Dumbest thing you've ever done.


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You know those doors with the long handle that say "push" or "pull"? Well, my family was entering the London mall, and I kept trying to push the door. I said "WTF? WHY WONT THIS OPEN? STOOPID DOOR!" I kept pushing and then I saw that the handle said "pull", but I KEPT ON PUSHING! :D So finally after about a minute, I look at it again and say "Oh, thats why it won't open".
My friend did that at a Wendy's, and everybody inside was staring at her.

She was like, "WTH?! Why won't it open?! It says Pu-.. Oh." xD

This was a pretty dumb blonde moment I had:


I was in art class last year. Our teacher was a little wierd, and he was leading into our lesson on grafitii (sp?). To get our noggins goin, he said, "Now, how many people live in Pittsburgh?" (NOTE: The closest big city from where I live is Pittsburgh.) I just stared at him blankly and said (by calling it out, which made it worse), "Why would we live in Pittsburgh if we go to Butler School District?"


The room went silent, and everyone just looked at me. The next kid raised his and hand and replied, "3 million." I felt so dumb! :D




in 5th grade i was teaching a kindergartener how to do the cotton-eyed joe... and i was wearing timberland boots.. an slammed my middle finger on it and sprained my middle finger xD

This was a pretty dumb blonde moment I had: 

I was in art class last year. Our teacher was a little wierd, and he was leading into our lesson on grafitii (sp?). To get our noggins goin, he said, "Now, how many people live in Pittsburgh?" (NOTE: The closest big city from where I live is Pittsburgh.) I just stared at him blankly and said (by calling it out, which made it worse), "Why would we live in Pittsburgh if we go to Butler School District?"


The room went silent, and everyone just looked at me. The next kid raised his and hand and replied, "3 million." I felt so dumb! :D


Hehehe we all have blonde moments.. ;) That is totally something I would do! :D


in 5th grade i was teaching a kindergartener how to do the cotton-eyed joe... and i was wearing timberland boots.. an slammed my middle finger on it and sprained my middle finger xD
Whats "Cotton Eye Joe"?

But nothing will beat the stupidity of the Meowbark trio on MSN XD

Lol.. The thing I listed left me with..

1. A burn mark on my jaw line.

2. A bad aftertaste. xDD

3. A hilarious memory.

4. Scars.

5. Scars and a funny memory to look back on. xD

well I never really do to many things, although Michael (My friend does)

Once he was walking in teh classroom and all of a sudden he does this fall, it looks like when a moddle falls on the run way, XD It was HILARIOUS.

Ummzzz, Once I was all like 'Hyper' and I tripped over nothing, XD Happens alot...

By the ways, sorry about my bad grammar, this computer doen;t have spell check, T.T

I'm terrible at remembering moments like these, so I'm sure these aren't the absolute dumbest things I've ever done, but they're close.

1. Just a few days ago: I was jokingly racing some friends around the sidewalk when I tripped and broke my big toe. DX

2. This happened a few years ago: I was getting really fidgety in school one day, and I was sort of leaning my chair back and forth, when I fell backward, still on the chair, and my whole desk fell on top of me. o___o It was VERY painful. x.x

3. I got trapped under the pool table once....it took a few minutes for anyone to hear my screaming...xD

4. When I was VERY little, I was playing with some friends at my house. For some reason these friends were obsessed with this weird little game where they would run in my room, and hold on to the doorknob to stop me from coming in. Well, one time I managed to get in, but I somehow jammed my finger into the door's side. My mom banned us from ever playing the game again. :D

5. Once I played this game with a neighbor when I was about 8 years old where you whacked each other with these giant tubes. It was weird. :D

There are some others that are a bit funnier, but they might be a little inappropriate so I won't post them...

"Cotton Eyed Joe' is a song I think.The stupidest thing I've ever done is:

I'm only 10 so I'm not supposed to swear yet but I do and so does everyone else in 5th grade. One of my friends was at my house and I was telling them about an awesome YouTube video

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png and one of them was to shout "BLOODY H***!!!! It's the apocalypse!!"(<-Sp) whenever he enters a room and I shouted that and my parents yelled at me :D Oh and I always say "Oh fizz monkeys" or "Holy fizz monkeys!" and so do my friends and one time during a test my friend walked by and whispered "fizz monkeys" to me and I yelled "What the bloody h*** was that?!" and everyone looked at me and I got sent to the office and got a lecture about "don't swear in school" and other crap like that. :huh:
This was a pretty dumb blonde moment I had: 

I was in art class last year. Our teacher was a little wierd, and he was leading into our lesson on grafitii (sp?). To get our noggins goin, he said, "Now, how many people live in Pittsburgh?" (NOTE: The closest big city from where I live is Pittsburgh.) I just stared at him blankly and said (by calling it out, which made it worse), "Why would we live in Pittsburgh if we go to Butler School District?"


The room went silent, and everyone just looked at me. The next kid raised his and hand and replied, "3 million." I felt so dumb! :rolleyes:


i had to read that 20 times (i'm serious i really did) befor i understood it :p

Recently- both happened on my school bus:So this moron in my class called a prefect because I was standing up. I was like "I'm on my kneeees, so shut the *bleep* up- ha ha ha." Then, I feel back and whacked my head of a metal bar. :rolleyes: The whole bus started clapping and cheering- they were all laughing like crazy.

