DSi or DSi XL?


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2008
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I got a DS Lite last Christmas (yup, 2008) and was fairly disappointed when the DSi came out in April the next year. I was thinking about the possibility of saving up for a DSi this Christmastime, but I just found out that the new DSi XL (exactly the same as the DSi, but larger and it has 4.2 inch screens) will be coming out in the US in the first quarter of 2010. I like the idea of having bigger screens for gameplay, but I read that the DSi XL (extra large) will have the same resolution as the DSi. I'm wondering how this will affect gaming issues, like will the image be slightly blurred? If the resolution is the same, will the pixels be larger or what? I'm guessing 2D games would look fine on it. I found this comparison picture of the DSi XL, DSi and DS Lite...


From what I can see, the DS XL's screen looks pretty good! But how would it look with 3D games? My two favorite DS games (Nintendogs + Animal Crossing: Wild World) are 3D and I'd love to play them on larger screens, but I'm not sure how the quality's going to be. =/

So...should I skip the DSi and hold out for the DSi XL next year?

I heard about the larger DSi, and I was just...really?

What for. First they make a ds with a camera, and then an even BIGGER version of that? If they keep coming up with new ideas for DS why they don't hold off on it, make an ultimate one, and then release it instead of a new one practically every year.

Anyway, if you want, hold on and wait till the DSi XL comes out and see the reviews and maybe try it out for yourself and see how you like it. If you don't then buy a regular DSi instead.

I'm gonna stick with my DSLite, cuz i have GBA games and no other way to play them. If I were you I'd wait awhile before buying either DSi or DSi XL, just so you can wait and see which is better. Most likely alot of people you know will get it and you can see what it's like.

I'd just go and buy the DSi. I don't think anything would be that much better. (and anyways, who whould want a bulklier DSi?) Just my opintion. Do what ever you'd like 8D

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