DS Allowance Help!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia, MO
Okee, as you guys may know, I got a Nintendo DS the other day. There's a problem though. My parents are VERY strict, and are only allowing me to play two hours a week! One hour on Monday, and one hour on Friday.


Also, my dad is making me do really hard algebra and calculus problems with him, and he threatens me that if I don't do them...he'll take the DS away. D:


Any advice? *hopeful half smile*





Ask if you can play more? I have a DS, and I play it every day, for like 3 hours. But if you're parents are really strict, I would suggest just doing what they say because they probably won't give in if you ask them to give you more time.

Wow... When I got my DS in X-mas I played 24/7...

Um, I dunno how to help... Why get a DS anyways, with those rules it's just pointless to have one ;-;

Sorry, I'm not that helpful ;-;

Wow; that's harsh.

Just do what your Dad and Mom tells you for now. Do the work, and do some extra stuff around the house.

Maybe after you've proved to them you can still be a hard-worker they'll reward you with more time.

If that doesn't work, maybe secretly play without them knowing? ;D

Uh, no, maybe you shouldn't. -coughyesthatswhatIwoulddocough-

[SIZE=13pt]D: Aww...That's not fair! [/SIZE]

:/ It sucks when parents do that...But I suggest you do your best with the algebra and calculus problems. And if you do really good on it, ask for more playing time with your DS Lite! :3


Either that...xD...Or take your DS and play it in the middle of the night! :3...

But yet thats not really the right thing to do. But it works! xD

Do your best on the algebra and calculus.....

If you do good, then ask for extra DS playtime....

Currently: My life is my DS and comp

I got in HECkA trouble today, and so I'm not gonna be online as much, but I will be on my DS a ton.

I have New Super Mario Bros and I'm on the VERY last place, and it's SO freaking hard!!!!!!!!!!! So I'm working on it. It's really cool that I've almost finished the game!!!! ^.^

My advice: Try to do a little extra around the house to earn some more time to on your DS

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