Ears pierced


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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
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Some where In the Middle of Nowhere
Well, I am getting my ears peirced today and I have two questions to ask some of you fellow TT members.

1. have you got your ears peirced and do you want them done?

2. Does it hurt?!

I am doing some quick research on it, because I do not want to be suprised by something it does or anyything xDD.


I have my ears pierced 12 times in each ear.

The only ones that hurt were my tragus' and rooks.

As far as lobes are cartilage, they didn't hurt. Cartilage I barely felt.

It more depends on your pain tolerance.

It does hurt. It won't immidiately. You'll feel it soon after you get pierced.

There might be discomfort for a couple of days but it will go away.

I have had my ears pierced twice so I have 4 holes. I would like another 2. :D So really the pain is no huge deal.

Mine are pierced 4 times on each ear. The bottom ones didn't hurt at all because its just going through skin and not skin and cartilage. If your really nervous you can get the person to make the dots on your ear with the marker (so you can see if you like it) And then you can ask her if you can get both your ears done at the same time. Thats what they do for younger kids because usually once the first ear is done, The sound of the gun scares them and they wont let you do the other one.

Good luck ^^ Make sure you come back and tell us how it went =P

I don't have my ears peirced D: I don't really want to, anyways, since I have very low pain tolerance.

I don't have my ears peirced. I would like to get them peirced one day :D . My pain tolerance is about medium xD

Good luck on yours!

my ears are pierced 3 times and so is my septum

the ears didnt hurt for me it was really quick

the septum one did hurt :rolleyes: idk it depends i guess

Yes, and my parents say I can get a second piercing in each ear. <3

Yes, but only for a second. When they put them in, your ears will say "ow pinch" and then it's over. xD

My ears are not pierced at all, but it's definitely something I want to do! :) I have a medium pain tolerance, but I think I could take it - all my friends tell me that you have got to be holding onto something, though! I want them both done at the same time, holding someone's hand or my legs!!!

The pain depends on where you get it pierced. My friends tell me that the higher you go, the more painful.

But I've only gotten my ears pierced once for both ears on the very bottom, and all you feel is a little pinch and then it's numb for a little bit.

It goes away though. The only pain I really had was when I wore big earrings too soon and my holes weren't ready yet. They became infected and it was very very painful.

I waited a year before big earrings, and even now I keep my studs in when I go to bed so my holes won't close.

I got my ears pierced over 2 years ago.

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i can't get my ears pierced until i'm 13 or 14 :furawatchi:

so i won't be of too much help, but i will ask my friend about it.

cecib :unsure:

It really doesn't hurt.

You feel a slight pinch, that's all.

I got mine two years ago, but they got infected really badly, apparently I was allergic to the metal.

So, they gave me these plastic ones, but my ears stayed infected. So, after 1 1/2 years, I had to take them out. D;

I hope I can get them pierced again one day, hopefully my ears will be able to tolerate it too. ^^

Anything puncturing you is going to hurt. As far as pain goes in my opinion it's worse to get an injection. Yes the first one hurts but when they do the second one it's not so bad. There isn't much in your ears to feel it any way. It may hurt after wards and you shouldn't twist the earings for the first few days because it'll hurt and may make it bleed.

Well, I am getting my ears peirced today and I have two questions to ask some of you fellow TT members.
1. have you got your ears peirced and do you want them done?

2. Does it hurt?!

I am doing some quick research on it, because I do not want to be suprised by something it does or anyything xDD.

I got mine a year ago, so i remember.

It doesn't really hurt!!

It hurts as much as you pinching your self with your nails for a second or two.

It doesnt hurt enough to make you cry, joust to say "ow!"

I wouldn't know if it hurts or not I only got them pierced once when I was a baby. ( I'm scared of needles so I'm not getting anymore ) DX

It hurts. A bit. Not much, really.

But afterwards, you MIGHT get a headache.

If they offer you a lolly-pop, I suggest you take it.

And eat it.

But if they tell you that you should only buy their ear cleaning product, I suggest you ignore them. Rubbing Alcohol works terrificly. Just keep your peircings clean. You do NOT want them to end up like mine.

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