smoke, or drink no matter what.

I made a promise in the second grade and I plan to keep it. xD

My school is very strict {Or my old school. I'm going into Jr. high. I already know that my Jr. High is very strict about that too.} They won't allow anything like that.

I don't know anyone who does drugs, or smoke, or drink. xDD

Never done anything. A lot of people smoke weed. And some girls have got their hands on shrooms and acid.

My school is 100% against them.

I went to a mates house and his mates were smoking weed and I could smell it. Yeah. I left after that.

We just finished our drugs education, and I don't want to do drugs.

When ever someone says they had a sesh in the weekend they seem to be proud and I'll say "Yeah, well I'd like to keep my braincells"

I admit I've had a few drinks in my life. I'm fine with alcohol, I know my limits.

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Eh, I lot of people at my school do drugs. Some of my friends do too, but not often.

I'd try them, tbh.


I swear, I think they look good. I'm just weird like that.

And no, I'm not on them, and I don't know anyone who is, but my cousin has managed to make his parents think he's on them.

Try it: Space out on your bed listening to music.

Like KK, I go to her school and I know so many people who do drugs in our grade.

There is a drug free program called Remembering Adam, which you volunteer in and get drug tested if you're chosen. Though, I doubt it works.

I know a few people in that program that said, exact quote "Omg, I can't wait until school is done and I'm out of Remembering Adam so I can drink again" I was just all "..."

And yes, I am picked on for not doing drugs. But my mom smokes, and It really isn't that glamorous doing drugs.

I have never done drugs. A lot of people I know have tried them, but don't normally do them, they just tried. I never tried, and I never intend to, I'm a dreamer and I do not want drugs messing up my life plan O:

I don't know anyone at my school who does drugs.

I know TONS smoke, but when I walk past, I can smell

it and know its just a normal cigarrette. I don't do drugs, no.

NEVER will, they're stupid!

I admit I've had a few drinks in my life. I'm fine with alcohol, I know my limits.
Yeah I'm okay with drinking, so long as it doesn't get out of hand.

Once my friend was like, "HAY, wanna come over to my house after school? My parents aren't going to be home and I have some good beer. So-and-so and so-and-so are coming too. Do you wanna come and be the sober one to keep us under control?"

XD She was kind of joking about me coming over to be the sober one. It was hilarious though.

I didn't go. I didn't feel like arguing with my parents over who this person is, why I need to go over there, et cetra. My parents don't like letting me out of the house. O:< Wasn't worth the hassle.

I have never and never will take drugs. It's pointless.

I do drink sometimes though. Like on New Years I have champange, and every so often just a sip of stuff.

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