Story 2. xD The bus had flip up seats, and I stood up to get my bag. Then I was like "I'm so *bleep*ing tired.... and flopped back. But there was no seat there. x.x The whole bus errupted in laughter... again.

This one involves a bus too.

One dumb thing I did was sit on da aisle of a bus seat next to two fat idiots. I couldnt get in da middle because these super fat morons were in the way. Their fat was pushing me off the seat and I was barely on the eat. I was like that for 3 hours... I fell of the seat a few times, and tried to keep myself up.

I've done so many dumb things, so it's hard to decide.


I guess I'll just list a few:


* Slammed the door onto three of my fingers by accident (I slammed it REALLY hard to.

* Started having a conversation with my crush and snorted (;.; There went my day)

* (I did this like a week ago) The teacher was behind me (I didn't realize it at first. She ws standing behind me to help this kid at a desk near me) and this kid who sits next to me in English (who is REALLY random, hyper, and crazy) was pretending to stick up his middle finger with a pencil and I said 'What the hel---...' then I looked behind me and there stood the teacher. '---ck are you doing.' Then I looked back at my work and got silent.'



Well, I don't remember any except for like, 2, but I've done so much more..::


In grade 5 I was trying to be all cool in gym class when we were playing dodgeball, so I was dancing to dodge the balls and I slipped and fell, but I broke my wrist..


And in grade 6 I was trying to be cool (again) and jumped off the climbers. I landed the wrong way and my arm broke right at the elbow. Some friends say my arm was like, backwards but I really can't remember.

I broke my pinky while playing air hockey =o

Hm, I think this one of mine is pretty stupid...

When I was trying to catch up with this one guy when I was walking home, and then somebody called my name. She was infront of me a little to the right. I was staring at her and she left. Then, I turned back catch up to the guy and then my face hit the tetherball pole. Yeah...My nose started bleeding. And the guy who I was trying to catch up with was the guy I liked so yeah, He turned back and kept walking.

You know those doors with the long handle that say "push" or "pull"? Well, my family was entering the London mall, and I kept trying to push the door. I said "WTF? WHY WONT THIS OPEN? STOOPID DOOR!" I kept pushing and then I saw that the handle said "pull", but I KEPT ON PUSHING! :p So finally after about a minute, I look at it again and say "Oh, thats why it won't open".
ME IS DUMB :( :p :D XD
That happened to me and my brother once when we were visiting our relatives who live in Connecticut (they also live in Brazil for half the year). We were trying to open the door and my cousin said "Are you guys stupid? It says pull! Do the doors go the opposite way in California or something?" And then we started talking about toilets going the opposite way in the southern hemisphere (which, by the way, isn't true.)

I've done lots and lot's of stupid things. I've also injured myself in many stupid ways. I got a humongous bruise/bleeding spot on the entire right side of my face last year because I fell in a bush. And I've had a bad bruise on my leg right now for two weeks, because I walked into a table.

I've done alot of stupid things xD

- At Myrtle Beach, I did the Cha Cha Slide in front of 50 strangers xD

- In hockey, someone was screening me so I slashed them in the back of the ankle and I got in crap form the ref, but no penalty xD

- Me and my friend biked around my neighbourhood singing Spider Pig


On MSN, my friend was narrating her life since she was bored. I wanted her to say something funny about me so I was all "w00t!!!! HOUSE RULES!!!! YAY FOR JESSE SPENCER AND HUGH LAURIE!!!!! LLAMASS!!!!" Then she started making a story about me, in the story I marry Jesse Spencer, then divorce him. Then I marry Hugh Laurie, Peter Griffin, and a llama (WTH?) Then Jesse Spencer, Hugh Laurie, Peter Griffin, and the llama were in a treehouse in Madagascar and a tidal wave hit them. Then I was so devastated I changed my name to Jellie (Mix of Jesse and Allie xD That leter came to be my nicename LOL!!!) Then I remarried him then he divorced me, because I had too many cats, and started to go crazy and throw cats at people (Like the person in The Simpsons) Then my evil ferret stole all of my furniture and destroyed it. Then Jesse Spencer bought me a new toilet and remarried me xD

We couldn't stop laughing about that story and my nickname for long after xD

Ahh, this brings back memories...

Last year, I was watching tv and I heard a truck infront of the house across from us, so I started running towards to front door and I slammed my pinky toe into the wall. It hurt really bad, and for the next month or two it was completely purple. The doctor said I just fractured it, and it healed after a while.

I remember telling the doctor that FedEx was at fault here. LOL!

The moral here? FedEx can't be trusted. :3

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I broke my pinky while playing air hockey =o
Hm, I think this one of mine is pretty stupid...

When I was trying to catch up with this one guy when I was walking home, and then somebody called my name. She was infront of me a little to the right. I was staring at her and she left. Then, I turned back catch up to the guy and then my face hit the tetherball pole. Yeah...My nose started bleeding. And the guy who I was trying to catch up with was the guy I liked so yeah, He turned back and kept walking.
At least I'm not the only one who breaks fingers while playing that XD

I get really violent with that game.

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