Earth's First Aid Kit


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Oct 18, 2007
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Somewhere in the corner of south-western Utah...
If you see this::hitodetchi:Then you can find out more on

In the Earth First Aid Kit:

1:Buy metal or Ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited recourse.

2:Switch off the light every time you leave a room. :hitodetchi:

3:Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter.

4:Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center:hitodetchi:

5:Take a reusable bag(like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic.

6:Choose locally grown food. Transporting food lind distances wastes fuel and creates extre CO2

7:Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside.

8:Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorsent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy.

9:Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them.(Wash dishes soon after)

10:Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner.

Every day im going to add a little bit more(there's 30)

This isn't going to change anything. The world cares little for our planet and no matter what one person says, you cannot reach the billions of people on the planet with something like this. Plastic bowls will continue to be made the world over, people will waste electricity, people will run AC units, people will watch TV and play games all the time.

The world is an ugly place, and everyone's so busy trying to just SURVIVE from day to day to stop every five seconds and think 'Is what I'm doing good for the planet?' People have enough on their plates without having to worry about the more than FOUR BILLION PEOPLE harming the planet.

Wouldn't people in Arizona or the desert heat need the AC on? Fans aren't gonna cool the whole house down. Alot of people don't like being told how to live, either.

1. Buy metal or ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited resource. Uhm, seriously, so? Buying ceramic or metal isn't going to stop the production of plastic.

2. Switch off the light every time you leave a room. I think most people already do this...

3. Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. Dude, seriously, no. Do you have any idea how hot and cold it would get? Average room temperature is 72 er something. 68 in the wintertime is too cold.

4. Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center. Uh, sure...

5. Take a reusable bag (like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. o.o Why?

6. Choose locally grown food. Transporting food long distances wastes fuel and creates extra CO2. Uh, again. Buying locally isn't going to stop shipping.

7. Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. I don't think many people are going to give up their precious television just to enjoy nature.

8. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorscent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. o.o Again, so?

9. Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them. Why? 0.o

10. Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. It gets up in the high double digits and low triple digits in the summer. Nobody in their right mind is going to die of heat stroke to OMG SAEV TEH W0RLD.

I agree 100% with ValhallaKnight and Starman.exe. :|

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1. Buy metal or ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited resource. Uhm, seriously, so? Buying ceramic or metal isn't going to stop the production of plastic.
2. Switch off the light every time you leave a room. I think most people already do this...

3. Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. Dude, seriously, no. Do you have any idea how hot and cold it would get? Average room temperature is 72 er something. 68 in the wintertime is too cold.

4. Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center. Uh, sure...

5. Take a reusable bag (like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. o.o Why?

6. Choose locally grown food. Transporting food long distances wastes fuel and creates extra CO2. Uh, again. Buying locally isn't going to stop shipping.

7. Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. I don't think many people are going to give up their precious television just to enjoy nature.

8. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorscent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. o.o Again, so?

9. Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them. Why? 0.o

10. Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. It gets up in the high double digits and low triple digits in the summer. Nobody in their right mind is going to die of heat stroke to OMG SAEV TEH W0RLD.

I agree 100% with ValhallaKnight and Starman.exe. :|
Thats the atttude! Not even if 1000 people do this stuff because you posted it, it wouldn't do anything. The world is going to die anyway so why slow the painful process.

Adding to what TG said.


1. Buy metal or ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited resource. Uhm, seriously, so? Buying ceramic or metal isn't going to stop the production of plastic. Nor does it mean shipping of these products will stop.

2. Switch off the light every time you leave a room. I think most people already do this...

3. Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. Dude, seriously, no. Do you have any idea how hot and cold it would get? Average room temperature is 72 er something. 68 in the wintertime is too cold. In an area where 100F is just a 'warm day' do you have any idea how cold 68F is? Also, for people with anemia or hypothyroid, 78F isn't THAT hot, and 68F feels near freezing.

4. Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center. Uh, sure... Very few states do this.

5. Take a reusable bag (like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. o.o Why? A lot of stores wont let you bring your own bags.

6. Choose locally grown food. Transporting food long distances wastes fuel and creates extra CO2. Uh, again. Buying locally isn't going to stop shipping. According to medical research, the healthiest foods are grown 100+ miles away.

7. Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. I don't think many people are going to give up their precious television just to enjoy nature. And what are people supposed to do when the weather is bad? Catch pneumonia?

8. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorscent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. o.o Again, so? Don't forget, they also strain your eyes and prolonged use can cause headaches!

9. Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them. Why? 0.o Yes. Because water definitely doesn't break down foods. While you're at it, why don't you throw away your body waste too. Hey, if it saves water right?

10. Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. It gets up in the high double digits and low triple digits in the summer. Nobody in their right mind is going to die of heat stroke to OMG SAEV TEH W0RLD. Again, do you have any idea how hot it gets in some places? Sorry, but I'd rather be cooled off then rushed to the hospital because of my blood boiling. And also, fans use power too. Hope you realize that.

I also agree 100% with ValhallaKnight and Starman.exe. :|

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Don't worry tamacrazyperson, I'm on your side.

