Eating Disorders D:


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I wouldn't say I had anorexia.

I've always been skinny because It's my build. I'll always be tall and skinny. People used to always call me anorexic when I was younger and had less shape.


Last year I went through a really rough patch in my life, And was very depressed for a while. I didn't purposly starve myself, but I stopped eating because I had no appetite and simply didn't feel hungry. I knew I was already skinny, but I just didn't care about myself anymore. I didn't care about my health or what would happen to me. I had a bad habit of self harm too, so that wasn't helping the situation.

Before all that happened, I was about 58 kilos. After just a few months, I was 45 kilos. That's equivalent to the weight I was when I was 12, and a foot shorter.


Everyone would talk about me behind my back. You could wrap your hands around my thighs because they were that skinny. I didn't notice how scrawny I was until now, looking back at the photos of myself... I looked terrible and really really sick. I don't think it was an eating disorder though because I didn't intentionally try to lose weight.


I still get spells of depression, but I've moved on from my past and I'm trying to create a good future for myself.

I'm glad that everyone here seems to be doing the same :D


I'm glad that I can open up here.

i don't know. i mean, i barely eat. and i know there is something wrong with my eating. i am a freak about what i put into my diet and have become a vegetarian because of it. and i never eat more than a few hundred calories a day. but i wouldn't consider myself anorexic. mainly because i am still fat. i look so huge. i am five seven and weigh 157 pounds. and i cant get over how much that is. i don't know :\ i just wish i could be comfortable with myself and my body. :'(
To me, it definitely sounds like something is wrong. Eating so little is not going to make you lose much weight either. It will slow down your metabolism, making you gain weight. I know it sounds crazy, especially the way you described your situation, but I would talk to somebody you trusted and knew and asked them what they think.

By what you said, it sounds bad, but I can't judge it so well over the internet.

i don't know. i mean, i barely eat. and i know there is something wrong with my eating. i am a freak about what i put into my diet and have become a vegetarian because of it. and i never eat more than a few hundred calories a day. but i wouldn't consider myself anorexic. mainly because i am still fat. i look so huge. i am five seven and weigh 157 pounds. and i cant get over how much that is. i don't know :\ i just wish i could be comfortable with myself and my body. :'(
Well a 'few hundred calories' definately doesn't seem substantial for a whole day. And eating less and less isn't going to make you lose weight. Honestly, you're pretty tall, so that isn't such a bad weight for you to be, as there is no right or wrong weight, everyone's bodies are different. If you really want to lose weight though, you should go on a diet that is substantial and start an excercise plan. If you don't already excercise, it will make you feel so much better, you'll be more energetic and after excercising personally I feel a lot more fit. :3

I haven't seen anyone with one, nor do I think I have one.

Sometimes I don't eat because I just don't want to. To me, eating is boring. I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 92 pounds. I like eating when I'm really hungry though. :furawatchi:

It's surprising the amount of people you know that go through eating disorders without anyone knowing.

To be honest, I've kind of been going through one for about a month. It hasn't gotten severe though, and I'm getting myself back of track.

There's only two people IRL that know about it, and I plan to keep it that way. I think some of my school friends are starting to notice, though.

I've been getting weird anonymous questions about it on formspring, which bothers me.

I guess I've had an eating disorder on and off for about four years now. It's nothing to do with my weight. Like, I know I'm nowhere near being fat. I just mostly don't feel like eating. I never take food to school, but that's mostly because I don't really have enough time to prepare food or whatever in the mornings.

My friends have noticed it. And now they're referring to me as 'attention-seeking'. Eh they can think what they want.

I know two people that have had anorexia. One of them is now much healthier and looks amazing.

The other one is super super skinny. Like, she's tall, and, I dunno, people just assume sometimes that tall people are skinny. But I hugged her once, and I honestly speechless as to how skinny she was. And then a few weeks later, she was saying she hated her legs because they were purple or something, so I was like "It's cause you're anorexic." She started crying and told me she actually had been anorexic and had to go into hospital and everything.. I still feel awful about it.

Is it true eating less will make your metabolism slower?

I'd never tell my friend this, but I am a bit worried about her. She's super skinny... really. Her mum's noticed too, and is trying to do something about it.

