-eats hand off-


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
realizing regret
eats nails-

-throws up-


I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

my relationship with my Grandmother, and teacher, has hit rock bottom. But its been affecting my schooling. A fair bit.

Enough that I'm considering going back to public school this school year.

But, THIS, is whats scary, people.

I have to decide.

By July 14th.

Then its official.

There IS no second decision on the matter.

At all.

I haven't been to public school since FIRST GRADE, people. Do you know how intimidating that public school sounds to me?

But so does failure.

I have an emmense fear of failure. And if I can't do well on my grades, thats the worst kind of failure for me and I think I might go crazy.

I HAVE to get good grades for me to stay reasonably sane, OK? The one time I got a C on a test I almost burst out in tears.

Anything below a B for me is just abominably bad, according to me. But anyways...

My schooling this year went very poorly. My bad relationship with my Gran/Teacher got in to it, half the day would be spent fighting, so on and so forth.

Theres one problem with homeschooling with a very easy teacher.

My Gran doesn't set deadlines.

That is what spells failure for me! I NEED deadlines. I CANNOT learn on a "go your own pace whateverthehell" type of thing. I need structure and order. If I don't have it I freak. Well, maybe nto freak, but I take advantage of it, THEN I freak.


That long from public school.

I also fear rejection. And I don't know how much that would emotionally stab my Grandma. She's already being somewhat dramallama-ish and hurt, and I don't know how she would react!

I have two extremely clashing fears right here. I had to type this because tonight I have insomnia.

But for me, anything under extremely high in the average scale is FAILURE. I cannot STAND failure!

But I can't stand working in a team or being bossed around, either, which is about 40% of what school is. I must admit, I am very intelligent, but I'm not a genius when it comes to formal work. Which sucks, because it means it irritates my fear of failure. D:

But still. IDONTKNOWHWATTODO! -pants and eats hand-

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Ummmmmm...... I'm not really sure how to handle this, I've never been in this situation. You could set your own personal deadlines for yourself. That might help.

Do what feel's right.

My friend Summer goes to Virtual school... And I don't feel it's best for her.

I think you should interact with other kid's. You would make more friend's and public school can be fun :3

But home school, you don't have nasty toilet's, annoying teacher's, and disgusting lunches...

So I think you should decide.

Maybe ask if you can go on a tour of one of the local school's.

I think you should go to public school. It's a much better life experience overall than homeschooling. Like, you'll get to intereact with other kids and get to experience all kinds of other stuff. Y'know? But, it's not my decision. Just do what you feel is best for you.

I agree with meowbark. Take a tour of the school that you might be interested in, and just.. well take a tour ^__^. Public school is really fun though. You should really interact with kids. You get to hang out in class, see the teacher's do some wacky fun stuff, have good hot lunches, (If they do that, otherwise then just pack your own lunch) and good kids. Period. But to see all of this, I strongly feel you should take a tour.

Public school isn't bad. Maybe you should take a shot. more likely you'll like it! ^-^


It sounds like I am a lot like you. ^^;; I fear failure, and anything less than an A is not alright with me. Also, I never get any of my work done without a deadline. So I feel for you there.

I agree with meowbark as well. Try taking a tour of your local public school. If you know some people who go to that school, talk to them and get their opinions. I'm a pretty social person, so I enjoy public schooling (as much as school can be possibly enjoyed, that is. x3) and meeting knew people and joining clubs. Of course, bothering the teachers is just as fun. >:]

But the lunches can be pretty disgusting, and cost quite a bit of money to buy everyday. Then you can always pack your lunch. :)

Are you going to be in elementary school, middle school, or high school? If you're going to go to middle school or high school, the transition may be a bit more difficult. =/ Lockers, switching classes, and all that happy crap.

Check with your Grandma to see how she feels about this, too.

Umm... I think that's about all I can ramble about... sorry if I didn't help you. ):

Good luck, whatever your discision!

Can't you get a new teacher? O.O;;


I'd try to fix my relationship with your Grandmother if I was you, and same with the Teacher... You should tell your teacher you need deadlines...


Heh... I stopped caring about school a while ago.



Don't do it please don't!!! Plllllz? You shall not leave me.

