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nope, Ive only thrown up once in my life o.o'
Who, only once in your life? You must have like a really strong immune system. Mine isn't that strong but I still think it's pretty strong. I've probably thrown up like 15 times and it's not so great. Never in school though, and if I did, and 27 other kids were "eew"ing at me then well sure, eew, it's gross, but it's not my fault if some bug has infected me and caused me to show a not-so-fun ailment of sickness. So I mean, whatever. I would forgive them. But I'd never stare in horror at someone.

I did at the cafeteria. It was weird too, I wasn't smart enough to AVOID the hotdogs with white spots on them, so I got sick. Also, NEVER eat school-made bologna. (weird, I had to sing the Oscar Mayer theme song to remember how to spell bologna.)

i was out of skool 4 2 weeks in 2nd grade cause my toncils werent healing after i got them taken out. and i was out 4 a week when i had nemonia last year, if that is how u spell it

I haven't thrown up in class, but in the feild

when i was doing this long race, then i was sick.

But it came out more like water. o.o'


i was out of skool 4 2 weeks in 2nd grade cause my toncils werent healing after i got them taken out. and i was out 4 a week when i had nemonia last year, if that is how u spell it
not quite. Its pneumonia.

In the cafeteria at my school in kindergarten I did I drank caprie sun the strawberry one and it made me sick and I threw up on my friend. XD She was mad at me after lol.

:rolleyes: Seriouisly?

You are so darn lucky!

I throw up so much.

Probably 20 times in my life, for all I know.
I've only thrown up 2 times in my life.

once i threw up in pre k because i ate broccoli and ive had a grudge against it until 7th grade :rolleyes: :mellow:

Not really..

But my parents always made me go to school, so I always would throw up on the carpet. :lol:

No. xD If I'm going on a schoo trip, I only eat 2-3 gours before the journey, so on the bus, I only throw up water.

Last Time I Threw up Was in 2005. I only Puked in the Classroom once, that was in grade 1 though. The other kids were like "Ewww!" And i was like "Eh, Shaddap!". One food i will Never Eat again is Kraft Dinner. Last time i ate it was when i was like, 8 yrs old. I puked. The only way i'll eat Kraft Dinner now is if There is peices of Hamburger to go with it. Other Wise, I avoid it.

Last Time I Threw up Was in 2005. I only Puked in the Classroom once, that was in grade 1 though. The other kids were like "Ewww!" And i was like "Eh, Shaddap!". One food i will Never Eat again is Kraft Dinner. Last time i ate it was when i was like, 8 yrs old. I puked. The only way i'll eat Kraft Dinner now is if There is peices of Hamburger to go with it. Other Wise, I avoid it.
LOL. Whenever I ate somthing the same day I threw up I never wanted to eat it again, But I grew out of that stage xP


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