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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2005
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I entered the password to get to e-tamago, and then a page came up that said said something in japenese and two buttons. I clicked the larger button, and then it brought me back to the same page. I clicked the bottom button and it brought me back to the home page. What should I do??????

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You mean the one where Mametchi, Memetchi and Kuchipatchi are stuck between the Tamagotchi planet and Earth? That's a load error screen.

The top button is Retry. You can retry as many times as you like.

The bottom button is Quit. This is to return to the main screen.

This one's happened to me aswell. It just means that the page is taking a while to load, due to so many people trying to get in at once. The button on top is to Retry, and the Bottom Button is to exit.

Just keep retrying, and you'll evntually get in :wub:


This one's happened to me aswell. It just means that the page is taking a while to load, due to so many people trying to get in at once. The button on top is to Retry, and the Bottom Button is to exit.Just keep retrying, and you'll evntually get in :eek:

How can you play on E-Tamago if its in Japanese? :lol: Do you click something to translate, because I went on it and I couldn't read it!!! :blink:

Since I've seen a couple of frequently asked questions here, I'll answer both at the same time (yes, I know one was already answered.)

Question 1: why does my character get stuck between locations?


Question 2: what do the red and blue buttons do?

Answers to both 1 & 2: You may see three different problems, if you have a slow connection to the e-tamago server in Japan. When I am in North America I often see #1 and #2, and rarely #3. When I am in Japan, I rarely see #1, and almost never see #2 or #3.

#1. While you are navigating between pages, you may see a blinking picture of Mametchi driving a blue race car. This screen means "please wait a moment". Usually, after a moment, either the new page will finish loading, or one of the below two problems will occur.

#2. If your tamagotchi character gets "stuck" between locations within e-tamago, hit your browser's Refresh button (or the F5 key if you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer). This will take you back to the login password entry page. Re-enter the same login password, then immediately go to whichever location you got stuck going to before.

#3. When you are navigating between pages, your progress may halt at a picture of Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi stuck in space between Earth and the Tamagotchi home planet. This screen occurs when there is a load error. There are two buttons above the Earth. The red button means "retry". The blue button means "stop". If you press stop, you will be taken back to the first page (before the login screen).

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Question 3: e-tamago is all in Japanese. Babel-fish doesn't work on it. How can I see it in English?

Answer 3: On-line language translation software will not work on e-tamago because all of the words there are not text, they are graphics.

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Question 4: e-tamago is all in Japanese. How can I, as a non-Japanese, use it?

Answer 4: There's an English-language guide here:


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Since I've seen a couple of frequently asked questions here, I'll answer both at the same time (yes, I know one was already answered.)
Question 1: why does my character get stuck between locations?


Question 2: what do the red and blue buttons do?

Answers to both 1 & 2: You may see three different problems, if you have a slow connection to the e-tamago server in Japan. When I am in North America I often see #1 and #2, and rarely #3. When I am in Japan, I rarely see #1, and almost never see #2 or #3.

#1. While you are navigating between pages, you may see a blinking picture of Mametchi driving a blue race car. This screen means "please wait a moment". Usually, after a moment, either the new page will finish loading, or one of the below two problems will occur.

#2. If your tamagotchi character gets "stuck" between locations within e-tamago, hit your browser's Refresh button (or the F5 key if you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer). This will take you back to the login password entry page. Re-enter the same login password, then immediately go to whichever location you got stuck going to before.

#3. When you are navigating between pages, your progress may halt at a picture of Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi stuck in space between Earth and the Tamagotchi home planet. This screen occurs when there is a load error. There are two buttons above the Earth. The red button means "retry". The blue button means "stop". If you press stop, you will be taken back to the first page (before the login screen).

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Question 3: e-tamago is all in Japanese. Babel-fish doesn't work on it. How can I see it in English?

Answer 3: On-line language translation software will not work on e-tamago because all of the words there are not text, they are graphics.

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Question 4: e-tamago is all in Japanese. How can I, as a non-Japanese, use it?

Answer 4: There's an English-language guide here:

Thanks for the info! :lol: It really helped. :blink:

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