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I got 70 (?) easter eggs. Maybe more. My favourite was a big pot of chocalate.........Yum :D :D :p

When I walked into the house after my feast of Mexican food, there were eggs everywhere. I stepped on a hard boiled egg immediately, and started screaming and leaping about, flinging little bits of egg everywhere. 'Twas a very destructive moment. Then, I sat on the couch, and my parents gave me a basket already filled with chocolate so I would not have to deal with the EGGS OF PURE EVIL any longer. Then, while I was sitting on the couch, an egg FLEW OUT OF THE SKY and hit me. xD I mean, WTF. I started screaming again, and rolling on the floor, where I crushed two more eggs. So my dad came in to see his teenage girl rolling on the floor, screaming bloody murder, flailing her arms, with chunks of hard boiled egg everywhere.

[ What happened with the whole 'egg flying out of the sky' thing was, my cat was on the shelf, where my parents had hid an egg. She pushed it off. It hit me. It was pretty terrifying. ]

After my horrific incident of terror, I went to my room and ate the chocolate they gave me.

When I walked into the house after my feast of Mexican food, there were eggs everywhere. I stepped on a hard boiled egg immediately, and started screaming and leaping about, flinging little bits of egg everywhere. 'Twas a very destructive moment. Then, I sat on the couch, and my parents gave me a basket already filled with chocolate so I would not have to deal with the EGGS OF PURE EVIL any longer. Then, while I was sitting on the couch, an egg FLEW OUT OF THE SKY and hit me. xD I mean, WTF. I started screaming again, and rolling on the floor, where I crushed two more eggs. So my dad came in to see his teenage girl rolling on the floor, screaming bloody murder, flailing her arms, with chunks of hard boiled egg everywhere.
[ What happened with the whole 'egg flying out of the sky' thing was, my cat was on the shelf, where my parents had hid an egg. She pushed it off. It hit me. It was pretty terrifying. ]

After my horrific incident of terror, I went to my room and ate the chocolate they gave me.
O.O Wow. XD

So yeah. My brothers didn't wanna go to my grandma's house, so I was the only one who went. I ended up making $30 from the egg hunt~

And of course at my house I got an easter basket filled with candy<3. Except I already ate all the good stuff. I'll have to resort to stealing Peeps from my brother's basket. O:<

^ I think I know what you're talking about when you say those biggish ones filled with m&ms D:

They didn't let us search for easter eggs. We're too old for them @.@

So instead we went over to my friend Marco's house and partied hard. Ohh boy, 3 girls and 6 guys alone in a house can be so fun.

All I got was outside toys... >_>

*evil glare*

I hate outside.

*evil glare shifts to window*

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