She's not ill, but if she loses weight it could get that way.

She hasn't lost weight, she's just always been that way. She gets upset if someone calls her anorexic, because she can't really help how thin she is... it isn't intentional.

Nope. I don't have one nor do I know anyone who has one.

Yes, I think I'm slightly over-weight(Wii fit doesn't say so), mostly because it seems most of my weight goes to my tummy. Apparently, I'm average weight, and I'm quite "skinny" everywhere other then my tummy. I "try" to cut down on (yummy) chocolate and junk, but my diet days only last a day or two, and after that, it takes me like a month to care about my weight again. I eat a lot, yeah, but no, I couldn't have a eating disorder if I wanted one or not.

Nope. I don't have one nor do I know anyone who has one.
Yes, I think I'm slightly over-weight(Wii fit doesn't say so), mostly because it seems most of my weight goes to my tummy. Apparently, I'm average weight, and I'm quite "skinny" everywhere other then my tummy. I "try" to cut down on (yummy) chocolate and junk, but my diet days only last a day or two, and after that, it takes me like a month to care about my weight again. I eat a lot, yeah, but no, I couldn't have a eating disorder if I wanted one or not.
If Wii Fit says you're average weight, then you can't be that far off. I'm not saying Wii Fit is totally accurate, because for one it's only based on BMI which doesn't take into account muscle vs. fat at all, just weight in general. I wouldn't worry about it because there is no 'right' or 'wrong' weight, unless it gets really to the point where it's a threat to your well-being. I have a little extra tummy weight too, but I still don't think myself as 'fat'. It's normal, usually for each person the weight gathers in one particular spot.

If Wii Fit says you're average weight, then you can't be that far off. I'm not saying Wii Fit is totally accurate, because for one it's only based on BMI which doesn't take into account muscle vs. fat at all, just weight in general. I wouldn't worry about it because there is no 'right' or 'wrong' weight, unless it gets really to the point where it's a threat to your well-being. I have a little extra tummy weight too, but I still don't think myself as 'fat'. It's normal, usually for each person the weight gathers in one particular spot.
I know, I don't think I'm "fat" either, to be honest. Well, compared to others in my class.

Since Cinderpelt posted her life story, I might as well post mine. :] Btw, what is Scleroderma? Well, I had anorexia a few years ago. I was really depressed, so it made me eat more. Then I gained weight, which made me even more depressed, so I was like I have to do something. So I started cutting back different foods and trying to push how much I could restrain myself. I used to overeat, so I was trying not to. I started losing weight.

I was happier with my weight since I lost some, but I couldn't stop eating so little. I felt like if I ate the foods I cut out, I would gain weight again. My parents made me count my calories one day, and I only ate 500, and I'd been doing that for like a month. They took me to the doctor, and I got a blood test, but it said my blood was ok. I was getting really depressed and my parents were making me drink Ensure after that. It probably saved my life.

I told my dad I want to see a hospital visit because I couldn't take being so depressed anymore. I was like that for a long time though, and it was gradual, so no one really noticed anything. The hospital was sent my medical crap and turns out at my last doctor visit, my heart rate was so slow, they took me in the next day. I stayed at the hospital for a week.


Man I could go on forever, but I'm great now, so don't worry about it.
I have a feeling I will be like that. I've been kinda depressed lately, and even though I'm skinny, I still think I'm fat. I still used to be skinnier, and then people always told me to get some meat on my bones. Or my old hag of a computer teacher told me to eat some mac and cheese cause I'm like always cold. (weird right) So I've been eating a little more than usual, and then at lunch today I ate not even half of my pizza and had nothing to drink. I ate skittles in social studies, though.

Oh, and Ensure tastes disgusting. My sister has to drink it and she made me try it. Yuck.

I'm glad most of you are getting better though.

I'm confused, tbh. I'm happy with my weight and body image, and am really confident, but most people think I have an eating disorder because I eat barely anything.. like a pack of skittles and some miso soup each day?.

But isn't anorexia when you don't eat to lose weight?

Because for me it's more that I can't be bothered, or nothing tastes good.


I'm very glad that I've never experienced an eating disorder.

