Embarassing Moments


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Well I have anxiety so just about ANYTHING can be embarressing but none are exactly entertaining so I won't bore you with everyday stories. :p

I DID puke all the way down the hall to the nurses office in Kindergarden, though! XD

Here's another one, this only happened 2 weeks ago.
At HPE my class was playing handball and the ball was hit to me. I went back to square up the shot, but instead the ball hit me in an unfortunate place. I think you are getting what I'm talking about. But the embarassing thing was it stayed there. Like, it hit me in the crotch area (I'm a girl, so yeah) and STAYED THERE. Like glue or something. It took me a while to realise, when i saw it I was just "OMG!" -flickballaway- -throwballatrandomperson-

And then, that earnt me the most embarassing nickname ever. "Ball in crotch"

The EXACT thing happened to me ;)

Once, my friend playfully pushed me into this random guy. He was in a bad position at the moment, since my hand went RIGHT in between his legs. I wanted to die x_x

I tripped, and landed in the arms of some random 9th Grader :D

This really annoying guy in my class threw an eraser bit at me, and it went down my shirt D:

When I was in Grade 5, a fuzzy-like spider went on my desk and I screamed REALLY loudly. It turned out to be a piece of cotton.

Trust me, I have more.

I got mistakened for a boy.I dunno if it was more embarassing or more insulting x.x
That's happened about four times to me this year. The kids my school are oblivious to the fact I'm a bit developed and wearing a girl's outfit, then go ahead and think I'm a guy. I have to point it out at times,

"I'm a she, a female."

For me it seemed more embarassing. x.x

That's happened about four times to me this year. The kids my school are oblivious to the fact I'm a bit developed and wearing a girl's outfit, then go ahead and think I'm a guy. I have to point it out at times,"I'm a she, a female."

For me it seemed more embarassing. x.x
Lol, I don't think I look like a boy.

That was the FIRST time I've ever been mistakened for one.

I don't dress like one.

& I have really long hair.

I was about to bite the teacher's head off when she said "You're a girl??"

Everyone was like "WTF? SHE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE A BOY!"

But there wasn't a surprise to that.

She is the teacher that sees purple cows o.o

[yeah... she's insane.]

i was running one day (i was in 2 grade) and my pants have buttons,not sewed together and then i was running and then they came off (all the buttons) in front of everyone one in my class......

In class, I was yawning, but a burp came out. I don't think anyone really noticed. Except for the teacher.

In P.E., we were playing soccer, and this guy tripped me. I pretty much flew and then hit the ground.'

I fell in front of Kennedy from The Maine. No, I'm just kidding. But if I did, he'd probably comfort me. And I'd LOVE that.

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Lol, I don't think I look like a boy.That was the FIRST time I've ever been mistakened for one.

I don't dress like one.

& I have really long hair.

I was about to bite the teacher's head off when she said "You're a girl??"

Everyone was like "WTF? SHE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE A BOY!"

But there wasn't a surprise to that.

She is the teacher that sees purple cows o.o

[yeah... she's insane.]
I don't think I look too much like a guy. If I was in a guy's outfit and lost my development, I could probably pass for a guy if I tried hard enough.

I have a teacher who is insane too. Today, in honor of Turkey Day she made us fill in this graph. The picture ended up being a guy about to stab a turkey. She scares me. x.x

I don't think I look too much like a guy. If I was in a guy's outfit and lost my development, I could probably pass for a guy if I tried hard enough.
I have a teacher who is insane too. Today, in honor of Turkey Day she made us fill in this graph. The picture ended up being a guy about to stab a turkey. She scares me. x.x

I seriously lol'd.

That's hilarious!

A guy stabbing a turkey??

That teacher really is insane then xDD

Once, I was trying to get onto the bus to go home from school and everyone was pushing to get on and the zipper of someone's bag got caught on my blouse and ripped it all the way up the side!!!

I have plenty more, but that was one of my worst.

LOL.I seriously lol'd.

That's hilarious!

A guy stabbing a turkey??

That teacher really is insane then xDD

She is, she scares me so much. I've had nighmares about her, honestly.

I pulled down my uderwear with my pants in the locker room -__-'
.....My sister does that all the time. xDD


I showed Amanda Drew[This boy I have a crush on if some of you don't know], and she only lets me talk about Scott, so I told her how cute he was, and she got MAD at me, and almost yelled it out in the hallway. ;_;

I got locked outside of my school o.o

I have "elementary aid" for an elective, so I have to go to the nearby elementary school.

I brought first graders out t gym and then I wanted to go in because it was cold.

& the door was locked... then 30 min later I realized a door nearby.

I was about to go use that door then the lady who's in charge of opening the door FINALLY comes to the door to open it for me.

And when I went to my next class, my face was all red and a dude in my class made a ...rude... comment.

^ Oh my. That's embarrassing. I would want to die if that ever happened to me.

At school we had to run a mile, I was running and there was mud everywhere.I got oushed by some other guy by accident and fell in the mud.The only thing I could remember was getting pushed , and then all of a sudden im in the mud all dirty...XD

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