Just don't. Try to fix the problems. Make YOURSELF some deadlines. Punish yourself if you don't do it on time. PLEASE don't. Isn't it better at home? You can learn all SORTS of things that they don't teach in school. And you would miss out on all the conventions and stuff you were looking forward to. And hanging out for us will be alot harder. And my badly timed phone calls will be even worse. And with what you're interested in right now will be completely rejected at school. Just.. Just don't, okay?

I dunno. I like public school better honestly because it's more like the real world. Your classmates are your "coworkers" and you have to learn to deal and get along with others. Things like that can't be taught in homeschooling.

If you social are involved elsewhere with different activities and you can mend the homeschooling so it's right for you and you get the good education, then stick with it. But it's way harder to pop into the real world and be socially enept because you'll have to face the working life sometime. You may as well get used to it and learn how to cope. ;]

If the way you are being taught isn't working for you, you should change it. What matters most is that you learn, and if you aren't learning in a way that helps you (in this case being taught by your grandmother), then you should try the alternative which is going to a public school.

I really do enjoy going to school. It's great to have other kids around, because they make classes interesting. I also learn more having them around. Sometimes they will ask the teacher a question (more often than not it is completely and utterly random) and then we will have a huge discussion about the question and learn a ton. All of those discussions taught me so much stuff that I would never, ever learn without the other kids asking the questions that start the discussions. In most of my classes we spend half the time learning what was planned for us to learn, and the other half discussing random questions that came up. It's really great to get to see all the different opinions other people have on certain subjects, too. Going to my school really helped make me a more educated person, and it also made me learn how to accept new ideas and thoughts.

I have been homeschooled since Kindergarten-10th grade.

I have hated every minute of it, because my mother is a total perfectionist, and if it isn't perfect, it's totally incorrect.

I suggest going to public school or a private school. At least there you have an opportunity to make friends and interact with others. Homeschooling is not a good idea, for even though the curriculum may be stronger, I suggest private school.


Don't do it please don't!!! Plllllz? You shall not leave me.

Just don't. Try to fix the problems. Make YOURSELF some deadlines. Punish yourself if you don't do it on time. PLEASE don't. Isn't it better at home? You can learn all SORTS of things that they don't teach in school. And you would miss out on all the conventions and stuff you were looking forward to. And hanging out for us will be alot harder. And my badly timed phone calls will be even worse. And with what you're interested in right now will be completely rejected at school. Just.. Just don't, okay?
Wow. That is the most selfish view in this topic I've ever seen. Not trying to be harsh but I don't know how more polite I could be after reading something like that.

It's her choice and if she decides on a better quality education for herself you really should support that, even if it means a little less time with a friend. Plus if she does decide to try another method of education that'll help her and her grandmother get along better, that also should be supported.

Either way it benefits her I personally think you should be thinking of her best interests, not just yours from how your wrote that thing out...You guys can hang out when there's holidays, long weekends and other free moments :)


if you dont feel that a public school is right for you then try a private school....i go to one and its a lot easier than public school because

• there are no police or guards outside all the time in case of a school shooting by a student cuase the students are tought to not believe in volience (except Roy.......)

• in my school you can bring your own lunch or order from the school (our lunch is AWESOME!!! you can have chinese food and subway sandwhiches and pizza and pzza rolls!!!!!!! *yum*)

• the teachers are friendlier and instead of boring lessons you can use the smart board......

• yes there are dead lines.....

•you dont have to wear uniforms in some private schools...like mine

hope it helps!!!!!!

if you dont feel that a public school is right for you then try a private school....i go to one and its a lot easier than public school because
• there are no police or guards outside all the time in case of a school shooting by a student cuase the students are tought to not believe in volience (except Roy.......)

• in my school you can bring your own lunch or order from the school (our lunch is AWESOME!!! you can have chinese food and subway sandwhiches and pizza and pzza rolls!!!!!!! *yum*)

• the teachers are friendlier and instead of boring lessons you can use the smart board......

• yes there are dead lines.....

•you dont have to wear uniforms in some private schools...like mine

hope it helps!!!!!!
My school has no police and we've never had an issue with violence. You can bring your own lunch or order good food that my school gets from some of the restaurants in my town. We have friendly teachers who are absolutely amazing. Smart boards suck, and I'm happy that I didn't have to use them this year (my math teacher in seventh grade had one), there are dead lines, and we have no uniforms. All at a public school. Doesn't sound much different, to me.