A little while ago, though, I was upset with my weight and just the way I looked in general. Turns out the cause for all the snide comments about me being ugly and such were just actually because people apparently like to pick on teenagers who actually work hard at school, but anyway..

So I remember the time where I thought about my weight a lot. I was always just naturally chubby when I was younger, and that continued for a while. But everyone knows how it is in high school, and there's a lot of pressure to look thin and wear lots of makeup. So I got uspet one time when I looked in the mirror and thought that I looked REALLY fat. But luckily enough I didn't dwell on it too much, because I started losing weight and realised that everything I thought was fat from eating too much was puppy fat that you have as a child and lose as an adolescent. I'm a size 10 now, standing at about 5'7, and I'm actually really happy with the way I look right now. I'm glad that I love my food too much too have taken my weight worries so far that I ended up with an eating disorder.

I do know someone with anorexia. She's actually so worried about her weight that she's afraid to touch most food. The scary thing is, she's so malnourished that if, for instance, she falls down the stairs, she'll probably die.

Though, she's making progress now, and has put on half a stone, which is great news.

I had eating problems beginning before puberty. I wasn't diagnosed with an Eating Disorder until I was 14. My weight had dropped very low over those years. Really my weight just kinda went up and down, because I'd go into treatment to fix my Eating Disorder, amongst other things, and I would gain a little weight.

I wasn't happy. Even at 100 pounds or lower, I wasn't happy. Other organic mental issues didn't help either. I was on medication after medication. Therapist after therapist. When I was in the hospital they tube fed me, because I just couldn't stand to eat or just see food and know it's going in me [i know that probably sounds weird].

I'm 22 now. Almost 23 [in June]. I still have eating problems. I have more weight on me, but it is dropping again. I'm trying a new therapy approach, so things might work out better :3 An Eating Disorder is hard to get over, and not a lot of people understand which makes it harder.


Well, for a while now I've been eating... poorly? Since a bit before my last post in this topic. I don't really know why I'm doing it. I'm happy with my weight and I know I'm not "fat" or anything. My mum made me count my calories a couple of days ago and I ate just under 150 calories. That's how I usually eat every day. I'm losing weight, but I'm not doing it intentionally. My family has also started to comment on it and my friends are always nagging at me to eat something at school - but I just don't want to.

I got a bit worried today in running. I felt so weak whilst I was running. I came second, which I'm proud of, but I always come in the top three anyway. I usually feel fine after running, but today I felt rather dizzy, weak and tired. I just feel like I have no energy, and it's probably a result of the way I'm eating.

Idk why I'm like this. I saw a kid on the bus the other day, he was eating a doughnut. This sounds terrible but I found it revolting to watch so I turned away...

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I can't stand to see people eat, either. Especially if they chew loudly. I will seriously gag.

I got told today to get meat on my bones, and I lol'd. I eat a tad under what I should which I see no problem in doing, but if I'm hungry I'll get massive migraines if I prolong eating. ^_^

Well, for a while now I've been eating... poorly? Since a bit before my last post in this topic. I don't really know why I'm doing it. I'm happy with my weight and I know I'm not "fat" or anything. My mum made me count my calories a couple of days ago and I ate just under 150 calories. That's how I usually eat every day. I'm losing weight, but I'm not doing it intentionally. My family has also started to comment on it and my friends are always nagging at me to eat something at school - but I just don't want to.

I got a bit worried today in running. I felt so weak whilst I was running. I came second, which I'm proud of, but I always come in the top three anyway. I usually feel fine after running, but today I felt rather dizzy, weak and tired. I just feel like I have no energy, and it's probably a result of the way I'm eating.

Idk why I'm like this. I saw a kid on the bus the other day, he was eating a doughnut. This sounds terrible but I found it revolting to watch so I turned away...
Wait... you ate 150 calories in one day?? I ate more calories than that in the last five minutes, and no, i'm not overweight either and I always eat like this. I think that's a problem.

^ Most people should eat about 2000 calories in a day, and that's even less calories a day than I ate when I was anorexic. I would try to eat more, if you can't eat more, then see a doctor. I understand that you're fine with your weight, but you probably should eat more if you want to maintain it. You need 1400 calories every day even if you do no activity, that's just to keep your blood pumping and all.

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