Although others have very valid points, I agree with tamacrazyperson. Although some of the points I don't think will help, most of them are actually good ideas.

Buy metal or Ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited recourse. Not talking about stopping plastic reduction, but reducing the amount of oil used. We don't want all the oil to run out!

Switch off the light every time you leave a room. 100% agree

Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. I have no idea about F because in Australia the temperature is in degrees celcius, so I don't have an opinion on this one.

Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center Yep, nice point

Take a reusable bag(like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. I know what you're going on about! In Australia Woolworths and Coles and heaps of other shops have green bags instead of using plastic ones. In Australia alone, the number of plastic bags used per day has reduced 30% since last year! Nice point.

Choose locally grown food. Transporting food lind distances wastes fuel and creates extre CO2 I agree here. Not only does it cost less, but it uses less energy.

Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. Not only for the health of the planet, but for your general well being!

Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorsent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. Yes... quite true. I don't know why Sweet Kandi said it strains your eyes and gives headaches. Easily solved... just don't stare at them. Only an idiot would do that. Jeez...

Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them.(Wash dishes soon after) Milk and other stuff can't be washed down the sink because it fouls the waterways when it goes off. Also, foreign objects and food could be washed down the sink, possibly damaging wild life.

Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. Air cons are cooler, but they use WAY too much energy. If you don't want to put fans on, just open a window.

And just a note, saying "the world is going to die anyway" isn't a very good attitude at all. And slowing down the proccess??? So do you mean you think the world is just going to go BAM! GONE?? I wouldn't say it was slowing down the process... I would call it LIVING LONGER.

They aren't rules either, mate. They're safety hints and advice, not laws that you get fined for.

I know others won't give a hoot about what I have just said and some might not be very impressed at all, but I care. And even if there's only two of us out of the 70 000 or so of us on TamaTalk, atleast when the last few seconds on earth await us, we can atleast say we tried, we care, and that we contributed to something. We need to appreciate every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year, because with the attitude some others have, this world is a dump already.

People are entitled to their opinions, and this is mine. No shaming or flaming was intended in this post, and I will not tollerate any coming back at me. Thanks.


I agree with most of the corrections,

but cut the guy some slack.

I mean, I know this wont stop 1000s,

but he is one who cares.

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The 'less energy fluorescent' light bulbs can cause Epileptic seizures.

Just thought I'd let you know before you tell people to use them. If you suffer from Epilepsy DON'T use them.

Adding to what TG said.

1. Buy metal or ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited resource. Uhm, seriously, so? Buying ceramic or metal isn't going to stop the production of plastic. Nor does it mean shipping of these products will stop.

2. Switch off the light every time you leave a room. I think most people already do this...

3. Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. Dude, seriously, no. Do you have any idea how hot and cold it would get? Average room temperature is 72 er something. 68 in the wintertime is too cold. In an area where 100F is just a 'warm day' do you have any idea how cold 68F is? Also, for people with anemia or hypothyroid, 78F isn't THAT hot, and 68F feels near freezing.

4. Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center. Uh, sure... Very few states do this.

5. Take a reusable bag (like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. o.o Why? A lot of stores wont let you bring your own bags.

6. Choose locally grown food. Transporting food long distances wastes fuel and creates extra CO2. Uh, again. Buying locally isn't going to stop shipping. According to medical research, the healthiest foods are grown 100+ miles away.

7. Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. I don't think many people are going to give up their precious television just to enjoy nature. And what are people supposed to do when the weather is bad? Catch pneumonia?

8. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorscent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. o.o Again, so? Don't forget, they also strain your eyes and prolonged use can cause headaches!

9. Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them. Why? 0.o Yes. Because water definitely doesn't break down foods. While you're at it, why don't you throw away your body waste too. Hey, if it saves water right?

10. Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. It gets up in the high double digits and low triple digits in the summer. Nobody in their right mind is going to die of heat stroke to OMG SAEV TEH W0RLD. Again, do you have any idea how hot it gets in some places? Sorry, but I'd rather be cooled off then rushed to the hospital because of my blood boiling. And also, fans use power too. Hope you realize that.

I also agree 100% with ValhallaKnight and Starman.exe. :|
Look at the part i bolded in Sweet Kandi's Post

Were i live 68 degresse is nice weather ,in the winter it can get down to 20 degresse!!

Look at the part i bolded in Sweet Kandi's Post
Were i live 68 degresse is nice weather ,in the winter it can get down to 20 degresse!!
If you think thats bad, just yesterday it was down to 3 degrees. x___x

and we still had to go toschool. ;-;

I disagree with number 10, but SK and TG made a point and I agree with them.

What about people who live in desert areas such as Arizona, Texas and so on? You can't turn on a fan or open a window. Still, people do not like being told what to do or how to live it.