Don't do it please don't!!! Plllllz? You shall not leave me.

Just don't. Try to fix the problems. Make YOURSELF some deadlines. Punish yourself if you don't do it on time. PLEASE don't. Isn't it better at home? You can learn all SORTS of things that they don't teach in school. And you would miss out on all the conventions and stuff you were looking forward to. And hanging out for us will be alot harder. And my badly timed phone calls will be even worse. And with what you're interested in right now will be completely rejected at school. Just.. Just don't, okay?

Its OK about the conventions if I choose public. They're all on weekends! =)

We usually hang out on weekends anyways, and if I did, I'm 100% sure we could make it work. <3 Its not like I'd abandon my BFFLLFFFLFFL.

Thanks so much for the advice, guys. Right now I'm leaning towards public, for multiple reasons, and I can always compare after a year of public vs my homeschooling and see which worked better for me. =) But I'm going to think it over for a couple days before making any rash decisions.

And to TigerLily, I'm pretty sure SF didn't mean to seem so selfish. We've been best friends forever, and homeschooling has given us tons of time together, and we've both gotten very used to being with each other alot.

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Wow. That is the most selfish view in this topic I've ever seen. Not trying to be harsh but I don't know how more polite I could be after reading something like that.
It's her choice and if she decides on a better quality education for herself you really should support that, even if it means a little less time with a friend. Plus if she does decide to try another method of education that'll help her and her grandmother get along better, that also should be supported.

Either way it benefits her I personally think you should be thinking of her best interests, not just yours from how your wrote that thing out...You guys can hang out when there's holidays, long weekends and other free moments ;)

Yeah I know o.o I just looked back at that, and it's like, woa.

But, I really think homeschooling IS better. For education, I mean. For socializing, then public school. I could use some public school myslef... comunication skills... orginization skills... both of which I don't have... But yeah you're right. Like, woa O_O I'm super-emotional.

[SIZE=7pt]You know, if I was in this situation, I would probably be anxious about it myself.[/SIZE]

But I have went under homeschooling for one year, and have decided against it for the next.

Now, I am happier in my current school. That's just me.

Homeschooling has it's advantages, such as being able to focus on your work better (no more gossiping between classes :wub: ), but I believe that you are missing out on some of the good times that you could be having in Public School. Friends to talk to, Field Trips, and ways to be organized and stay socialized.

I felt lonely that single year.

I do think that Private School is a good idea for you.

I am in it next year for High School, and it has saved me alot of anxiety.

Smaller classes, for example.

You need to focus on your work, and enjoy it at the same time.

Look through some schools, and find one that you may like. :wub:

Talk it out, and I hope it all goes well with your Grandmother.

Yeah I know o.o I just looked back at that, and it's like, woa.
But, I really think homeschooling IS better. For education, I mean. For socializing, then public school. I could use some public school myslef... comunication skills... orginization skills... both of which I don't have... But yeah you're right. Like, woa O_O I'm super-emotional.
It's alright if you have your own opinion on what education is better but it's up to your friend and not you so please try think of her more next time. That's all I was getting at.


Don't do it please don't!!! Plllllz? You shall not leave me.

Just don't. Try to fix the problems. Make YOURSELF some deadlines. Punish yourself if you don't do it on time. PLEASE don't. Isn't it better at home? You can learn all SORTS of things that they don't teach in school. And you would miss out on all the conventions and stuff you were looking forward to. And hanging out for us will be alot harder. And my badly timed phone calls will be even worse. And with what you're interested in right now will be completely rejected at school. Just.. Just don't, okay?

OMG that wuz very shelfish XD
Yeah it won't lemme edit it. Well, since my first post was very whiny and selfish, just consider my newer not-quite-as-selfish one:

I don't really care either way. At this point, there are really no more benefits from being homeschooled, other than learning at yiour own pace. The thing is, both situations have pros and cons, and you need to add them up and see which list of pros and cons you'll be able to live with better. I really don't care what you do, but maybe public school would be best, if it fixes your relationship and gets you more friends, then do it.

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