Egg Tama?


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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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Hi. I have a adorable pyontitchi, and at one point, he evolved into a egg! When I downloaded it, he as a pyontitchi! Anyone else have a egg tama?

Well I am not sure if this is the same but when the V.1 was in, my friend had her tama with her and it turned into an egg. On my friends list instead of a friend it shows an egg, no name what so ever. To this day on my V.1 I have the egg on my friends list!

~TP~ :)

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Ive heard of a lot of glitches where tamas evolve into eggs. This includes one where a womans tama never hatched, and she could play games with an egg, feed the egg, clean up its poop, etc. It was on a tama ancestor, though. I didn't know that something like this could happen to the connection tamas, though. Speaking of which, what version do you have?

I have heard of a cheat to keep your tama as an egg and you can treat it like a normal tama

P.S I have a pyontitchi too they are soooooooooooo cute! =] =]

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