Embarassing moments?


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Generally when someone starts a topic like this, they lead off with an example.

What kind of example do you mean, tell them of my embarassing moments? :)
Yes. I can't think of any right now (well, I can't think of any that would take less than fifteen minutes to type). I'll go to my blog and get some in a minute.

To get people started on this topic, I will tell one of mine. :p

Well once when I was three (remember I was 3 years not much old).

I was at preschool, and I needed to go to the bathroom...

I told my teacher, she said ok.

I went to the door, and I was afraid that when I went inside the door would slam my back..

So, I asked my teacher to open the door for me, and she said" Just go in"

And, I said"It's gonna slam my back".

The tyeacher said it wouldn't, I was to afraid...


Well, I peed in my dress. ;)

And I cried. ;)

(Remember I was ONLY 3!)

Well, this isn't truly embarassing, but it happened today.

My friend was over and I was going to cook dinner. (Since I do that. My parents weren't home..)

I burnt the food and needed to start over. XD; I did feel kinda bad, seeing as I wasted food and I have to eat the potstickers later...

err, in 1st grade there was a singing thing, well, there was a japanese song and we did a dance thing, but anyway, at the end, I walked to the wrong way. Everyone was laughing, and when I turned back around and ran, it was roaring laughter.

Ya, but don't worry mines more embarassing. ;)

It was infront of like the whole kindergarten... /.\

Hah. Me?

I don't know any times I've been embarrased. All I could remember was this year, we did a short skit, and I was supposed to say a REALLY short sentence, like 6 words. But all I did was Sputter. A few people giggled, Jelena and Marvin gave them the death glare. XD After quickly glancing at my friends, I remembered the line. XD

YAY MArvin and Helen! XD

Um, Me? Hehe... Um... I unno...

My tamagotchi once went off in teh middle of a quiet part in church X.X Hehe, I paused it after that.

Hm.. Not really embarrassing, but mine is more... Uncomfortable..

I ended up being stuck on the very end of the lunch table, sitting next to a boy who was known for crushing on all the girls. So I scoot all the way to the end, as far away from him as possible. We talk, he tells me I look lonely.. Then he starts SINGING to me. X_X I think the entire lunchtable heard.. He sang something like "Mr. Lonely" except the words were: Lonely, You look so Lonely... I was glad when lunch was over... XD

Now, this was both Embarrassing and Uncomfortable... And it was also at lunch.

On the second day of school, both my friends are cold lunch, so I end up sitting by a boy who was at the time an aqquantance. We joke around a lot. So he's bugging me, and I tell him I'll 'kill' him at recess. Then he says something like 'Oh yeah?' and picks up his supposedly empty applejuice carton. I tell him he'd better not, and he does anyway. He holds it upside down over my head, and guess what? It wasn't totally empty. Applejuice all over my head. (Right across from us sat the 'jocks', who laughed like crazy when it happened because they were watching.) I ended up having a sticky head the rest of the day because they couldn't do anything to let me watch it out. Joy. XD We're pretty good friends now, I understood he didn't know it still had applejuice in it, he knew I wasn't going to do anything to him at recess except give him the evil eye, so... Yup. lol

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My friend feel on her lunch box in the middle of class.

She looked like a klutz, so I had to do something.

I pretended to do the same thing for her sake, but nobody was very convinced.

I get embarrased by my Dad all the time.

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Here's one that had happened thus year.


Well, what I didn't know was that I had stage fright.

Umm this was like a musical play, but with songs like "Utah people working together blah blah blah".

Um, I had to say something really weird like " The Indain people called a Horse, a magical Dog" :D

And, I was there infront of like the whole school, and parents.

And, I said "Magical Dogs are related to Horses"... :p

O, and one I forgot to add on...

I was at seven eleven...

And, I got candy and a slurpee and stuff, my dad was talking to the cash register person.

And, there were a lot of people there...

He told EVERYONE, the way that I used to come in here and sing to everyone, with tights on my head!... :D

I never forgave him for that one, parents... :p

In first grade, me and some others had to dance aroudn on stage for this Mexican thing. When we were dancing, I almost fell of the stage. Everyone was laughing. xD

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