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Woa, i've never had lice (but theres a kid in my class who does so i do whatever is possible to stay away from him). That would totally suck if you got lice, i used to have long hair too (if i never cut it it would be past my knees right now XD. now its up to my shoulders)

Wow, there used to be a lot of notices of lice in my old school. I never got it. But just be careful and at the first signs of lice, get medicated shampoo. Just don't get paranoid though.... the slightest itch doesn't have to mean lice. *.-

I HATE LICE!!!!!!! It is the most annoying thing in the world. I've had it twice, it is horrible.

At least I know that lice only like CLEAN hair so I guess it's kind of a good thing if you get lice, LOL!

Really? So all you really have to do is not shower right? LOL just kidding.

u should be careful! i used to have lice last last summer but since i have long black hair they all died because it was too hot XD. but now its all gone

It's been happening in my class too.....we've gotten two notices about lice in the class. I am very uneasy with lice, so I try not to share hats, hairbrushes, pony-tails, or touch my head with anybody elses. I have long hair too (it's down to my waist). What I suggest is just not sharing hats, combs, ect. and putting your hair in a pony tail. I do not put my hair in a pony tail, but I should.........*shakes head* Anyhow, if you do end up getting lice then stay calm and don't panic. Pick up medical shampoo that is made especially for killing lice. Rub oil in your hair, and if you can leave it in over night. :(


Really? So all you really have to do is not shower right? LOL just kidding.
Exactly XD

Nah, you would have to shower to use the lice shampoo.

***This is what I REALLY hate about lice***


reason 1: It smells bad

reason 2: it takes so long to wash out

reason 3: It gives me dandruff!

It gives me dandruff because the shampoo is so strong that it takes away all the moisture from my scalp. (I don't have dandruff anymore)

Aww, mann. Having lice would be horrible. I mean ALL your stuff would be covered in it.

Yes it is horrible, I have had it twice before... :( Its not fun...!

I had to put oil all over my head and sleep with an itchy hat thingy on ALL night! I don't know how I got it, but I hated it!

lice sux like a vaccum!

be EXTRA careful

dont put your head near ANYONE!

they might not know they have it.

i didnt know stupid little bugs were crawling over my head for about 2-3 weeks!

so yeah, good luck, i hope they just go under a rock and die! XE

i just want to add something else- just a little note.

most people (usualy havent had lice) think its very gross and the person that got them must be very unclean.

its really not gross. yes, it can be painful and utterly annoying, but lice actualy like clean scalps- move easier.

so if you DO get lice, there is a bright side- they think ur head is very clean!

AHH!!!! I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE WORD LICE!!! Its the holidays and I had lice and the only girl who was with me was.... *GASP!!* MY BESTIE!! My mum thinks she has lice and were going to high school together!!!! EKK!!!

Bad things:

1. hair gets itchy all the time (ugh.)


3. you get panicy.

4. my mum got up to the point were she gcould put hair nets on everyone in the city. O.O

good things:

1. means your hair is clean!

2. use special shampoo.

3. spread it to the person who gave it to you (if you get it.)


I've never had lice before. I try not to share brushes, and if it's a hair emergency, I make sure the person who is borrowing it has never had lice/doesn't have it currently. My hair used to be long, a bit past my waist :) but then my dad made me cut it! B) I miss my beautiful long hair. Now it just goes a bit past my shoulders. But like everyone has been saying, they like clean scalps, so at least you know that you have good hygene! NOTE: Just because you don't have lice doesn't mean your scalp is dirty. :)

WOW......o_O id be scared lol i had it 6 times and i swear i better NEVER EVER get it agin or im gonna shave my head bald >.<

The best thing you can do is use tea-tree shampoo and keep your hair in a tight plait for school :D Lice hate the smell of tea-tree and will stay away from your hair :p If you know who it is then try not to make your hair touch His/Her hair :angry:


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