Eating, Alot? O_O'


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
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British Columbia
Okay, so lately I have been eating alot. 40 minutes before lunch I am already starving. I have to have 2 waffles for breakfast. I need a HUGE plate of dinner and a big after school lunch. Some of it's good food but most is bad. Is it normal? I'm guessing it's because I'm growing so maybe that's why o.o'

Maybe my appetite is getting bigger because I'm going through extreme puberty?


I think you answered your own question, lol.

Before eating, drink a whole glass of water. Sometimes our minds get mixed up with thirst and hunger, so drinking water may decrease your appetite.

Should I continue my habits until I am not hungry? Because if I don't eat when I am growing will that prevent me from growing?



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Should I continue my habits until I am not hungry? Because if I don't eat when I am growing will that prevent me from growing?

lol well like I said, you may think you're starving, but in all reality your perfectly fine. Just drink water and find healthy snacks you can eat a lot of. I'm sort of going through the same thing.

Also, you said at diner you eat a big meal - eating on a smaller plate will make your portions smaller and help you eat less.

Maybe you have a high metabolism - just keep track of your eating and go to a doctor if you're terribly concerned.

I think you answered your own question, lol.
Before eating, drink a whole glass of water. Sometimes our minds get mixed up with thirst and hunger, so drinking water may decrease your appetite.

Just yeah. I don't eat much, so I can't say much.

According to your my profile, your about my brothers' age.

At that age, you eat a lot because your growing. :p I had a huge appetite at your age, and now I'm 13 and I eat less. In fact, I even let my brothers eat what I can't eat now.

So eat as much as you need to eat. One brother of mine eats like a pig and he's seriously skinny.

It's normal. ;)

I'm pretty much with tamtamkitty07's thoughts on this.

Well, if you are a little overweight, for sure go with the water thing. But if you are average or thin, eating is ok. You are growing. Don't deny yourself too much.

I guess a lot of young teens get ravenously hungry sometimes. I don't remember being crazy hungry very much but everyone is a little different.

Now what I am wondering about is what if since I am eating so much my metabolism will catch up to me in around ten years and I become really overweight?

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Im 12 and I still eat alot, even when I'm not hungry.

Its an addiction. D:<

Try taking smaller portions and eating slower, If you eat fast you could end up eating to much and you wouldnt feel full until a little while later. I'm really no help in this topic xD

If you drink Coke or Pepsi a lot then change it to diet. It will stop you gaining so much weight and you can still eat a lot. =]

If you are over weight then cut out soda and instead of eating junk eat fruit and veg. Before you reach for something in the kitchen decide how hungry you are. If you are really hungry have a small meal, if you are moderatly hungry eat some carbs or fiber like bread or some potato chips and if you are only a little hungry eat some fruit or veg.

When I gave up soda's and cut back on my food intake I lost 4kg in less than a week. =]

Don't eat too much.You don't wanna be fat!If you are fat I suppose you diet a little bit.

Should I continue my habits until I am not hungry? Because if I don't eat when I am growing will that prevent me from growing?

I read up on a WikiHow Article about something... It said to chew more, you'll feel fullier or something.

Just don't eat too much you get sick, do not eat too less.

Check with your doctor...Are you taking any medications? Except for Vitamins? Check the symtoms list....If you experience any of these symtoms, go to your doctor.

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