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This isn't going to change anything.  The world cares little for our planet and no matter what one person says, you cannot reach the billions of people on the planet with something like this.  Plastic bowls will continue to be made the world over, people will waste electricity, people will run AC units, people will watch TV and play games all the time.
The world is an ugly place, and everyone's so busy trying to just SURVIVE from day to day to stop every five seconds and think 'Is what I'm doing good for the planet?'  People have enough on their plates without having to worry about the more than FOUR BILLION PEOPLE harming the planet.
[SIZE=8pt]actually, I spend alot of time trying to find new ways to help the planet... so this topic is really good! Thanks! no matter what anyone says... there will always be someone willing to help the Earth. Sure, maybe the productions of plastic may not stop, but it is better to at least try to help rather than sit back and say "no one else is doing it so it won't make an impact". as a quote says..."If you think you are to small to make an impact, try sleeping with a mosquito!" as many of you know... mosquito's make a large impact no matter how much you slap at them you still get a bite that will last. So if you stand up for Earth's rights, you may make a bigger and more lasting impact than you think is possible! So at least try! You never know... you may get more and more people to join.. and then the production will slow down somewhat, with losing some customers. So yes, it is possible to make a difference![/SIZE]

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If you think thats bad, just yesterday it was down to 3 degrees. x___x
and we still had to go toschool. ;-;
[SIZE=8pt]sorry for double posting.. but if you think that's bad... it got down to -50 degrees! (yes... that's a NEGATIVE 50 degrees) lol :D [/SIZE]

Why are you guys being so harsh on this person, can't you see he/she is new?

And so what if it dosen't help, because I only agree 50/50 with everyone here.

I mean, has anyone even bothered to try these things yet. Even though somebody says something dosen't mean you have to follow it, and I don't know about anyone else here but I'm actually thanking her to do this.

If you think thats bad, just yesterday it was down to 3 degrees. x___x
and we still had to go toschool. ;-;
oh yeah? I have to go to school in -20 weather! :)

1. Buy metal or ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited resource. Erm.... No way. Think of water bottles. I mean- Who wants to drink water out of bowls and glasses on the go? Not me.

2. Switch off the light every time you leave a room. Like said, Eh, That's a very common one. Almost everyone does it.

3. Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. I'm going to freeze to death. Heck no.

4. Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center. That doesn't exist around many places in the world.

5. Take a reusable bag (like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. ... No. Not allowed in local stores.

6. Choose locally grown food. Transporting food long distances wastes fuel and creates extra CO2. ... Heck no. Yuck... Oranges that are frozen? Heck no.

7. Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. Does that give any existance to toys and computers? No. Even tamagotchis would count. That would make the world very boring...................... <.<

8. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorscent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. ... Um.... Like anyone would want to spend THAT much money.

9. Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them. Kinda smart... Eh.

10. Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. It gets up in the high double digits and low triple digits in the summer. HECK NO! THAT'LL MAKE EVERYTHING WAAAAAAY TO HOT. AC's actually help. They cool down the hot air if you open the window.

Erm... I agree with others. Like heck everyone in the world would want to do this. It would get boring after awhile of going on nature walks.

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1. Buy metal or ceramic bowls for you pet. Plastic bowls are made from oil, a limited resource. Erm.... No way. Think of water bottles. I mean- Who wants to drink water out of bowls and glasses on the go? Not me.
2. Switch off the light every time you leave a room. Like said, Eh, That's a very common one. Almost everyone does it.

3. Set the thermostat to no lower than 78F in the summer, and 68F in the winter. I'm going to freeze to death. Heck no.

4. Set out bottles and cans for neighborhood pickup, or exchange them for cash at the recycling center. That doesn't exist around many places in the world.

5. Take a reusable bag (like one made out of cloth) to the store instead of using paper or plastic. ... No. Not allowed in local stores.

6. Choose locally grown food. Transporting food long distances wastes fuel and creates extra CO2. ... Heck no. Yuck... Oranges that are frozen? Heck no.

7. Turn off the TV or video game console and play outside. Does that give any existance to toys and computers? No. Even tamagotchis would count. That would make the world very boring...................... <.<

8. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorscent ones. They last up to ten times longer and can use a quarter of the energy. ... Um.... Like anyone would want to spend THAT much money.

9. Scrape leftovers off dishes instead of rinsing them. Kinda smart... Eh.

10. Keep those fans buzzing in the summer instead of turning on the air conditioner. It gets up in the high double digits and low triple digits in the summer. HECK NO! THAT'LL MAKE EVERYTHING WAAAAAAY TO HOT. AC's actually help. They cool down the hot air if you open the window.

Erm... I agree with others. Like heck everyone in the world would want to do this. It would get boring after awhile of going on nature walks.
[SIZE=8pt]all the things i bolded (in your reply) are things that are easily fixed, and ones that I want to talk about[/SIZE]

1)so? buy a cup to take with you, so you can refill it.

2)at my place where I live, many peeps forget, and I am constantly reminding my mum

3)ever heard of a sweatshirt? or a fireplace?

4)many doesn't mean all, so do it where you can

5)at my place it is

6)why would it be frozen if it's local? then it would be more fresh!

7)any person who says this probably doesn't have a good imagination. Go outside, shoot some hoops, play frisbee, go to the park. these are way more fun than just sitting in the house!

8)they actually cost less

10) well, actually, fans can help. also get a cool drink. go to the pool. simple things like this can help save energy.


I agree with the one who posted this topic. we can make a difference, it just takes time and a person willing to try.

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